‘Aging like cottage cheese’: Joe Biden’s handlers ‘petrified’ to let him make speeches

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let's go to our next guest Fox News contributor Joe kcha Joe thanks so much for coming on the US report and Joe Biden I tell you what he's not looking too great first we had the stories that all of his AIDS had to walk around him when he was going to the helicopter so that he didn't you know show off his stumbles too much and now his handlers are reportedly quote looking to shorten his speeches in what a b Biden campaign spokesman claims is about an effort to have quality over quantity now I'm not buying this uh what about you Joe oh I think that if you're trying to win the presidency again you can't do it by pleading to fit right and to shorten Biden's speeches it only makes sense because we've seen him time and again lose battles against teleprompters where he's literally reading and you know what these are James cued the teleprompter so when he's told to pause after a sentence he's literally reading the word pause or yesterday he read a speech about a guy that he said was drafted by the Green Bay Packers and his name was Riley last name right literally like said that so it's Ron Burgundy over and over again and then if Biden goes off script then it's cleanups on Isles 5 16 24 and 31 as far as either some sort of blatant lie that could be easily fact checked exaggeration that could be fact checked or some story that makes zero sense so here we have the sitting president of the United States the so-called leader of the the Free World and his handlers are petrified to put him out there in any way shape or form because they know that he's not aging like a fine wine but like cottage cheese at this point well yeah indeed I mean you know cottage cheese does that go well with his uncle boie who apparently got eaten by cannibals the other week according to him but you know as you say it's like the teleprompter if I was to just simply say Google banss Trump ad which is the prompt in front of me he would just read that instead of saying last week a pro Trump ad targeting black voters in Georgia was removed by Google for allegedly violating policy Joe let's have a quick look at this policy violation hello I'm with the Biden campaign yeah yeah I voted for Biden last time that's fantastic is it everything costs more food gas rent okay but Biden's helping pay rent for newcomers to America from around the world you mean illegal immigrants I'm struggling to pay my bills but Biden's paying rent for illegals they get hand out I'm paying for it but Biden can still count on your vote right things were better before Biden I'm voting for Trump clearly that ad was so effective someone just didn't want people to see it um is this a side of things to come with big Tech trying to put their thumb on the scale of the coming election oh James we've seen this movie over and over again as far as big Tech getting involved in these situations and outright censorship by Google in this situation you watch that app you tell me what the violation was exactly as far as anything that was spoken about gas prices and food prices are higher than they were when Joe Biden took off significantly higher and many uh black voters here in this country are not happy at all that illegal immigrants are coming into this country and being given all this free stuff in terms of lodging in terms of phones in terms of credit cards and food and they see their social services collapsing around them uh because we're spending all this money taking care of illegal so I don't understand what was wrong with that ad that was remotely controversial but Google obviously doesn't think there's something wrong with the ad to but you're right they are trying to weaponize Big Tech once again we'll see it from Facebook we'll see it from Google we won't see it from X I don't think because Elon Musk is now the owner and things have changed over there but I think people are are on to this and probably now this ad's going to be seen by more people because of it went viral on social media anyway then they if Google just allowed it to uh to be played
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 237,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6352647399112, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: 4ivCHSMus2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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