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Gypsy cards or Thai astrology There's no solution. There are only two solutions, Mr. Woody. The first thing is to make merit. The second thing is to make your mind up. The statistics I've collected are very accurate. We know exactly when things are going to happen. Like if it happened back in the time when I had serious problems. It really follows the principles of Thai astrology. What is in Thai astrology? which people may think is ignorant I feel that the solution Real feng shui. There is no mystery about this. There was no auspicious item at all. Everything is scientific Your nickname is a master who is not ignorant. Feng Shui is not a subject that you have to believe in. It's a subject that you just try to follow. I already know whether it works or not. Your nickname is a genius who is not ignorant. / Yes, I listen and I feel. Made me intend to think the same. And then in the past Superstition and science It's better to let Master Shen speak. How do Thai people associate superstition with Feng Shui? What does he understand? My personal view I think that feng shui It's a type of energy. / Yes, it's no different from a matter of direction. That it has energy. / Yes , right? Mr. Woody knows that north and south are the directions. The energy must definitely be different. If it's not different, The compass probably doesn't know, right? that it must rotate in that direction/correctly in the same way Eastern energy all west directions The energy is not the same. In the morning the flowers must bloom. / In the evening the flowers must close. It's a different energy. In fact, if we really study the science of Feng Shui, we will know that the science of Feng Shui is not a superstitious matter at all. It was the survival of people in that era. If we don't understand that this season you have to sow. This season you must collect This season you need to stock up on food. It's winter and you're dead. So actually the Chinese compass that we see is a Chinese compass that tells the calendar to tell the seasons. Tells where each star is. Actually, it is how people lived in the past. Which sometimes is difficult. that we will explain in scientific terms In that era he didn't understand. But when Master Shen talked about directions It made me very clear. I think that if that happens I've heard this sentence for a very long time. I'll understand right away. Because North and South energy is not the same. / That's correct. Before becoming a teacher, Professor Shen is in the field of computer science. As I said Working with a famous news agency It's better to use this word at the world level. / Yes, what's it like working there? / Good, I'm in this company, meaning it's a branch in Thailand. Then I took care of the computer command entry part. I'm a programmer. Very good. Good life. Twenty years of studying. and then use it in this career. / Yes, but why did you decide to quit? I have to say this: We work Monday to Friday, right? And at that time I also went to study for a master's degree in business administration at Chulalongkorn University, on Saturdays and Sundays. Every day I sit in front of the computer and hold the mouse, every Monday to Sunday. From ten a.m. to ten p.m. every day. Finally, the result is I too am sick. That is, there was one time, one day. While studying at Chulalongkorn University, I used my hand to massage myself in this position. / Yes, I went to massage in this position. After massaging it, it made a loud noise inside my throat. After it rang What happened was that I was dizzy, vomited, my hands were shaking, I couldn't look at the screen and couldn't see anything, I was shaking. So I had to see a doctor. No matter how many modern doctors you go to, they check you according to your symptoms. He saw that I was dizzy and checked the water in my ears, checked my brain, checked my stomach. I saw vomiting, was I vomiting? I checked this and that, but I couldn't find the cause . I've had half a million baht worth of treatment for a year, and I couldn't find the cause . It was just the beginning from / massaging the neck. Which I finally came across after a year. Found that it was caused by I understood that it was a sudden muscle contraction. Then it constricts the blood vessel. It doesn't allow the blood to flow up to the brain very well. The symptoms are similar to people getting car sick on land. I was very drunk at that time. To the point that even my mobile phone vibrates in my wallet, making me vomit. So why does doing this pose have an effect? Yes, I understand that this massage position is wrong. That is, it's probably going to hit. Some muscles in the neck To this day, it still hasn't completely disappeared. Nowadays it has become I have to do physical therapy from time to time as well. Then when I encountered that incident What happened next in life? I can't work on a computer. / Yes , I studied for twenty years to become a programmer. And I can't look at the