“10/10 would not smoke glue again!!!"

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what drug did you take once and thought nope never again I was a senior in high school when Hurricane Katrina hit our house got six feet of water no fun but one night my friends and I went to the gutted out house to smoke the marriage when her out of a buddy's hooker buddy failed to inform us he had recently glued the bowl back together well the crew lost composure two people fell off the dock into the bayou and everyone started panicking that they'd get hypothermia not gonna happen during Louisiana summer so people leave I Drive a group to our next spot my Pontiac Sunfire is now a spaceship my buddy riding shotgun started cackling hysterically yelling about rattlesnakes in the road we don't got those and the two in the back were talking about magic assumption we couldn't make it to our destination due to freaking out so when to hang out in a grocery store parking lot till we regained composure ten tenths would not smoke glue again that reminds me a kid in my HS band class used to breath through his trumpet for air it's disgusting and you're not supposed to do it and after a while he started to have seizures and it was caused from long-term exposure to a chemical used to oil the valves Jesus that's pretty terrible crack it was too good I get the hype this I smoked crack for one night and it was amazing people ask me sometimes and the only way to describe it as how it feels to chew five gum the feeling the next morning was an unparalleled hell much worse than after a night of regular blow never again crack is hands down my favorite drug I love how it tastes I love making it sometimes I smell something that smells just like it tastes and I get an instant craving but it is so destructive hundreds and hundreds of dollars gone in a night any time I did it I did it until I ran out of money haven't done it in about a decade and I never will again that I wish I could sound like my ex said she can't even look at certain things without getting the crave really sucked letting someone like that go you who you once at four but instead fell in love with such a destructive drug and habit glad you made the choice and it worked out well for you it's never worth it and you lived it see you know best wish you well salvia it's a very short trip but I felt so much physical discomfort like my whole body was being shoved into a box despite the fact that I was sitting in the grass with a group of friends apparently it's not an uncommon side-effect of the drug I felt like my body was made of sand and the air conditioner unit behind me was blowing me away piece by piece one of the scariest experiences of my life had a buddy who took it while I was trip sitting he kept falling over and I'd prop him back up happened like five or six times when he came to he told me he thought he was pages in a book being flipped oxicontin [ __ ] was too relaxing and didn't last long I had knee surgery and they gave it to me for the pain I took it for a week and when I wasn't on it I really wanted more after a week of it I never wanted to touch that again same for me I was prescribed some after a pretty painful oral surgery and the first day back at work don't worry it was a desk job no heavy machinery the pain was so bad I gave in and took one I remember zoning out at one point looking at the clock on my computer and realizing I had just sat at my desk staring at the screen for two hours and my mouth still hurt like a [ __ ] I started with 30 pills and the other 29 sat in my cabinet for years until I finally took them into one of those expired drug collection things at a local pharmacy I was prescribed it after getting my wisdom teeth taken out took them twice just to help with the pain so I could sleep I woke up multiple times because it felt like I had stopped breathing from being too relaxed never touch them again not a drug but I was told I needed to take a fiber supplement and went with the fiber pills then I went to the emergency room because I felt like I couldn't breath within a few minutes of taking them fiber pills swell up easily with water so they can end up like they are sealing your throat I now take fiber gummies and actually enjoy having a little treat every day this holds some little gem in a comment section full of hardcore drugs go on with your fiber gummies you people joke that fiber supplements can and will cue up they absorb water like crazy which gets them stuck in places ironically they can also cause blockages in your intestines so you have to drink water like crazy and take them at the exact same time every day ideally with food any less than that and you'll be cramping all day like someone kicked you right in the kidneys for me meth I did it once under the presumption that it was cocaine it was not I had to go to the hospital I mean I probably didn't have to but at the time I had only smoked weed I didn't know how to deal with the increased heart rate and paranoia for my friend defen he drew me maca benadryl he is a really hardcore tripper and can handle inhuman amounts of psychedelic substances but he said that the one drug he would never do again with benadryl he said that his experience had lots of spiders I'm quite the psychonaut so when I heard Eph was a thing I of course had to try it I did it way too many times but the worst absolute worst time was the last time I did it I was in and out of consciousness and I was having such vivid dreams I had been snapchatting my ex-girlfriend I'd wake up and we were talking at the time but not about what I thought it was so I'd answer in some delirious manner fall back asleep and repeat eventually I started to sew the down and my entire house was spinning around me and I couldn't move never again ambien woke up in my underwear on my neighbor's porch my girlfriend was having trouble sleeping and her doctor gave her a prescription for ambien first couple of nights no problem then I wake up one night and find her in the kitchen all the burners on the stove turned on for semi lucid she said she wanted to make soup I managed to get her back into bed two nights after that I wake up to find her out in the garage in the car engine running wearing just a pair of knickers said she needed to go to Albertsons because we didn't have peanut butter she quit taking ambien after that I didn't know ambien by name different brand name here but I instantly knew what it was when I read the story brand name still not here and I have a [ __ ] ton of stories since I've taken them when needed for like 15 years I had no idea what ambien was had trouble sleeping due to anxiety and friend gave me something called still narcs I knew very little about sleeping pills and turns out keeping myself up instead of trying to sleep lead to some interesting experiences nothing extreme but images pictures while browsing felt alive paintings especially portraits were creepy moving their heads following me with their eyes no more portraits in my flat after that experience ketamine the air doctor said it was safer than proper for yes the stuff that killed Michael Jackson that he used it in the army many times and it just has - side effects he'd inject me with it I'd go out like a light and not remember a thing well what seemed like years later I woke up from my near-death experience