‘Princess Diana’ Yacht Sinks in South of France | SY News Ep238

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this is super out news with these cisman hi welcome back to the channel okay we've been following the story about a yacht a 20 meter or 65 foot yacht named Cujo the vessel sent out a distress call on the 29th of last month saying that they were taking on water according to the maritime John damary it happened about 35 kilometers off the coast of bolio now a post from the gundamery said that the distress signal was received on the July 29th at 12 30 pm and the vessel route had reported taking on water in the engine room with seven people on board now the search and rescue dispatched their vessel they also um asked another vessel that I responded to the distress call to go to the area when the Sergio rescue vessel arrived in the area they said that they saw a life raft with the seven people on board and the vessel was already sinking and so they they did a quick health check on the people The Castaways they call them and then they were loaded onto the sailboat and then and the sailboat took them to bolio the cabins of the yacht were already flooded by this time and only a few suitcases located in the galley and on the deck could be recovered by the Jean dance so like I said the vessel the Sailing Boat with all of the people The Castaways on was taken they were taken ashore and the search and rescue vessel stayed in the area and they watched the vessel sink and it sank in 2500 meters of water with 7 000 liters of fuel on board and they don't currently know what the cause of the accident was but uh based on reporting by boats International both Internationals said that they had a source that said something would have been floating in the water and they had hit whatever it was and they pierced the hull and they started to take on water now it's a very interesting boat I suppose it was built in 1972 in Italy and it was built for someone called John Von Neumann you might know if if you're a senior um he in the 70s and 80s he brought he was a former racing driver and he he had a dealership in the US and he was the first person to bring Porsche and Volkswagen to the United States now the vessel was later on sold to Muhammad khashoggi who was an arms dealer and he was the also the cousin of Dodie al-fired now eventually a few years later dodiel fired purchased the yacht and he did a refit on the yacht and he used it and he he was very fond of this yacht now if you don't recognize that name he was the turned out the last um boyfriend of Princess Diana now that they were in the 90s there were lots of photographs of them on a yacht taken by the paparazzi and this was this yacht most of the time the pictures were from this yacht that Dorial fire had owned now they were using this yacht just a few days before that fatal accident in the tunnel in France they would they'd been on that yacht just a few days before and it's a you know it was a military style type yacht and it had a top speed of 42 knots so it was a fast special not sure how fast they were traveling when they hit whatever it was that was floating in the water but yeah so um so yeah anyway everyone was recovered there were no injuries apparently and uh yeah an investigation will no doubt be underway all right so we'll move on to our next story now are the owners of the chartia Nicole which ran aground in Maui in Hawaii earlier this year have been fined by the BL R the Hawaiian Board of London natural resources have given a fine to the trust of the yacht uh the trust that on the yacht which sank in February after what can only be described as a botched recovery attempt by the authorities in Hawaii the fines amounts was of 117 474 dollars now the yacht Broke Free of a floating Mooring boy in a protected area of Maui with the operator of the charter company on board the 28 meter yacht ran onto the rocks and was there for about two months until the dlnr attended a recovery The Vessel was was moored to this floating Mooring boy as I mentioned but it was only designed for Yachts to be more to for up to two hours but they were there overnight during the recovery attempt The Vessel was all of the fluids were removed anything that was dangerous was removed which seems to suggest they were expecting the vessel to sink and when they pulled the vessel off the The Rocks The Vessel very quickly sank as it was pulled out into deep water however this is not the end of the case as the operator Jim Jones who ran the charter company no Alana Yachts has yet to be fined now he was purchasing the vessel over a 15-year period from the trust for a price of 1.4 million dollars and he's currently being sued by that trust for two and a half million dollars for the cost of the boat plus the Salvage work and a half a million dollars for environmental costs the the dlnr said that their so-called recovery work was covered by the boat's insurance they received the money from them but anyway that case is ongoing anyway for the in terms of the fines and the and the lawsuits and that will probably take a few years to resolve but we will keep you updated when we get any further updates all right so we've got a strange one next we've got a motor yacht Eclipse as you all know is owned by Roman Abramovich now this is a 156 meter yacht it's a massive yacht now it's it's either had some very serious upgrades or there's something strange going on there's a data anomaly going on based on the movements of this yacht now the data shows the yacht apparently making almost 500 nautical mile trip in less than four hours Overland which of course is impossible like I said unless they've got some serious upgrades so as we said the yacht appeared to leave her base in marmos where she's been for more or less the last year and head to her to Istanbul in Turkey in the straight line in a time frame of of around four hours which is of course impossible both the straight line and the time frame now if we show you on the Mappy you can see the line going straight across and and the reason why there's just a straight line is because the AIS data is missing in between so initially the vessel shows in marmos and then four hours later the AIS data shows the vessel in Istanbul and then it goes back to Mars in the same sort of four-hour period which is obviously impossible now after uh we we looked at this we couldn't make head or tail of it so we reported it through marine traffic to see if there's a data issue which is the most likely scenario here there's some sort of data anomaly um now if you look look at the the distance the actual by C it's a and assuming the vessel can travel at 20 knots which is close to a top speed and do that all the way there um it would take approximately 22 hours to make that journey and yet they apparently did it in four hours so the most likely scenario here is that there's some sort of issue but there could also be that there's some there's you know there's some manipulation of AIS data like I said we we did a reported to marine traffic and asked them to look into it and they've said that they've escalated it to their Engineers now we've not seen anything like this in a few years of covering uh movements of Yachts so we suspect it's probably um a data data anomaly rather than something that's happening with the vessel but you never know right anyway stay tuned and we'll let you know when we get replies back from marine traffic all right so I'm going to leave you with um this yacht spot this is motor non which visited London recently this is the replacement Yacht for Charles simonyi in the last video we talked about motion scat um and this is the vessel that Charles simigny had built by Larson and that was his replacement for scat which he then sold the yacht is a 90 meter or 295 foot yacht built by Larson as I said and delivered this year 3600 gross tons and it can carry 16 guests in eight cabins and has a crew of 20. the estimated build cost of this yacht is 250 million dollars now based on that uh cost estimated cost that would mean that it would cost around 20 to 25 million dollars a year to uh to look after to pay for and the photos were sent in by a subscriber named GMAC all right guys it's in our latest video which came out last week please click on the link up here it's one of our best videos today and if you sign up to patreon.com you'll find two extra videos uh behind the scenes videos not published on YouTube from that recent visit to calendar forte in Italy as well as the patron chat series the Atlantic Vlog series and the patron only q a series and you'll get early access to Features advert free and also don't forget to check out our super art news channel uh it's all the goodness of this channel cut down into bite-sized chunks so if you're in a hurry you can watch individual stories on there in shorter videos all right guys if you've got any information about any stories that we showed tonight or any other stories please be sure to get in touch with the normal fashion you can get us on the 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Channel: eSysman SuperYachts
Views: 385,027
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Keywords: superyacht, super yacht, yachting, yachts, boats, boating, boat international, ships, shipping, vessels, megayacht, mega, yacht, boat, superyacht boss, luxury, lifestyle, billionaire, millionaire, yacht life, video superyacht, richlist, rich, VIP, VIP Lifestyle, Money, superyacht tour, superyachts, russia vs ukraine war update, ukraine russia news, ukraine news, russia sanctions, russia sanctions 2022, sanctions against russia, russian sanctions impact
Id: Tim3GAd9ZpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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