computer screen. He's dizzy and he's going to vomit. Can't hold the mouse So it became I had to resign from work. Life during that time was very bad. I lost my job and my wife broke up. This is the problem we encountered. / Yes, no matter how much money I have saved, I have to give it back. Let's clear things up because we borrow together. Must refinance I feel like I reset my life from having everything. There isn't anything. / Yes , and it's like that. No matter how many doctors I treat, it doesn't go away. Until finally, after treatment for a long time, the doctor said I have depression. I've been checked at one hospital before. He checked that I had depression. He said have you ever thought about committing suicide? To which I answered that I used to think / Yes, because I was sick I thought / Yes, until one day I woke up early in the morning. And then there was no work, nothing to do. I asked myself: Why did I wake up? Why didn't I... just die? When I reached that state, It was very difficult to continue. / Difficult. At that time, he honestly thought about committing suicide. He thought about it every day , but he had to accept that there was a voice. It came in. It was the voice of my own mind. He told me something like Want to try your hardest one more time? And if it really doesn't work, then you'll just die. So I felt okay. If I studied various subjects, what did I study in computers? And then unable to work on the computer. Why don't we try to find other subjects? Or are there other occupations that we can do without using a mouse? No need to look at a computer screen. Don't touch it. / Yes, that's the first point. That led me to study the subject of prophecy. At that time, I decided to fly up to Chiang Mai, go find a teacher , go find a teacher I used to know. But I have never had the opportunity to meet him. Because we also work full time, right? That was the turning point for me entering this industry. How old were you then? Probably in his early thirties. What opportunities did you see then? At that time, I didn't see many opportunities. I'll be honest, Mr. Woody. I just saw that I could survive. When I first studied, I went to do forecasting. We were able to earn 300-600 baht a day. I was able to survive. From doing what? From playing gypsy cards before the beginning, oh gypsy cards, and then after that, when we started making money I studied more about Thai astrology. Follow different things until you start to feel confident then come and teach. During the teaching period... Teaching Gypsy cards? / Teaching Gypsy cards first. Finished teaching. Ok, we call it Gypsy or Tarot. The meaning is the same. Really, Tarot cards are an international name. / Yes, Gypsy is called only by Thai people. / Okay, when we start to be proficient, we will teach. When we teach, we stay in this industry for a while. I encountered a problem / it was Gypsy cards or Thai astrology. There's no solution. There are only two solutions, Mr. Woody. The first thing is to make merit. The second thing is to make your mind up. Like Thai astrology I have to admit that it's very accurate. It's really accurate. It even knows the date when something will happen. Wait a minute . Astrology from tarot cards. How is it Thai astrology? When tarot cards are universal It's two subjects. I use both subjects together. You put Thai astrology and tarot together. Yes, and Professor Shen is saying that Thai astrology is very accurate. Accurate . From the statistics I've gathered, it's very accurate. We know exactly when things are going to happen. Like if it happened back in the time when I had serious problems. It really is according to the principles of Thai astrology. Planets and stars are expected to align. What kind of kidnapping is this? It's like that. Is Thai astrology scientific? It's definitely science. Because we really have to study the stars. The father of Thai astrology is King Rama IV. He is the most expert in this matter. One of the things of Thailand. It is to be able to study Thai astrology. You must understand the movement of stars. What in Thai astrology might people consider superstitious? I feel that the solution is actually that in Thai astrology it is a star. It's energy, right? It's something that has to happen. It's a star that has to move. Dao can't stop. / Yes, but when it comes to making corrections like I said, there's no such thing. / Yes, there's just making merit and making peace. In fact, does it have an effect on making merit? It has an effect, but it's very indirect. It's Mr. Woody when we have a problem. Suppose I say next month. We must have lost a large sum of money. Or the person you love will leave you. I have a question like this. Is there a way to fix this, doctor? Suppose I just say that you go make merit at this temple. Go and release nine fish at three temples like this. The question is, it has a mental effect that makes us feel like it won't happen. It's a mental solution. It's a roundabout solution . It doesn't really