พากย์ไทย:เหนือเมฆาชะตาลิขิต (My Journey to You) | EP.01 ( FULL EP) | iQIYI Thailand

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[English subtitles are available] [My Journey to You] [Episode 1] Did the Gong family send this bridal gown over? Yes. It was sent here this morning. They said we should set off immediately. It's just a wedding, why is it so secretive? Why can't it be above board? Wufeng is too powerful. It's better to be careful. As long as you marry into the Gong family, no one will dare to bully you anymore. Don't worry. He's not dead. He's only been immobilized. He will recover soon. You don't care for modesty at all. I'm a man after all. My body belongs to Wufeng, not myself. There's nothing to hide. I'll repeat your mission. No need. Han Yasi. I remember it clearly. I must say it even if you remember clearly. This is my duty. This mission is rather special. Is it especially dangerous? Yes. But it's worth it. After this mission, you can leave Wufeng and live the life you want. The Gong family has been living in reclusion in Jiuchen Valley for years. They are their own sect. They are not restricted by the rules of the martial world and treat Wufeng as their sworn enemy. Jiuchen Valley's terrain is unique and dangerous. The Gong residence is full of sentries and bunkers. It's always heavily guarded. They have guards on shift, day and night, without break. It's hard for outsiders to enter. These are teas. One of them is medicine. The five others are poison. The Gong family is divided into four legitimate lineages. They take Gong as their surname and Shang, Jue, Zhi, and Yu as their names. The Zhi lineage is adept at using poison and hidden weapons. The Shang lineage is adept at forging weapons. The Jue lineage deals with the outside world. They are in charge of the family business and the mediation of the martial world. The Yu lineage deals with defending the interior. They are in charge of the defense of the Gong family. That cup is the one with poison. I know. For a century, the Gong family has been united in fighting against the outside world. They're hard to take apart. And now, we finally found the best way to enter the Gong residence. Pretending to be a candidate for their selection of a bride. This is the medicine. Drink the poison first. Then take the antidote. Why don't you take the medicine directly? If I take the medicine without getting poisoned first, the medicine will also be poisonous. After entering the Gong residence, behind the gates, you will be alone and helpless in a dangerous situation. Everyone will be your enemy. You can only trust yourself. Remember, I mean everyone. Including you? Young Master. Young Master Ziyu. Gong Ziyu. A freshly prepared hand furnace. Here. It's snowing. Winter came so early this year. You have such good looks for nothing. You're tall and strong and you can wield swords and sabers, but you're afraid of the cold. You should pack up and go back. What's wrong? You have a customer so early in the morning? Other customers are not like you. You spend money but you sleep on the side bed alone. Of course, I know that you only come to me when you are unhappy. The ancients said that music can treat illnesses. After listening to you playing the zither, all my troubles seem to have disappeared. Today is the Gong family's wedding day. Go back now, or your father will scold you again. The distance and direction of each footprint are very precise. If you walk on the footprints, you will nail the gait. Why should I waste time practicing this useless thing? To make you look more like a noble lady. This bride selection is being held specially for the Young Lord of the Gong family, Gong Huanyu. He is next in line to inherit the position of Sword Wielder of the Gong family. Who am I? You're from a line of famous merchants, but your family has fallen on bad times. You're the sole daughter of the Yun family who's seeking protection from the Gong family, Yun Weishan. So your words, actions, gait, and mannerisms must be true to that of a lady from a distinguished family. Your hands are too low. You must do your best to make Gong Huanyu choose you as the bride. But I have a question. How can you guarantee Gong Huanyu will choose me? The Gong family's criterion for choosing brides is rather unique. Martial arts sects usually like to form marriage alliances with the strong to expand their power and influence in the martial arts world. But the Gong family never covets the power of the bride's family in the martial arts world. The Gong family doesn't think highly of any sect. What does the Gong family value the