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Are there any records of Ayutthaya? In playing black magic, Khun Sai / Ayutthaya is considered a city of black magic. Is it true? Really, everything . In people's daily life Even the royal court It's all black magic. That is, prescribed medicine is a type of prescribed medicine. Suppose he made the prescription. Then there will be magic to control it. Suppose that he would take a hypothetical medicine if he were to order him to eat a dead pig. He would take pork and mix it, ah , then put it in medicine, mix it with medicine to make a medicine, then take it and give it to the person who we want to order to eat the dead pork, then take it and give it to that other person to eat . There's no trickery involved, just let that person eat it in their mouth. And when that person eats pork, that person will die. In history, it is written about Phra Phet Racha. I want it when I seize power from King Narai . I want Krom Luang Yotha Thep as my wife . But Krom Luang Yotha Thep is in love with Prince Noi. And the little prince was already punished by Phra Phet Racha and Phra Chao Suea. I want you to be my wife for the sake of righteousness in the reigning army. To the point of practicing black magic Hire an occult doctor to make a charm, oh wow, to make Kromluang Yothathep Nia fall in love. To the point of lusting after it. And like the tiger Luang Phor Pan Oh, Wat Bang Hia, Wat Bang Hia. To the point where it was recorded in the royal secretary of King Rama V that Father Pan made a tiger for King Rama V. Then the novice dropped water. He told me to go and get the pig. Then he took the pig and swayed the tiger. The tiger that was caught jumped out and bit the pig. Hair Tonic Frame The method for using it is very simple. No need to drip like before and As soon as you open it, you spray it right away. And it also has menthol in it. It's cool, cool , so it's easy to spray right away. As soon as I'm done spraying, I rub it a little. It's usable. I can take it with me and use it in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening . Yum Yum Yum Yum Ah, okay , it's cool . Shorten your dick. In short, we'll talk about the first one before the measurement we give. Is this an abbreviated version of the story? How are you? How are you? Ah, leave it to me. Leave it to me. Frame Hair Tonic Order at @Fem. I'll put it up here for you. Please leave it on this tape. I'm still with Ajarn Tuk Bang Pa In Chanel. Ajarn Sawasdee once again. Thank you very much. Every time I come to Ajahn I always get knowledge back. One story that we now ask for permission to refer to is our new program "Night of Burning Ghosts". It is a program that tells stories about ghosts, but more importantly it tells stories about black magic. So we had an idea. Then our roots Since the Ayutthaya period, it's good. Or it's better to go back. Available in the category of beliefs Is it about this? You have to separate the words black magic from black magic . Black magic is black magic. OK, black magic is black magic. Black magic is a combination of everything . Um, ah, black magic. It's considered a branch of science , but we say it has the word superstition in it, Sai, Saiya , or sometimes it comes from the word Shaiva. Okay, Shaiva is Shiva, people who worship Shiva , and then science. Science is knowledge. Black magic is knowledge. knowledge of lord shiva Lord Shiva is a great deity. In the Puranas, he appears in the form of Panchamukhi. It's the 5-faced Shiva, which is the first time. This time, black magic, black magic, is actually in the puranas called the Atharva Veda, right? There are 3 Vedas, the Atharva Veda, right? The Atharva Veda is about various mysteries, right? This time, today there's black magic. There must be white magic . Oh, okay, is that correct? The word black magic is that. It's going to happen to other people. Got into trouble. Well, this is what we call black magic. Black magic. What are the precautions of black magic ? That is, when people who study black magic And then use it in the wrong way. It's really a mantra. There's no white magic or black magic. Well, it's just magic. All those mantras, if you use them, but use them, if you use them in the wrong way. If other people are in trouble We call it black magic. Um, is that right? It depends on the teachers of the past. There are many regulations. When using black magic What you have to accept is that it is against the words of the teacher. needing substances And it is a sin and a karma. Ajarn Tuk is saying that black magic and black magic have been around since ancient times. Yes , and from ancient times. If a person performs black magic You must accept that You've got the teacher wrong. That is, mantra is not black magic. But it's the teacher's fault. But if you put the mantra in there Going to cause others suffering is wrong. When is the wrong way? That magic over there is called black magic. It's against what the teacher taught. Yes, you have to accept what happened to yourself. Yes, yes, is that correct? Yes, are there any records of Ayutthaya? In playing black magic, yes, yes, Ayutthaya is considered a city of black