with lizard God people hovering over me mumbling some foreign language I had fell from reality into a black hole I traveled the cosmos of the universe transcended the plains of time and landed back on Somalian world called Earth a few hours later I realized I was in error and this doctor had taken me on a psychedelic trip of a lifetime I got put to sleep as a not very religious person I woke questioning my existence in God never again well until I died I was given ketamine to knock me out for dental surgery and I guess they didn't give me enough because I woke up halfway through able to feel everything they were doing the dentist looked like a giant crow pecking at my teeth they noticed I was awake and gave me more and when I finally woke up I screamed the entire ride home and for two hours after just hysterical screaming I'm sorry you had to go through that it's called associated anesthesia which is a common side effect tetracycline turns out I'm allergic did God steal your doctor's notes I know what you were trying to say muscle relaxants worst cramps I've ever had when the drug stops working and you realize you have cramping muscles at the soles of your feet and between all your bones my dentist gave me vicodin and muscle relaxers after getting my wisdom teeth removed everything was soft even the air muscle relaxants don't work and they just made my muscles twitch for a couple hours straight I got prescribed some of the harder after injuring my neck at least for me they did work but the air aftermath was sOooo unpleasant I took one of my ex-girlfriends muscle relaxants once to deal with terrible neck pain honestly it was an incredible experience and it's no wonder she was much more pleasant to be around when she was taking them don't remember what mine was called but it was the strongest dosage it was from my arthritis I have in my spine heroin too good knew it had get its claws in me if I did it a second time some people say it's like a whole body orgasm is that true I would say that if a sneeze is 5% of an orgasm for a fleeting moment heroine is 3050 percent of one for a couple of hours quit trying to make me do heroin you know the famous saying liquor before beer don't do heroin sir Alan I'm not shooting heroin with you we will snort heroin like mature adults vinod role took around seven to eight hundred milligrams like 25 or 30 pills awhile ago to trip not a good recreational drug it's like how people who don't do drugs imagine acid to be like I'd actually vividly see things and people that weren't there I'd see people come in the room I was in and sit next to me on the couch and I start having a conversation with them only to blink and have them disappear I'd get up and start filling up a cup of water and bam it'd be back on the couch never having gotten up I don't remember most of the night but my friend said I was just in a complete different world they had some funny stories from it though apparent at one point I pulled my pants down and just said ins in my pants holy freaking shoot dude that's a lot of benadryl and I mean a lot if I remember right you can trip on half of that or less gess check around next time surprised you didn't end up in the hospital or something he did end up in the hospital but then he blinked and he was on his couch the benadryl kept corrupting his new saves trazodone for sure I was in the hospital to get my heart fixed up and was having a hard time falling asleep to this day no one is sure exactly what happened if I was given too much or just had a bad reaction or what but I remember laying there and thinking something wasn't right I got up and just kind of wandered around trying to find a nurse I was freezing but pretty sweaty too and couldn't really see or hear so well and you know that feeling when you bang your funny bone my whole body felt like that the weirdest part was I kept realizing oh man I'm in trouble and would start to panic but then a second later I'd sorta forget and feel so serene I remember a nurse running towards me but she looked like she in slow motion like we were underwater keine and I knew I had something really important to tell her but couldn't remember what it was all I could think was how beautiful everything was how the light was catching her hair and her sneaker squeaking across the floor sounded like a symphony I remember smiling at her and just kind of slumping against the wall and then everything went dark I woke up hooked up to a bunch of monitors with a lot a worried faces standing around my blood pressure had dropped down to nothing and if they hadn't found me when they did I probably welded I six-tenths experience it was very beautiful but they made me chug so much yellow Gatorade and to this day that stuff makes me gag edit glad / sad to hear I'm not alone in WAC experiences w trazadone that being said I'm the furthest thing from a doctor and as far as I understand my outcome was pretty rare I've met a lot of people who've benefited from trazadone for sleep / anxiety and what happened to me was just sort of the perfect storm of drug sensitivity and underlying blood pressure issues so talk to a doctor trazadone might be right for you or kill you again idk my dad gave me a dilaudid he had left over from his hip surgery because I had a sore neck I felt an almost overwhelming sense of euphoria I knew I could never take another one was in the hospital as and because of being a former practicing alcoholic for many years after an especially bad week I gave myself acute pancreatitis and was in the worst unending pain of my life I genuinely wanted to die rather than keep feeling that way even a second longer one hit of dilaudid and I felt happier and better than I could fathom I immediately and fully understood even in the storm of that moment why people can absolutely ruin their lives with painkillers seems like you learned two lessons at hospital visit ended up staying in the hospital for a few days partly also due to them making sure I wasn't going to be a danger to myself but even my stubborn self managed to see outside myself that time going on three years clean since xanax took a bar at a friend's house all I remember was watching Game of Thrones at a friend's house the next thing I know I'm at my apt and it's a day later wasn't a bad experience for anything it was just alright and felt like a waste of time plenty of better drugs out there that stuff is a devil I used to like taking it before going to work you blink an eye and your shift is over in the meantime your cow Walker's are all [ __ ] on you for being but work xenix is the worst for people are thinking they are pulling it off glad I'm off that [ __ ] mans Enix's of level law xanax is truly the king of I'm keeping it together I look fine when all your cow Walker's are watching you struggle to stand up and walk right I've seen the Shep [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 273,387
Rating: 4.8643298 out of 5
Keywords: worse drug of all time, trying a drug once and thinking never again, never again trying this drug, askreddit smoking glue, reddit and chill smoking glue, askreddit drug stories, askreddit never again trying this drug, reddit and chill drug, reddit and chill, smoking glue
Id: qZLWzFY5Q48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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