เริ่มทำ YouTube ปี 2024 บอกเลยว่าหนีไป... | kangg

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Hello everyone, today I'm here to talk to people who are about to start. Create content in 2024. Is this year interesting for the YouTube platform? Is it worth starting with the YouTube platform? I can tell you that this year will be a difficult year for those who Start creating videos on the YouTube platform. This year is the year when various systems came into being. There's been a drop in engagement, a drop in views on YouTube. Plus today I'm writing a topic and we're going to talk about the platform. This platform is where YouTube leads the way in creating content. How was it? Platforms that drive viewing rates How does it work? What will we find, including another topic that many people may have seen abroad? If you follow foreign channels, there will be this topic all the time. Vlog is dead . Is vlogging dead yet? Vlog in modern times We see people doing it less. Can we still vlog? Let's talk today. Another topic I write about is how to create content. Unique or broad In the past, if anyone wanted to make content or make content, we might have seen it. In recommending making various videos Whether in the past, in the past, content writing When it comes to creating video content I always recommend that you do it in a unique way. If you're good at something, do it like this. But now I have a different idea. It's about creating content in a unique way. It cannot be unique. Today we will talk about how we create content in a unique or broad way , including AI that many people fear. Today's AI will separate us. Is AI really scary? Or how should we use AI to create content on YouTube? I'm someone who can say I used AI throughout 2023 to help create content. Today we will talk about this topic as well. In order not to waste time, let's get to the point of doing YouTube in 2024. As I said, this year is not a good year. In order to start making YouTube right away. I used the word "not a good year" at all. For those who are starting to do things that they want to try. Just playing, not knowing which way to go. There's no map there. Platforms are constantly changing. Especially after the beginning of 2022, it will be clear that the method of presentation Content creator videos It depends on each person's feed on the app. It decreased greatly. This has a huge impact on people who are already creating content. Let's say in this video I thought it had around 100,000 views , but now it's at 20,000. Sometimes I still need to know if it's gotten there yet. For those of you who are new content, we want to do it. I'm not forbidding it. Don't do it there. Don't get involved. But if you want to do it Let me see first. Can we stand the distance? In the content that we will do How to stand distance Let me write it down. What do you want to do during this time? Suppose you finish watching, you write down 20 EPs, 20 videos, what do I want to do? Write them down , write them down as a guideline. What do I want to do? Then do as I wrote. I want to do this You are a newbie You may find it difficult to think. But if you want to write it yourself, give up. You have to think about the first part. You might think part two, part three, the first 5 5 might be fine. But when episode 6 comes, if you don't plan, what will you do? Now it will start Suddenly it made me think. Talk about this and that Unplanned 20 EP, what will you talk about? in the way you want to present it Want to present ? Don't talk. You must be like , take it out. You must be quiet , but give the item first. What content do you want to create? What are the first 20 characters? If you could make a show reach 20 episodes , and when you actually did. You can make up to 20 episodes and then start watching. How do you guess? Are we still okay? Are you still having fun? Are you still okay? Are you still okay? If you feel after doing 20 episodes, I feel like, oh, you can stop that, no problem, you can pause. But if you want to continue Here you need to plan further. You have to start watching. It involves information. Hey, in those 20 episodes, what were you looking at? And slowly, look at the shape . Hey, if we present this We talked about this, oh, the audience responded like this. You can see the numbers behind the house on YouTube. Very important at present So don't think about continuing without looking at the statistics behind the house. Look at the statistics behind the house. Very useful. This one. Oh, this video is still being watched by which group? How is it? This stuff, YouTube's behind-the-scenes statistics, is very important for people who create content. Whether it's a beginner Or people who have been doing it for a long time forget to talk about the Vlog. It's dead. It's a topic that If talking about foreign countries It will be talked about. Is Vlog dead yet? Can we still vlog? Which when we talk about vlog, it's the same thing , it's raising the camera and we shoot. In normal language , just shoot , pick up my camera first and shoot . Hello, I'll show you. Just like YouTube, this is what people who start creating content