magic. Really? Really, everything. In people's daily life Even in the royal court It's all black magic. For example, For example, Metta Maha Charm Maha Niyom. There was the exhumation of the body of a man who poured ghost oil. Ah, there is, ah, the black magic of making takrud. Takrud is considered a form of black magic. Hmm, right? It's a dossier. It is considered to be a form of black magic. Forging swords and arranging the troops in the dossier of war. It is considered a kind of black magic. Um, because in this war, there are mantras, both brahmin and Buddhist mantras mixed together. It is considered black magic. Making amulets is also black magic. Building a house, planting channels to find directions is also black magic. It's superstition. The building of Ban Paeng Muang is all superstition. Ah , but this time it's said that the people in the nest are indistinguishable and don't know the meaning of it. Let's get it all together. Black magic is black magic. Well, it turns out that black magic is black magic. No, black magic is black magic. Black magic is black magic. Black magic is black magic. Ah, black magic is a form of black magic that causes other people to suffer. Ah, don't put buffalo skin into your stomach. Is it true, Professor? Yes, it is. I have seen the teacher's eyes. You are angry about the subject . Are you a person who studies black magic? You take pig skin and circle it like this. Let's go take a peek. It used to be liver from We didn't know what he was doing, so we went and secretly looked like this . A pig from a lump this size shrunk and then threw it outside. It's like someone who is in trouble and has to let things out. That is, people, when they chant mantras a lot, it creates internal heat . Um, if you don't bathe with holy water, you have to do things, let things go, let things go, they call it hitting someone, we call it blowing the wind. Um, and those people This must be done regularly. It's a kind of mantra. But if we put it to good use In times of war, it can be useful. Hmm. Has there ever been a record of the use of black magic in battles or something like that in the past? There is something in the dossier of war that he wrote. Please write it down, teacher. It was written, it was written , what it said, it was written that it could . Ah, what do they call it? The cutting of trees suppresses the name. Cutting down trees to suppress one's name. OK, that's one thing. It's black magic. That is, take a tree with a name that is the same as the general's name and the king's name of that country. Came to perform a ceremony and then cut trees to suppress his name. causing bad luck to the general or the opposing monarch Or the soldiers on the other side, um, there is, um, what is there? The most serious thing is The heaviest is Prescription medicine is black magic . Hey, I want to know how prescription medicine is made. Oh, wait a minute, we probably shouldn't talk about the process. Um, but what is the process, teacher? That is, prescribed medicine is a type of prescribed medicine. Suppose he made the prescription. Then there will be magic to control it. Suppose that he will take the medicine. He will order you to eat dead pork. They will take pork and mix it together and put it in the medicine. Mixed with medicine to make medicine. Then take it to the person you want to order to eat dead pork. He took it and gave it to another person to eat. There will be no tricks or anything. Let that person eat it into their mouth. Then that person ate the pig. That person will die. It means put it in first. Let's put it in for him to eat first. Suppose, let's say, let's take it and drink it with water. Ah, like in the old days. Ancient people forbade teachers at all. When we go to eat, drink, drink, where do we go? If he catches this thought, this is a glass mouth. If you do this normally, people will catch you. Send water like this But when will he send it like this? Done. Don't order it. Medicine has ordered it. Medicine has ordered it. Maybe you'll get clawed. He forbids anything, please remember this person. Whoever sends something like this, don't eat it, don't eat it , or grab it like that, grab it like that , and their hands. You have to hold it gently. Ah, if you hold it gently. Then he grabbed the nigga and his hand popped up with one finger. Oh, absolutely don't eat it. Because they'll just touch it, it's done , and then you'll eat it right away. You will be prescribed medicine, ah, after that. That day isn't yet. It won't be that day. The day you went to eat pork, you went to eat pork . How do you look at the dead person's nails? The mouth is green. The fingernails are all dark green. This is a prescription drug. Ah, it will work. Ah, this prescription drug will have different snake venom, centipede venom, scorpion peppers , different herbs. Oh , and Jong Khrong's own venom. It's similar to a toad. Ah, ah, he's going to gather it. Many things Many things to do And then there is magic. This is prescription medicine. In the past, Prachin There are many paths to Phraya's eyes. Surin path . What kind of path is this? This one is a subject. of that side, that side of the mountain, which means