‘Absolutely ridiculous’: Pauline Hanson weighs in on possible Brisbane name change

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this Wednesday night let's bring in one nation leader Pauline Hanson as she joins us on the line from Queensland Pauline Senator Pauline Hanson great to see you uh I've got to start with something that I find extremely difficult to believe a report today on I think it's 4bc in Brisbane suggesting that Brisbane might change its name the Palestine government's going to do this in the lead up to the Olympic Games The Greens apparently are pushing for this the name of Brisbane would be me and Jin and they would do that prior to the 2032 Olympics please Pauline don't fall off your chair it's how insane is this to actually want to change the name of Brisbane that's been called Brisbane for what 150 years plus and generations have grown up under Brisbane all our birth certificates marriage certificates where were you born Brisbane Australia all our tourism people overseas know it as Brisbane and we're going to change it for a name that I can't even remember what you said within about a few seconds I can't remember and I have no intentions of actually wanting to remember so the fact is to me it'd be Brisbane this is why the Palestine government has to go we're talking about three percent of our population is actually indigenous but how many actually do live in the area of Brisbane so wanting to change a name to some Aboriginal name the same as they did with Fraser Island is absolutely ridiculous I hope Palestine is just thrown out on her ear at the next election I hope queenslanders realize she has to go and the labor party have to go well the problem is Pauline of course that uh Anastasia Palace and her government if you read this story you'd think it was made up but they're quite capable of actually pushing this down the road and one wonders and one only wonders Pauline what will Queen Street be named I mean what else are we going to change the name of in Brisbane oh look they spoke about it years ago a few years ago about Burly heads they want to change all the names Aboriginal names um people you know let's Common Sense Prevail will we you know the cost to the taxpayer to change the name from Brisbane to another name um it is absolutely ridiculous Steve and this is where the headed Palestine is headed with the treaty for the Aboriginal groups and organizations about 100 150 here in Queensland supported by David Christopher Lee so he supports this as well this is the liberal National Party in Queensland and no consultation with the people of Queensland you know so if this is going to be an election issue I I tell people now we will oppose it one nation will oppose this we will not allow it to happen we will stop it on the floor of parliament so if you want the name to stay as Brisbane then I suggest you make sure you vote for one nation because I wouldn't support I don't I don't trust the LMP I do not trust the Palestine government and what they've got in line for Queensland you know we're going to you know who knows what what other things they're going to bring in for Queensland so you know you need some common sense to Prevail here it's ridiculous absolutely ridiculous Steve yeah it just Beggars belief you wonder what the ioc make of it given the Brisbane bid for the games let's talk about small business which is uh something that you're very passionate about now when the the budget came out from the Albanese government delivered by Jim Chalmers and they announced this change to prescriptions for people through their local pharmacy and it was going to go from uh where you could get a prescription last 30 days to 60 days I didn't think that was a bad idea I had a quick chat to Peter credlin about this tonight off here though and I note the pharmacy guilds Anthony to Sony has said that this is going to potentially uh wipe out so many small pharmacies because they are going to lose the government uh fee that they get for each prescription that'll be halved and they're estimating that could have their income what do you make of this given that that this was buried in the budget and it's it's gone through already look this is a very contentious issue and of course the pharmacy Guild is a very strong powerful organization have no doubt about it and I spoke to the president prior to the election and had a good talk with him about the cost of prescriptions and he said they should come down from 42.50 down to 1950 you have to explain it to me I thought no great move so I made it as a policy it was only after the election that the Liberal Party jumped on board and also the labor party and they've they did reduce it the labor party did reduce it now I've had a meeting with um Mark Butler last week he asked me if I wanted a briefing about this and I thought yes I want to be better informed with regards to this because on the face for you of it I thought it's a saving of 1.2 billion dollars to the taxpayer you're going to have people that can get their scripts um over a period of time you know two months or three months at a time where they're not having to run back to the doctors so therefore it's going to alleviate the pressure on doctors of patients having to go back purely for a script we're talking about scripts they're like could be cholesterol tablets heart tablets diabetes it's not all prescriptions it's those that they have on a regular basis so they're they won't give out medication that is actually could be dangerous or harmful that need to follow up by the doctors to look at their patients now Mark Butler told me said they are very concerned about Regional and Rural communities with their pharmacists like in Emerald there's only one so they're for you need to you know look after them protect them I agree with that but also the federal government gives a forty thousand dollar a year subsidy to Rural and Regional pharmacies and as Mark Butler said to me we're thinking about maybe bumping this up to a hundred thousand to You Know cover them for any loss and I said look instead of it's like the covert you just automatically paid out people for this loss of wages when they didn't work the hours why don't you look at the tax returns the pharmacy's tax returns what they've made and lost from the previous year to what their loss would be and then work from that don't just hand over taxpayers dollars to these pharmacies that may not be losing the money because of their prescriptions so he's he said that's a good point but you know there's a lot to be said for both sides of this argument we do need to look after Rural and Regional pharmacies is it the ones in the cities that are screaming the most saying they're going to lose between hundred fifty eight thousand dollars plus or is it really you know preserving where we're saving the taxpayers dollars we're leaving 18 the pressure on the doctors because in Rural and Regional areas we can't get in to see doctors they don't have the doctors so if people can get their scripts in these rural rural and Regional areas it saves in the traveling it saves them you know waiting so long to get in to see a doctor so this plus Falls and against all this Steve so I'm not sold on either side I think that the pharmacy yield is um is looking up their own Hip Pocket and if we what we need to possibly do then is possibly increase the dispensing fees to the chemist make make it half that much again if they're going to give out two months supplies rather than one month's Supply look at it doing that way but we need to alleviate the pressure off the doctors because people can't get in to see them purely for a script yeah I don't think you want to get caught in the middle of the lobby group from the pharmacy Guild and the AMA I think that would be a dangerous place to be Paul Pauline Hansen Senator Pauline Hanson always a pleasure to catch up with you thank you very much for joining us tonight
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 64,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6330229606112, fb, msn, opinion, yt
Id: grUGZeyu8O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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