‘My heart dropped,’ former funeral home employee describes disturbing conditions inside business

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a former heights funeral home employee is describing conditions inside the funeral home was put on a six-month suspension by the state for a number of reasons including the mishandling of bodies thank you for joining us at six i'm brian loftis and i'm denise valdez joe moeller spoke to an employee he is live near sunset and boulder highway with what he had to say tonight joe trayvon thomas says while working here at the heights funeral home he was also working at another funeral home here in the valley and watching how both were operating he says he knew something was wrong when i seen these babies being stacked on top of each other my heart dropped rayvon thomas said enough was enough i always said like what if families came in here and saw what you were doing with their loved ones thomas says he's worked in the funeral business for five years a year and a half at heights and was fired in july i called the labor board and i called the funeral board i even caught the clark county coroner's office and got you guys put off rotation and when i told him that it was over thomas claims he was let go for threatening to report problems he shared videos and photos with me he says are from heights most too graphic to share you'll have another picture where the bio waste bags are not in the bio bins one video shows what he says is embalming happening in the wrong area another shows someone sawing a metal shelf with sparks flying on bodies stacked below another shows what he says are babies stacked on a shelf the law says that human remains must not be placed on other human remains you'll see that there's at least five or six babies stacked on top of each other he says record keeping was also a problem we asked him if it is possible that people have the wrong remains yes it's people out there that's probably not even their loved ones sorry to say yes definitely thomas says he called the funeral board numerous times but never filed a complaint online the board says that needs to happen for action to be taken they need to be shut down period now back out here live i did reach out to heights today a few times and we did not get contacted back the board tells me they are still overseeing the suspension process bodies must be buried cremated or transferred to another facility by later this month reporting live in henderson joe muller 8 news now joe you know thomas touched on it there in his story but you know is there a way for someone to find out if the remains they do actually have are the right ones yeah i actually brought that question up to the board earlier today and they said there actually are companies out there that will test the dna in ashes but the likeliness of there being dna to test in those ashes is very low i'll send it back to you all right thanks for the update
Channel: 8 News Now — Las Vegas
Views: 775,470
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Keywords: video, news
Id: DghaepMoDGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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