that in ancient times Then there was the use of prescribed medicine, yes, or black magic happened. Yes , now the ghost oil. As we have heard of the teacher, ah, go and rub the chin of a corpse, ah, that is a dead body all round, ah , then you will get ghost oil. Farewell Lou Bear? Yes, it was written in a book that Thai people, when a monk dies, what happens when he dies? Maybe he took it. If you bury it for just a moment, Thai people will go and dig it up. Let's take the pieces and make amulets. Or various corpses . In the past, they were buried in cemeteries. The dead bodies were dead . Most normal dead people were cremated. A dead ghost will be buried for 3 years and then slowly dug up, that's it, then he will get angry. A dead ghost with a round belly will go and do the ceremony like that. Men too? Men can use it . As for the butterfly who got stabbed to death, it can be used. Women can use it. Anything can be used. If it's a haunted ghost. And when you got the ghost oil, what did you do? I mixed it with various charming herbs. Oh , it's Prai oil. What is it? Lymph. Oil. Yep. Lymph that comes out of a corpse. Yes, it's like we're grilling pork. Oh, did you notice that the audience saw you grilling pork and chicken without oil? Drops of oil are falling, oh, it's dripping. I'll take it like that, but it's on my chin. Then mix it with aloe vera. Golden flower herb, Long girl herb, whatever herb is. Then it's to deodorize , not to stink, not to stink, then take it and touch it a little bit and touch your body. There's a mantra to direct it like this, that's it. Is there one in Ayutthaya? There used to be. Ayutthaya has it for young people. It is based in Ayutthaya , but there are people who can do it. So how can you not do it? If you can't do it, it's not far away. Normally, it's like tapping lard with lard . Suppose that if you can do it, you'll get lost. In history, it is written about Phra Phet Racha. I want it when I seize power from King Narai . I want Krom Luang Yotha Thep as my wife . But Krom Luang Yotha Thep is in love with Prince Noi. And this little prince has already been punished by Phra Phet Racha and King Suea. Oh, he wants me to be his wife for the sake of righteousness in the royal family. To the point of practicing black magic Hire an occultist to perform a spell. Oh wow, Kromluang Yothathep is obsessed to the point of delusion. This candle goes to history. And did it work? Master, it did. It worked. It made me want to dream. Oh, come on. It's a powerful product. Phra Petraja must find a charmer. And from whom did they study in the past? That is, the teacher assumed that 1 it had local mantras. with mantras that come from the Brahmins of India Come together and mix It became a form of black magic. Then it continued to be divided up and divided up, and then there was an invention. Let's try and error. that it is done like this It has roots The teacher assumed that he came from India, came from China, came here too, and came from Islam. He also has horns. Magic spells . Chris also has magic spells. Well, he has his. So every science, every religion. Buddhism. Yes. Islam. Christianity Brahmin, Hindu There's magic about them too . Hmm, but if people try, I won't admit it. Hey, it really exists. Teachers, do you believe that in this era there are still things? Yes, there are , there are a million percent. Oh, okay, someone did it , there must be someone to withdraw it, someone to withdraw it, someone to fix it. In the past, people studied black magic. They will study together. One is born and the other is born. What's going on? He will have someone to fix it for him. Maybe it's the teacher's fault. There are many, many stories. And some textbooks invite you to study, such as the teacher's experiences. The Suea Saming textbook, ah, it invites teachers to study. I mean, we said that the textbook was immediately put in place. We will only look at textbooks like people calling us to study. It's like being hypnotized. It's not like people call me to study. I'm curious and want to study. Even though there were so many other textbooks, we didn't want to study them. Immediately after studying There are a lot of prohibitions. You have to be able to hold it. If you can't hold it, it will be distorted. My wallet is not very good. So what was the purpose of studying? In the past, the Tiger Saming subject was also studied for war. Causes invulnerability Tiger tattoo invites the flag Anything is up to you. It's a tiger. In the past, they did it since The general transforms into a tiger. So you can go investigate the news. Oh, right? Yes, he went as far as to say, In the past, you could transform into a tied white tiger and go cause trouble and commit karma. Yes , but now in this day and age. People will only have tigers. But Nat understands that The word Tiger Saming It's been around for a long time. Nat has heard that, yes, is that right? And like Luang Pho Pan's tiger, oh my, Bang Hia Temple, Bang Hia Temple , even it was recorded in the King Rama V's secretary that Father Pan made a tiger similar to King Rama V's , and then the novice made it. Dropped in the water, he told me to go and get the pig. Then he