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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign hello hello hey hey what's up what's up how's it going how's it going how's it going how's it going somebody in my opinion the crap how have you been how have you been how have you been here what's new what's new plow Singapore what's going on what's going on what's going on good all right cool hard things how are things how are things crap how's your day how's your day how's your day one evening good to see you good to see you good to see you tonight great thanks how are you great thanks how are you I'm fine thank you I'm fine thank you cocoon crab I'm doing very well thank you I'm doing very well thank you I'm doing very well thank you somebody we must go we must go we must go listen to me please listen to me please listen to me please he runs fast he runs fast he runs fast cowing real do you have money do you have money do you have money in my I don't have money I don't have money I don't have money I'm broke I'm broke I'm broke up I make mistakes I make mistakes she makes lots of money she makes lots of money she makes lots of money turn on the lights turn on the lights turn on the lights but find a way tap it go turn off the lights turn off the lights bit by the way turn on the TV turn on the TV turn on the TV but TV turn off the TV turn off the TV turn off the TV I turn off the TV for him I turn off the TV for him I turn off the TV for him I like it I like it I like it man I like Thai food I like Thai food I like Thai food and Thai I really like it I really like it I really like it I'm not interested in it I'm not interested in it I'm not interested in it I'll pass again let him go late him go let him go blight go bye Let Her Go Let Her Go Let Her Go blowed her by listen to me please listen to me please what's that what's that what's that what is it what is it what is it monkey orai anything else anything else anything else is what about you what about you what about you Leo forget it forget it forget it do your best do your best do your best hope so hope so hope so wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute that's good that's good that's good Dina too much too much too much and by too loud too loud too loud calm down come down calm down let me know late me no let me know not now not now not now yeah just kidding just kidding just kidding lolin I feel good I feel good I feel good I feel great I feel great I feel great I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm so glad foreign I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm nervous be happy be happy be happy you look tired today you look tired today you look tired today I'm disappointed I'm disappointed I'm disappointed Wang I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad bye to get one free buy two get one free buy two get one free I'll buy some new shoes all by some new shoes I'll buy some new shoes you can buy something else to eat you can buy something else to eat you can buy something else to eat Hyundai [Music] I went to buy some food I went to buy some food I went to buy some food ahan I buy some food on my way home I buy some food on my way home I buy some food on my way home [Music] leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I need to talk to him I need to talk to him I need to talk to him I sit here alone I sit here alone I sit here alone where are you going where are you going where are you going I will take you there I will take you there I will take you there foreign just a moment just a moment just a moment let's take a bus let's take a bus let's take a bus just for fun just for fun just for fun okay come come now so annoying so annoying so annoying he's very annoying he's very annoying he is very annoying foreign [Music] I think so I think so I think so young man it's up to you it's up to you it's up to you think about it think about it think about it long kid do You Are Not Alone You Are Not Alone You Are Not Alone everything is fine everything is fine okay visit me often visit me often visit me often mahashanah hurry up hurry up hurry up almost done almost done almost done something is wrong something is wrong something is wrong I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to do that so fake so fake go away go away go away I'm sorry I said that I'm sorry I said that by Batman I did nothing I did nothing I did nothing foreign I'm sorry I'm sorry my bad my bad my bad champion please forgive me please forgive me please forgive me I'll do it alone all do it alone I'll do it alone explain it to me explain it to me explain it to me at eBay they won't do it again I want do it again I won't do it again talk to me talk to me talk to me put quick uptown that's it that's it that's it not really not really not really Commission is over it's over it's over for real for real for real jingra are you serious are you serious are you serious I have to do it I have t d it I have to do it please you have to do it you have t d it you have to do it they have to go there I have tea girl there I have to go there he has to go there he has two girl bear he has to go there she has to go there she has two girls there she has to go there London I can't wait I can wait I can't wait I I can go with you I can go with you I can go with you chances [Music] I can't do it I can do it I can't do it [Music] I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of you just do it just do it just do it follow your dreams follow your dreams follow your dreams fancy how can we get there how can we get there how can we get there around