“A real professional wouldn’t shoot a portrait with a 35mm”

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hey everybody so i had a different video planned but i received one of those comments um that i had to address and you know besides the derogatory mean aspect of it which you know really doesn't bother me because i'm old i don't give a um one one of the last comments he made um was a real professional would never use a 30 female middle lens for portraits anyway it distorts the face bubble it's like telling me um his his opinion which is directly in line with the kool-aid he drank from influencers you can shoot a portrait with any lens it's how you use that lens that matters so just to drive the point home and to get you out of the mindset that you have to have an 85 1.4 or 1.2 to shoot portraits which is the norm i guess and you know kind of infuriating to me um i mean i you know i it it creates a great portrait and the the argument that i get from from some people all the time and they're usually you know people just starting out is this is what the people want uh so this is what i give them and you know the people will take anything you give them if you give them something unique and they look great in the photo and i understand that you know that you want to provide the blown out blurry no idea where you're at background at all times because it's the trend um and there's nothing wrong with that uh but you know being like everybody else puts you into just a category and you know at this point in time um even those of you that that swear by the 85 1.4 or 1.2 and want that blurry the only thing that matters in this picture is the background not the subject kind of look and yeah i'm being a little belligerent and and for a reason even you have to go oh god all these photos look the same and i'm not being an i'm really not it's just it's just fact that like every single image you see the subject has changed everything else is exactly the same you know so the one point i want to point out in this is this week just this week only stop down your lens show some environment back up a little bit and and just see what you can do with it see if you like it you may go wow you know adding something you know other than blur is is a good thing believe me you can make your subject pop out of the image with with a relaxed great portrait and still show part of the environment and and draw your people in more texture texture matters in an image and you get very little texture you know maybe a centimeter you know this eyes in focus and everything else is just and i even hate to say the words because they make me nauseous creamy boca now granted i know there's times that that that blurry background is a great thing and adds a lot to an image um and or you know you know if you're at a dump site and don't want to show the dump site but which i think is crazy because the dumpster would be kind of cool for some of the portraits anyway um you know get out of this comfort zone of just i mean literally anybody can do these photos if you have the lens you have the camera and you have a pretty subject you know put it down to 1.2 the camera's going to do the focusing for you it does the thought process all you do is push the little button find environments find something that's actually good looking in the background yeah it's still going to be a little blurry obviously because you want your subject to pop but stop down a little bit show a little bit more anyway getting back to the main subject of this as i always go off and i rant you can shoot portraits of 35. and this was in reference to the 23 millimeter fuji which i love by the way absolutely fabulous lens and yeah it was a great portrait lens the images look fantastic and and as a somewhat of a pro i can tell you that it works but to drive the point home um i'm going to shoot a session with a 28 millimeter today just a straight 28 millimeter i'm not great at wide angle portraits but i'm willing to work at it to make it great and you can shoot portraits even with a 28 millimeter or a 24 but i'm going to use the 28 today and you know just let you sit on the chute and show you some of the images from it so don't drink the kool-aid all the time um you know yes there's some great valid points that youtube photographers youtube photographers not influencers make that's very very helpful i mean how i still watch youtube photographers to get tips and hints and ideas but youtube influencers posing as photographers i'm sorry you know if this pisses you off i'm sure you'll give me the comments i don't care you can't keep pram and down people's throats because it sells something for a company that sends you free okay yes photographers you can use a 28 you can use a 24 you can make some unique photos with these of course if you go into their face this far away with a 28 millimeter it's going to distort face so back off a little bit stop down a little bit you can shoot 1.7 with a lens and get that blurry background if you're back just a little bit and not distorting your face try it have fun with it and this week just stop down your lens pay attention to your background and see what you can get i think you're going to be like really impressed with yourself and some of the images you produce are going to be you know you're going to enjoy it and it's going to give you a different look other than the creamy bokeh anyway have a great day here's the shoot i hope you enjoy it and again sorry for the rant and the anger and you know going off a little bit see ya so the first part of this shoot i'm using the godox ad200 with that angler softbox setup love this gonna try it um and it's just one strobe i have the grid on it and this is how i started out and you see how close i am to the model there's very little distortion in our face whatsoever and or in the product this i had to throw in just to embarrass her because it was so close but man did she save it slippery gloves anyway um and then i switched to leds because i just couldn't get the look i was looking for with the one strobe so i threw one behind because i wanted to light up the bottle of course from behind and have that light coming through but just a a real brief look at at some of the photos that i took and how close i was with the 28 millimeter and this is on the like a q2 you can shoot portraits or anything else this that's a stack of papers i found because i just needed a quick fill i didn't want to pull out my big reflector so i just used a stack of paper to give that a little bit of fill on the left side it's that easy and the last section here is just natural light so yes you can shoot portraits with a 28 millimeter lens
Channel: The F/Stops Here
Views: 49,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K-UwdCgq3fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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