took the pig and shook it and the tiger, the tiger that fell. It jumped and bit the pig. The person who recorded this is King Rama 5, the King. There is a record. This is true. And is that black magic or not? Black magic, see? It's black magic. Even King Rama 5 had to go to see Luang Pu Iam, Wat Nang, Wat Nang Than Hai. How did the mantra of the Lord's Crown come about ? To escape from the whirlpool, escape from the evil horse, see? His Majesty is low. His Majesty is low, right? Krom Luang Chumphon. Of course, Luang Pu Suk He's got a tattoo all over his body. Ah, right? General George was transformed into a crocodile, right? Oh, is it black magic? Black magic, but when people can't do it, they think it's something. that it exists is not true Actually, it really exists. But it is true for people with high willpower if they meet a real person. The teacher believes that this is real . But some people will say that it is not true because, well, it cannot be done. Most of them are deceitful. And how can it not be done ? As soon as it cannot be done, And people these days, there are a lot of superstitious doctors popping up. There are a lot of them. When they're all over, you can see them right away . Recently, there's been news. Hong Krasong, Hong Kong stream, all messed up. The culture that reflects the people of Ayutthaya most clearly. It is Khun Chang Khun Phaen. Khun Chang Khun Phaen is full of black magic. Reviving the Sky Sword, right? Awakening the Golden Boy. Awakening the Swan Doing charms on Nang Wanthong all over the place, a lot, a lot, a lot. That shows that Ayutthaya has been connected with black magic for a long time , and it has had an effect on Rattanakosin. Until this era as well, yes, the masters we have heard about in movies or in the media, we have also heard that the Swan Glider Dragon Dance curses the bones. Don't let the Swan Glide Dragon Dance curse you. Don't let the Swan Glide Dragon Dance bewitch you. That is, women will wear sarongs. When he has a table for rice and rice Give it to the man who eats the rice. He would go and sift and cover it with a sarong. And with hot rice? There will be steam coming from both the woman's genitals. There will be a lot of steam going down. I just fell down. woman gives man food Men will be lost but their glory will become dark. I'm sure it's not good. Oh, this is black magic. Ah, sometimes the mistress makes her husband attach herself to the mistress. Well, sometimes the mistress does. When your husband is flirtatious, you make people fall for you , right? If you curse and twist your bones, then do a ceremony , curse and burn chili and salt. How can that be? Our chicken bones are made like bones. People write names and then deduct them. He called for a tracheotomy. Oh my gosh, P'Nat , it was like this the other day. I met a ghost. I met a ghost . What is that? I met a ghost and it was like a scary story. And now I'm like I would like to come and tell P'Nat. Does P'Nat have time to listen to me? I have a story to tell. It's going to be a story like P'Nat's. I want you to tell Brother Nat and then Brother Nat to tell others. It's not like Nat, I want other people to listen. That is, I will tell the audience that we have our own Ghost Returns program. It is a program about beliefs, mysterious things, and exciting experiences. Horror experience Therefore, leave this with one more item. Leave it here too. If anyone has a ghost story, call and tell them at Night at Pha Phi Ghost. Or you can press subscribe as well. My story is that I had a dream that I saw a ghost at my feet. And this is it, right? I'm like, hey, when I woke up, I was shocked. Hey, I got goosebumps. Well, I was shocked when I turned on the light. Please leave it here. Let's continue watching the program. In the belief section of the story of black magic , actually, as the teacher said , it has been around for a very long time. It's been around, and it's not the only place in Ayutthaya. It has existed since the Sukhothai, Khmer, Khmer, Dvaravati periods and was in the Iron Age, Bronze Age. Yes, why? Because teachers teach various sciences in order to help people. Use it to do good deeds. There are early teachers, middle teachers, late teachers, teachers. The word "Ton" means a person who invented various sciences. He must have had a reason for inventing it. Well, it was very correct. And the teacher had already said that Shaiva or Shaiya is an abbreviation of Shaiva, the pure Lord Shiva. But it's like taking these sciences Take it and do something wrong. You will be hit by the gods. and teachers punish And your karma will follow you forever. Did you see that in the Ayutthaya period, black magic was practiced to protect against black magic to the point of having to pass a law? Yes, yes, he will have a jury come and examine. The juror is also a person who practices black magic. He will know why this person died because of what. Oh, right ? He will know exactly what kind of black magic this person had. And what do they say forbidden to say, teacher ? Nowadays, if you die because of black magic, let's say you were blessed with a buffalo's skin into your stomach. He didn't care. Hmm . I thought