มารู้จัก BAS/BMS กันเถอะ
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Channel: CAI Engineering
Views: 1,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean room, cleanroom class, cleanroom classification, cleanroom class 100 คือ, ห้อง clean room, iso 14644-1 cleanroom standards, class 100 clean room, clean room 2021, clean room 2020, iso 8 clean room, class 8 clean room, วนา, คลีนรูม, วนา อนุตรอำไพ, hvac, cleanroom, ออกแบบ cleanroom, บริษัท Cleanroom, ทำห้อง cleanroom, cleanroom ราคา, hvac cleanroom, cleanroom class1000, cleanroom class100000, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical, pharma
Id: -btTt76XkyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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