do. Come pick up your camera and take pictures yourself. which we talked about from the beginning Who started YouTube? It won't work. Vlogging like this depends on what you want to do. But if you use the word vlog in Thailand nowadays, the format of vlog keeps changing from the beginning , which was doing it alone. Do it if you are People who don't have a lot of money You do it alone , you shoot , you edit, you have to come up with your own content. Everything has changed If you have a little money, it means you hire a professional photographer. Let's hold the camera for you. Then you go for a walk. And hire someone to edit it for you, like that, to start with, there's one assistant here. What's obviously changed in vlogs these days is that people from the entertainment industry Let's make online content on YouTube. Use the format of the program to wrap it in making online video content. and call it Some people will call it What you do is a vlog. It's not wrong. It's going to be. There's a camera, two cameras, three cameras. Help shoot , be creative. There is a producer behind the scenes. What is this? There, it will change until now. Vlog, if we look at the present, it will be. Oh, some people may understand , but it's not. It is . In fact, it started from We just picked up the camera. This shooting is still possible. Whoever started creating content today can still pick up a camera. And can shoot, as always, pick up the camera and use our skills, our energy, our time, our thoughts to take pictures. We can also shoot video. There's no need to do it yet . Format: As we can see, at present we can only do what we talked about. from the beginning It is the density of thinking, content, what will we shoot? No matter what content, including Vlogs of daily life, we have to think in each episode. What will I present? No sooner have I woken up and I want to take pictures. Hello, today I don't know what to do. Let's talk later. There's a pattern like that and I don't know what to say. The audience changes We ourselves have changed. If you ask me, is Vlog dead yet? It's not dead yet. Those who create content as solo vloggers can still live here, encouraging each other. For those who are Single vlog A person who is a solo YouTuber When you see this channel, they have this channel. Do we have to hire people? Do we have enough money? in order to expand Scaling yourself Hire people Hire people Hire people Of course there are expenses. There are for those who are already doing it. Consider. We are moving from doing it alone. Go ahead . Type of team . You have more free expenses . You have to find. Company For example, you need to register a company is to find a company. You have people who hire you. Help you work like this What's wrong with you? If you still can't do it You do it in categories. As a solo YouTuber, I think it's still possible, like how to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it. How to do it . How to do it. How to do How to do How to do How to do How to do How to do How to do How to do How to do Howto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotto Hotta What type of content do you offer ? You don't have to choose one of them. In my speech I would say do it in a hybrid way. We have key lines that we want to focus on. Then we gradually expanded in the other direction, adding more at the same time. It's called a modern YouTuber that you have to do more to attract more viewers. Not like in the past Even in the past, YouTube in Thailand took good care of creator content. There are one-on-one meetings, there is YouTube NextUp, in the past it was recommended to do it in the field we are good at. then focus on it It will come to our content. If this is the story that viewers are interested in The story will then be featured in the viewer's feed. That was in the old days. These days, YouTube's algorithm has completely changed. To create content and focus on it while the system will input the content If we wanted to convey our message to our audience, it might not be like that anymore. As we mentioned from the beginning, the system algorithm has changed. The system reads content better. What is that content? What type of audience is there? How many seconds? Everything has changed If today, as said I recommend making a hybrid. There is a main story that we like. And there was a main story that we didn't like. It will fail in making content in other formats. For example, I will show you an example. For me, my memories from the beginning of the Siam Pod website. I grew up with an iPod. I grew up with accessories to check iPod content. In 2007, the iPhone grew up to become the favorite iPhone accessory. The iPhone has been like that for a long time. My memory will be like that. Only 70-80% of the brands contacted will be this group. It will not be destroyed in any other way. At the three-year mark, I started talking more about videography. Shooting a video is related to the content I've already made. I understand it more I can explain in more simple language. We'll have our favorite storyline, another one where, OK, we like iPhones , we like apples. But the storyline