it might be a medical problem. Ah, cardiac arrest. Sudden heart attack. Well, whatever you say, sir. But in those days he He doesn't have a detector. He has to go see if he died too. The people who are the jurors, the examiners, are the officers. He will have a way to check. He will know because these people will know black magic. He will select people who know about black magic to come and see. that this person was prescribed medication Eyes that say green nails This person has normal bloating. Is it the buffalo's skin? And these people are able to summon spirits. You can call me to talk. You are a test group. You are not an expert on this matter. How do you know who died from what? If you say you call this guy, what do you do? If you don't accept it , what do you do? Walk through the fire, let him dive, then swear and walk through the fire. If you're not wrong You must be a person. If it's not wrong, something sacred must protect you. If you walk through fire , if you can pass through fire, you will survive. Is that so, Master? That's right. And it's difficult like that. I saw that Takai has two wooden pillars, one is to capture the prisoner. Um, two different people don't accept it. Ah, then come up. If there are a lot of people who are tough, ah, ah, let's say you and the teacher. You blame the teacher for stealing things . Ah, is that right? The teacher said hey, I didn't steal it even though the teacher did. So you both dived. Oh, I dived. You appeared before the teacher . The teacher was saved. The teacher survived. You also got punished. May report false information Crazy by just thinking about it So you're a tough diver? Instructor , yes, that's right. That's why they canceled. If the diver is tough And he's also good at stealing. He has to steal, and he always survives. Now, Michael is so good, he can't do anything wrong. Yes, he's a tough diver. Yes, it's sacred. It's something superstitious. It depends on superstition. But don't be stupid. Ah, nowadays there must be CCTV cameras. There is proof, there are fingerprints. In the past, there weren't any. Yes. If not, then it will be proven like this. If no one sees Can you go back a little? When the teacher said that, ah, when a group came to look at it, this person died because of black magic. Well, I came to ask the spirit who killed him. So what are the next steps in the process? Let's assume that this relative already exists. I have to ask, who does this guy have enemies with? Ah, let's say that this guy's enemy is aiming for this guy first. Then he performed the ceremony. It might be like a medium or something. Come like that. Then he called and asked what the answer was. How could he give a direct answer? I have to ask if it's the correct answer. Even though this medium is a middleman, okay, use probability. Well, look at the statistics and say, hey, ah, why do they know ? Ah , and how do you know about some of these coincidences? That is, the jury would have to use an expert to ask before assuming that they brought a medium, someone who was a royal medium. As soon as I finished bringing it, I had to ask what this guy's name was. If we assume the names are the same and give the correct answer, why did he die? Because this person hired this person to do black magic. There is a true story already. And if that medium doesn't know? Suppose you are this relative and answer like If you answer incorrectly, they say that if they take their side, I don't know. Is that right? But most of the time, they won't let these people see it. I don't know how they will make it a department. Oh, that means that in the past there were mediums in this palace as well. It's not a medium. They called him into a ghost. His Majesty entered the ghost. Okay, do you understand? I understand . It means the ghost came in. Bring the ghost to ask. Well, if you die in an unusual way, the relatives are fascinated, so you have to ask. Send it to complain to the jury, right? His jury. Then go and judge and see the story of black magic in the Ayutthaya era. It's harder than now. He called everyone everywhere. General, yes , because it's also about fighting. Sak Yant is also black magic. What warning would you like to give to this era? which the person is about to face Regarding the word black magic, is it black magic? People who practice black magic must first of all be a person with morals. and black magic which is the science of Shiva that the teacher understands Go help people in distress. But it's not like you're going to aggravate him. What is the value called? It's extremely expensive. He's suffering and you call him expensive. For you Your life is better. But his life is getting worse. If you can do it, what good is it? But if you can't, You will be stuck with them. It'll be like this. Because you deceived him , right? But for people who are black magic doctors Then he received black magic. That caused that person to die, this death , this is a sin, you have to accept it. Well, you have to accept that sin there. Do you believe that black magic is real? You have to believe that hell is real. Therefore , whatever can be stopped, just quit and don't get involved at all. That