พิธีกรสองภาษาอังกฤษ-ไทย 25th Asian Athletics Championships

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[Music] three and it's such an honor for me Sami shanitas both of us is such a great honor for both of us to be here as your host for this wonderful event and actually tonight is even more special as we welcome our very honorable guests from The Following starting with Mr anutin Chan we ragoon the Deputy Prime Minister and the minister of Public Health please give a warm welcome foreign a lot of fun wow well I can imagine that yeah well today Thailand extends its warmest welcome once again to all of the athletes from every nation as you're always sitting here who are here to compete in the Athletics event taking place from Tomorrow onwards from the 12th to the 16th of July this year and to ensure that this competition proceeds smoothly and without any limits we aim to bring out the full potential of all the athletes allowing them to shine in the Asian level Championship competition right here in Thailand to the best of their abilities that's right so on this occasion just to wrap up very quickly of what he's just mentioned that if we welcome all of you to um and very pleased to be the host to to hold all the members who are attending here at this present and the event will be hosted at Stadium which has been created or established since 1941 that was 82 years ago and he hopes that tonight today tomorrow and until the 16th will be the Gateway for all the Thai athletes to treasure the moments together and use this um as a gateway to the global Arena May I please advise the president of the Athletics Association of Thailand Police General on stage as well Kong [Music] Asian Athletics Championships 2023 the 25th opening ceremony and he picked as well as on the court program and Hala the last two are actually the two main characters of Hanuman from from of namakian but we'll talk about that later okay please kindly rise and we will all if you know the words we can all sing together the Thai national anthem Coney Island but playing do you guys know which one is the performance from the north which one is from the Northeast Northeast or from the south or even from the central part do you by Nishan snow I mean do we yes of course we do of course so you can clearly see from the okay from the north the northern people Thai people see that they are a little bit taking their time they would like to take their time which is like taking the time to you know Dawns and taking the time to slow live kind of vibe yes that's right so if you know Chiang Mai Chiang Mai is from the northern part of Thailand it's a the space for a lot of tourists to go there and it's also the I would say the Melting Pot of the digital Nomads right from around the world yes correct and come and work and for isan or the north where we're from we're aware from We're from right it's a little bit upbeat in the performance yes a little bit faster a little bit more like Fast tracks and everything that we saw in the performance absolutely quite funny one two three right now your love's coming looking so crazy right now because of your costume so that
Channel: MC Sammy
Views: 556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4dIHj93JnLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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