makes the audience know that OK, we can communicate through the camera. But the camera that shoots mostly video. I won't talk about videography, check it out. I can only talk about videography. I say it's a lens for content creators, for bloggers, YouTubers. If you watch it, you'll speak to the extent that you understand and relate to this. And the next story is another story that I think is a trick for the audience. It 's set in technology. But it emerged It's about talking about Tesla. It's about electric cars. If you look at the three stories that I created myself. The main plot is the iPhone. It's technology. Camera for recording video These days it's all about technology. And it's about Tesla, it's about EVs, it's about technology. So it's in the main storyline that it's called technology's favorite, and we're going to break it down there. I want people who are new content creators. To think about what our main storyline is. And we'll break it down into similar storylines. What is the story? Don't think that you have to be so focused on this that you ignore everything else. Because as I said, the world has changed. The platform has changed. The system on YouTube has changed. This is the use of AI for content creators. It's about people who are solo vloggers, solo YouTubers, using AI to help us, will make our work more efficient. Individual or team content creators will be one of the assistants. Sometimes we run out of people to help create content in creative positions. People who help with production. Look at the criteria. Of course, if we hire people, it will cost a lot of money. People who are just starting out or who are single and don't have enough money to hire such people can try using AI to help. Personally, I have been using AI to help create content since last year. I've been using it since the beginning of the year. I've been trying to see how it helps us create content. At first, I felt like it helped a little, not much, but after using it for a while, I learned about the system This is the ChatGPT system , I learned what it does and how it can help us. Right now I'm slowly adding suggestions. For example , I'll review headphones. I put it in I will review this headphone. I'm going to put it in and put in what I want. I'll put in what I want. I'll see what the results are. I'm going to use it and see how convincing it is. 30%? 50%? 80%? I'll slowly pull it in. I'll slowly pull it in. You can ask if you don't want this topic and want to do this. You can do it. It really helps content creators who help us in our work. It's changed a lot. As I said before, using AI systems like ChatGPT to help make it a better system. Instead of thinking about 20 episodes and getting a headache because you can't think of anything, you can use AI, ChatGPT or Google or Microsoft , and write down what you want to do and the topics you want to work on. You can list 10 or 20 topics and see which ones you can work on. In the past year, in addition to using ChatGPT as a guide for YouTube, some posts on Facebook have also used ChatGPT to give them nearly everything to think about when posting on Facebook. If you're the only one making this type of content and You don't have an assistant at some point. I dare say everyone will find a way where they can't think of content. When you can't think of content But you have to do it as a job. It will be very controversial. But you have to do it because it's your job. It's good to have a computerized AI assistant. You can use it as a guide and add your ideas . For example, I'll add A.1 and A.2. I recommend it for new content creators and mid-level people who don't have one. The AI ​​assistant really helps us a lot. In summary, 2024 is a good year to start creating video content on YouTube , as always, because this is not the year to start a space spa. If you want to start, you must do it systematically. Don't treat it like a space spa. Don't do this. In the past it was possible for you to grow up. But now everything has changed. The system does not depend on people not acting systematically. If you want to start, you must do it systematically. Use AI to help those who do it alone or in small channels. who do not have an assistant, use AI to help. For other things, for beginners and those who are already doing it, think about foreign markets. What channels can we grow in the international market? If you can speak a foreign language, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, try to create content directly to that country or language. If you don't speak English, you can create subtitles in foreign languages ​​if you click on the video. You will see subtitles in a foreign language. Think about it. That's all. How to create content for beginners on the YouTube platform . I have to go. See you again . Hello!
Channel: kangg
Views: 57,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kangg, siampod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, กั้ง, rtb technology, ข่าว Apple, iPhone ข่าว, mac ข่าว, Apple Watch ข่าว
Id: AFx6T_Kkcz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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