solve the problem . If it does happen, yes That is the nature of... So what should you do to solve the problem? It doesn't exist in this course. So I continued my studies until I found Chinese subjects. Chinese subjects are completely different from another world. / Yes, Chinese subjects are philosophy. Chinese subjects are about elements and energy. This Chinese subject is talked about. It's not Feng Shui / It's Feng Shui. It's Feng Shui / Feng Shui is one of the five Chinese philosophies. Chinese philosophy also has five principles. which is to cover all From human beings' lives, habits, horoscopes, feng shui, auspicious times, making cemeteries, making various graves for the living, what do we call all of this? We will call it a physiognomy subject. Thai people misunderstand physiognomy / OK, very good. This was a conversation that really opened up my compact world. Because we have been using these words since childhood. But we never put That it has a data set or something? It's all physiognomy. / Yes, but physiognomy that we've always understood is just the face. That's correct. The word physiognomy means five. Heng means the five important things. Which may also mean the five elements. / Yes , our face consists of the five elements. Feng Shui also consists of the five elements. Direction also consists of the five elements. Seasonal energy consists of the five elements. / Yes, but back to the physiognomy of duty that the Chinese believe in. It causes some people who may not be interested in this matter to think that no, it's about your ability, your face. What does it have to do with the results that will happen in the organization ? It's very relevant . Actually, our thoughts are the first thing, they come out before our eyes. And the eyes are the first thing that cannot lie. that is, even this science It is a science that in Europe they study seriously. It is a science that deals with all behavior down to the face. It is called physiology. It is a science that studies The human body is a type of physiognomy. To detect lies, physiognomy is also used to detect them. It will have behaviors, habits, or even Some actions that make us know You've changed. Sometimes we see or hear that large organizations use this matter to get involved. Makes me question all the time: Doesn't it look like you're capable? Right? It only looks like the outside. But I think in the end it will probably be used together. I think it's part of it, not the whole thing. That's right, in the Chinese way. Energy in this universe is not just human energy. There are three energies. The first one is celestial energy. The second one is human energy. The third one is earth energy. Today we are taught to believe what we see. What we can easily understand So we are only interested in human energy. We know that we are diligent. We study more, we study, we have to be better. We have to become richer , but actually there is also heavenly energy and earthly energy that promotes us. Without us knowing This is feng shui. Affecting the matter of Health and even psychology are the main ones. In some houses He is very serious about not using cracked things. Do not put inauspicious images in the house. Because these things It has a direct effect on the mind. The door to the house is the same, Mr. Woody. Whatever we want, he lets us stick to it. that represents that in front of the house Therefore, feng shui is the real element. It doesn't have a mystery. There was no auspicious item at all. Everything is scientific Everything is symbolic. It is something that tells us that What do you want? You just add that in. So Feng Shui is not a subject that you have to believe in. It's a subject where you just try to follow it and you'll know. that it works or doesn't work Now it has developed very far. Because recently the teacher also has an application. / Yes, that's what I said. Well, I went through a lot of bad life and then I came across Chinese subjects. It changed my life. It can be said that I have grown in experience. / Yes, I made a leap within 2-3 years after we tried using this subject. So I applied this subject to others in many ways, and it was very effective. Until last year, I felt that If I stay like this I'm very slow at helping people. I want to know what I will do. I set out to help a million people, and I found a way. That is, I made an application. So what does this application do? In this application, I will use the date / month / year of birth of the person who comes to register and then we use the day / month / year of birth to calculate. What is your starting element? So what is the element you're missing? We will make this application. will be the calculation. How you should deal with life each day. And how will it be an application that is continuously accessed? When you go in to register once and get the results. And it has to keep moving, right? Yes, every day the energy will change. / Yes, in the application I will calculate for you how much today How good