‘Who does Prince Harry think he is?’ Andrew Pierce slams Duke for expecting to stay in Royal palaces

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who does Prince Harry think he is my God the cheek of the bloke rude about the royal family at every opportunity for vast sums of money of course via his Netflix contract in his book spare which I can't bear to read read a bit of it it's ghastly but we now discover he thinks he should be entitled to stay at Kensington Palace whenever he Graces this country with his presence which is frankly too many times already his father the King has quite rightly said that's not going to happen if he wants to stay in Aurora residence he has to give notice in advance he has to give notice to the king and actually the chances are he's not going to get anywhere to stay because he can afford to stay in a hotel he didn't seem to quite get what the queen said when he took that advice from her before he and mega moved to America he can't be half in and half out you're Royal or you're not so Prince Harry when he comes to this country he can stay with his mate States and talking of Harry and Megan we discover from no greater role Authority than Jenny Bond remember her she was the BBC's doyen of Royal correspondence for many years she's written a very informed interesting piece where she says that Megan and Harry that's it no chance whatsoever of her approachment with William and Kate and according to Jenny Bond it's Kate frankly the Princess of Wales issues now who's had enough they have both closed their minds according to Jenny bond to any Prospect of a reunion of patching things up because they think things have gone too far too badly and there's been frankly too much bitterness Kate frankly is according to that article We Know It Anyway her by the damage that's been inflicted on her family by Megan and Harry whether it was the Oprah Winfrey interview remember that so they have want no more to do with Megan and Harry which is pretty devastating really when you consider how close William and Harry used to be nobody will forget were they that iconic image of those two young boys walking side by side behind their mother's coffin in the funeral back in 1997. the images are etched or millions of people's minds they were so close but something came between them and I think it's Megan in the okay article Jenny bomb makes clear that an attempt was made at the funeral of Prince Philip a better place to do it we've all been there haven't we families funerals and weddings is the place to kiss and make up Kate we know was talking to Harry we saw her talking to Harry William caught up and she skipped out of the way but according to OK magazine via Jenny Bond they had a major row and everything went horribly wrong so I say to William and Kate good we don't want you to make up with them all they want to do is cause trouble and if they did start to confide in them all over again how long before it features in Harry's latest book or in the next installment thrilling installment of the Netflix documentary all about attacking our royal family so a bad week again in my view for Harry and Megan no room at the Inn for Harry when he comes back to England no rumor all the Royal residences quite right to find somewhere else mate that's what I'd have to do nobody's gonna give me somewhere free to stay and no chance whatsoever of a reunion let's hope everything stays well in his marriage because just imagine if it doesn't and he comes back to Britain who's going to talk to him not me it doesn't sound like William and Kate will too what do you think should they kiss and make up they are a family after all and they were once close Brothers uh tell me what you think don't agree with me comment below give us your reaction and isn't the king absolutely right to say to his son clear off as my father would say sling your hook you're not staying in any Royal residence because you're no longer a member of the royal family that's the simple truth
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 393,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daily Mail, daily mail news, daily mail latest, daily mail video, andrew pierce, prince harry, meghan markle, royals, daily mail
Id: Mi73nmTeMLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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