is, you can study, but you don't. If no one bullies you to the utmost of your abilities, you don't do it. But the first and most important thing is I'm hired to do this. You can't do this. Um, you can't do this . Because because you're hired, uh, you're accepting compensation in excess of the teacher's salary. The teacher's salary is specified. Suppose that a ghost person enters. And then you go and exorcise the ghost. This way you can help people. More than ghosts harassing people. Suppose someone hires another person. Said that this house is my enemy. Would you please send the ghost , send the occultist to do it to him? Make him suffer. This is wrong. This can be stopped. Because you did it for the privilege of being hired. and doing things that are not right And you are committing a sin. One day your teachers, gods, and heaven and earth will punish you. You will wander around in hell for a long time. Like I said , black magic and black magic never make anyone better. Yes, people who don't know in this modern era. People get hit by something and end up in the wrong place. Hey, is it because of the occult? But I will say You go check with the hospital first. Do you have any disease? This doctor can't find the disease. We'll talk about it later , but for now we have to look at it too. Somewhere I went to the wrong place. Life changes. Not just for two days It may not seem difficult. People are really affected by black magic. It's not difficult to see. One person throws black magic. Most of the time, sometimes they don't even know themselves. And then he looked at him normally. There will be no sparkle , no sparkle , no sparkle , and the face will be dull and dark. It's like a person who From his relatives, he saw him as a normal person, but he started to change, change, change . What have you slimmed down even though you went for a blood test and found nothing? A CT scan was done and nothing was found. What you can't find is not difficult at all. Hmm , it's not difficult at all. Try looking and observing the people nearby. Yes . And today, thank you very much to Achan Tuk for giving me knowledge about the black magic of Ayutthaya . Yes, that's right. Well, if we believe that in this day and age , seriously, it probably doesn't exist. But if it's there? If it's there, is that right, teacher? You can listen to it as a lesson, yes , or anyone who wants to listen to it in its entirety can go to the Ghost Burning Night program. At the YouTube channel, Ghost Knight is burned. You can go in and listen, there are superstition stories and stories about ghosts. Lots and lots, listen to it to remind yourself. Because the people we are talking to are all ghosts. Now we say we are people. If you die and become a ghost, what are you afraid of? One day we will have to be ghosts. Yes, the teacher in the past was a person who was afraid of ghosts. But when I'm a temple student, I'm not afraid anymore. In fact, if we really think about it, it's difficult too, teacher. The teacher once told me that he had seen it before. Hey , you don't have to trick me. I'm going to die soon. Well, go on . I'll see you soon. I'll see you soon. You're my senior. Okay, show him respect. Honoring being a senior. Oh , by the way, please follow the travel program without disrespecting me. Please press like, press share, press follow , press the notification bell. So that viewers will not miss any future clips. You can not disrespect the items from the travel program. And please leave Teacher Tuk's channel as well, Muk Bang Pa-in channel. Please press subscribe for Teacher as well. It is also an encouragement to teachers. They will have good work, historical stories outside of textbooks. To many viewers We studied and listened to each other. But all in all, you don't have to believe us 100 percent. Yes, yes, we are serious and say as much as we know. Yes, we, what we have read, yes, according to history, we come to sit and analyze. Let the audience and listeners listen. Today I have to say goodbye to the viewers. See you again in the next EP. I'll go today. Hello, teacher. Thank you. And of course that The travel list doesn't erase our tracks. Most of them go to various temples. Of course there are famous pundits. Many throughout Thailand And that's one of them. We will have various talismans. which is also brought to the fans of the show Anyone who is interested in amulets and talismans. You can add Line. It's called the Buddha's treasury. Go to LINE and add @nutphee to make an appointment with a ghost. You will find a treasure trove of Buddhist virtues there. There are various amulets and talismans collected there. And you can be assured that it's genuine and came directly from the temple. To support our program, another channel. We will be able to create good content for all fans of the show. Please leave this to me. Buddhakhun adds NUTPHEE. Admin makes an appointment with a ghost.
Channel: สุดเกล้า
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Keywords: เท่ียวได้ไม่ลบหลู่, สุดเกล้า
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Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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