right get in the car get in the car get in the car on time on time [Music] I can be there on time I can be there on time I can be there on time will I die I can sing I can sing I can sing die [Music] I get dressed I get dressed I get dressed I go to bed I go to bed I go to bed on of course of course of course Sosa so so really so what so what so what is that sir is that so is that so jingra so do I so do I so do I take your time take your time take your time bye take it easy take it easy take it easy Italian take a deep breath take a deep breath take a deep breath hi look take a seat take a seat take a seat I have to take medicine I have to take medicine take care take care take care stay strong stay strong stay strong keep fighting keep fighting keep fighting sosuna can I pick you up can I pick you up can I pick you up will you pick the children up from school will you pick the children up from school will you pick the children up from school will you pick me up from the airport will you pick me up from the airport I will take you to the airport I will take you to the airport I will take you to the airport foreign I'll take you home all take you home I'll take you home what time do you get up what time do you get up what time do you get up it's time to get up it's time to get up it's time to get up in Lao I get up at 6 00 am I get up at 6 A.M I get up at 6 00 am en is why do you get up so early why do you get up so early why do you get up so early my house is a long way from school my house is a long way from school my house is a long way from school foreign how do you go to school how do you go to school how do you go to school I go to school by bus I go to school by bus I go to school by bus route me I walked to school I walk to school I walk to school what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time I enjoy watching movies I enjoy watching movies I enjoy watching movies when are you free when are you free when are you free murai can you do me a favor can you do me a favor can you do me a favor can you help me can you help me how far is it from here how far is it from here how far is it from here can I how do you like it how do you like it how do you like it is how often do you travel how often do you travel how often do you travel continent did you have fun did you have fun did you have fun what are you good at what are you good at what are you good at Kunta Mariah I'm good at playing tennis I'm good at playing tennis I'm good at playing tennis I'm good at swimming I'm good at swimming I'm good at swimmingham just a moment just a moment just a moment are you excited are you excited are you excited my I am excited I am excited I am excited not really not really not really foreign don't rush me don't rush me ya renshan leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I don't get it I don't get it I don't get it I have no clue I have no clue I have no clue it's really hard it's really hard it's really hard managing I forgot I forgot I forgot let's go let's go let's go buy guitar do you have the time do you have the time do you have the time foreign one more time one more time one more time be my guest be my guest be my guest Times by Larry enjoy your meal enjoy your meal enjoy your meal Arena do you drink alcohol do you drink alcohol do you drink alcohol condom alcohol my do you play sports do you play sports do you play sports I really drink beer I really drink beer I really drink beer I always cook for myself I always cook for myself I don't drink coffee I don't drink coffee I don't drink coffee I don't smoke I don't smoke I don't smoke bury how often do you work out how often do you work out how often do you work out can I it depends it depends it depends one what do you do in a day what do you do in a day what do you do in a day one normally I take a rest normally I take a rest normally I take a rest and Japan what do you think what do you think what do you think right it's too big it's too big please it's too small it's too small we should leave now we should live now we should live now are you going are you going are you going third by my I might scale I might go I might go bye come here come here come here money stay put stay put stay put you don't need yeah bye come quickly come quickly come quickly Mario slow down slow down slow down shallow night be patient be patient be patient it's okay it's okay it's okay might be dry no problem no problem no problem give me gave me give me a mahishan sounds good sounds good sounds good thank you look out look out look out rawanga what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong good a raccoon hold my hand hold my hand hold my hand wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute Rosa crew keep in touch keep in touch keep in touch and crap do you use LINE do you use line do you use LINE my can I add you online can I add Yi on line can I add you online called Facebook what's your line ID what's your line ID what's your line ID like do you have Facebook do you have Facebook do you have Facebook me face my do you use Facebook do you use Facebook do you use Facebook kunchai Facebook my let me check late me shake let me shake on okay foreign foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: PANG English Channel
Views: 151,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ภาษาอังกฤษ, เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ, คำศัพท์เที่ยวภาษาอังกฤษ, แต่งประโยคภาษาอังกฤษ, แต่งประโยค, ประโยคภาษาอังกฤษ, ฝึกพูดภาษาอังกฤษ
Id: peQXBbutUok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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