is daily energy for you? comes out as a number So that means can we look at it in advance? / Yes. In my application, it will be done months in advance. So that we can plan our lives. When should you use which day to do what? My application will be an application that can be played via LINE. If anyone is interested, it is This application can be played via LINE / Yes, what do I do? How do I add it? That is, we will go to LINE add / LINE@aj_zern aj is teacher / teacher, underscore and zern is shen / Zen, that is, Teacher Shen. When you press it, what will happen? It will be a normal Line official. Yes, there will be a menu. You can go to the menu called Teacher Shen's application. Click on that menu. If you enter for the first time, they will ask you to fill in your date/month/year of birth, your name, your phone number, etc. which I will use these data to calculate To find our personal element / I 'm doing it for the first time. After that it is When we press into this application menu /, it will calculate for us: How many points did you get today? And if there is a bad score There will be suggestions for you as well. As a student, I would use it like this: When encountering a problem He will open the application. Then read the instructions on what to do, such as don't make the decision today, let me decide another day , etc. Does it cost money? It has a section that can be used for free. For example, points for instant knowledge / yes, immediate advice, color, this color is very effective, clothing color , and it can be used for free in this section. But the cost is that there will be an annual fee as well. Buying annually will give you deeper information, such as each day, how many points in advance? How to put on makeup? What kind of brand name bags are added, etc. Very interesting , Professor Shen. This New Year. This new year in terms of energy In terms of whether it is astrology that has been studied. Or in terms of Feng Shui power? All of them are various. Can you tell me what? What interesting things will it have? Or is it something to worry about or do we have to keep an eye on it during/next year ? Next year is the Year of the Dragon, the earth element comes with a rubber tree. Next year is the Year of the Dragon? Yes, it is the Year of the Dragon. In the twelve zodiac signs The dragon zodiac is considered to be the most special zodiac sign. If Mr. Woody will notice The dragon will be the only zodiac that is a legendary animal. The rest is real and all real. Therefore, next year will be a year where there will be many big and special events. As I was concerned about in the first place. It will be a story about natural disasters. The weather conditions will be extremely unstable. / Yes, two earthquakes. There are definitely volcanic eruptions. There may also be cave collapses. If we talk a little closer than that. That is, there may be important people in the country. Or of our world leaving? And if we talk about it in a positive way, it's our Thai economy. There is a tendency to grow a lot , especially with cooperation. Help from abroad / Yes, if we talk about the type of business, I would say energy, technology. The health line is very good. / Yes, I go back to the matter of shirt color. My subordinates are very into this matter. But I haven't gotten into it yet. Teacher, please tell me something. What is the color of daily shirts? What is there to prove that it's good? No matter what color, it has an effect on humans. We must accept this. When Mr. Woody sees a red sign, we are careful. When we see a blue sign, we feel comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, color has an effect. But the question is, which color has more effect on us? Like the proof that I like to do. That is, on my fan page, I like to challenge you. In twenty-one days I will have good luck. / Yes, I will have 3,000-4,000 people come and prove it together. Every day you wear the color of your shirt according to my application. Twenty-one days. People like to say, Wow, everyone has good luck all over the place. There are only good things coming in everywhere. I don't believe this. I don't believe it, but I prove it with my page. And there are only people who are effective. So I said Feng Shui, don't believe it. I told you, don't believe it. Mr. Woody, just try.
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Keywords: วู้ดดี้, Woody, Woody Talk, รายการวู้ดดี้, รายการวู้ดดี้ล่าสุด, Woody FM, Woody Interview, วู้ดดี้สัมภาษณ์, Woody World, อาจารย์เซิน, อาจารย์เซิน ฮวงจุ้ย, อาจารย์เซิน สร้างอาชีพ, อาจารย์เซิน เลขบัตรประชาชน, อาจารย์เซิน สอนดูดวง, อาจารย์ เซิน, อ.เซิน, โหราศาสตร์, เรื่องลี้ลับ, ดวง, ดูดวง, ศาสตร์จีน, ซินแสเซิน, วิชาฮวงจุ้ย, โหราศาสตร์ไทย, โหราศาสตร์จีน, โหราศาสตร์สากล, โหราศาสตร์ ตัวเลข, โหราศาสตร์ ดวงดาว, โหราศาสตร์ จีน, เลขโหราศาสตร์, ฮวงจุ้ย, ฮวงจุ้ยบ้าน, ฮวงจุ้ยบ้านที่ดีอยู่แล้วรวย, ฮวงจุ้ย คอนโด
Id: 8NoZPYubOdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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