most? For some reason, there are few people in the Gong family. They don't have many descendants. Therefore, maintaining their bloodline has become their ultimate consensus. Whether the bride is healthy and can produce offspring for the Gong family is more important to them than beauty and family background. So before the bride selection, a special physician will do check-ups for all the brides. This medicine can strengthen your physique If Gong Huanyu doesn't choose me as the bride, does that mean my mission will have failed? Mostly, yes. How do I retreat after failure? There's no way. If you fail, you'll die. You'll be killed either by the Gong family or by Wufeng. It's the same. They're not the same. Dying by the Gong family's hands is less painful. Did I pass? What else do I have to learn? There's something. What else? [Erotica] I don't need to learn this. Why are you here again? Aren't you here too? What a coincidence. It's fine that you're always horsing around, but you came here on a day like today. Do you want to die? The bride isn't here yet. Why are you so anxious? Are you the bride? If I were the bride, I would break your legs on the wedding night. Why are you wearing so little when you're afraid of the cold? You know me. It's cold in the morning. You want to strangle me? Yes. Get in. Remember, your name is Yun Weishan. You were born in Lixi Town. No matter what, no matter what happens, you must insist that this is your identity. What will happen? Han Yasi. Tomorrow is the day the Gong family opens up the valley to welcome the brides. Have you completed the tasks? All is prepared. We can set out anytime. The Wufeng dispatched this time is called Yun Weishan. Amongst the Chi, Mei, Wang, and Liang, she of the lowest rank, the Chi. Han Yaqi. Yes. You are responsible for heading to the outpost of the Gong family on our records to leak the information that there is a Wufeng agent amongst the brides. Also, you have to make sure they can bring this information successfully back to the Gong family. Who knows? After all, I've never been inside of the Gong residence. Everything inside is a mystery. This mystery will have to be solved by you. If I complete the mission— If you complete the mission, I will give you the antidote to the Half Moon's Fly and the freedom you want. Got it. Remember what I said. No matter what, you must insist on your identity. Your name is Yun Weishan. You're from Lixi Town. The Gong family will pick you up later. Take care. It's someone who has undergone the punishment of shaving. He mustn't have good intentions. You're new around here. What would you like to buy? Do you have a receipt? Three fen of dinggongteng, two stalks of jiulixiang, four liang of jincanzi, and eight qian of tiannanxing. Sir, the herbs you asked for are hard to find. Please wait a moment. I'll check the warehouse. Don't you want poison? I gave it to you. Why are you still hiding? The poisonous needle is extremely heavy, it must be made of extraordinary iron. The tip of the needle is colored blue, like the night sky. This is the Gong family's secret weapon, Midnight Sky. right? You know quite a lot. The poison is blue, like the color of the sky at midnight. The poison works extremely fast. The victim dies before they can scream. A silent midnight, no sound to be heard. That's why it's called Midnight Sky. You're really knowledgeable. Looks like our intel was right. This is the Gong family's outpost. Stop! He's more useful alive. Are you going to keep fighting back? Can you stop pulling a long face? If I look at you too much, I feel I'll have bad luck the whole day. Since I became your bodyguard, I've been unlucky every day. If you don't like it, I’ll send you to patrol the mountain. Thank you, Young Master, I’ll do as you say. This guy is so boring. Search this place thoroughly. Take all the hidden weapons and poison to Wufeng. Take inventory and put them in storage. We're sorting them out. But the number of hidden weapons we found remaining doesn't match the expenditure on the account book. I think the Gong family members transported them away ahead of time because they were rushing to attend the bride selection ceremony. Ceremony? It's a rare occurrence for the Gong family to hold a wedding. I'm afraid they will only be able to hold a funeral now. They've always been careful when choosing brides. Even the date of departure is notified at the last moment. They will never expect there to be a Wufeng assassin among the brides. If Gong Huanyu chooses her as the bride tonight, we'll be considered affinal kin. No. It should be nether kin. Where is my brother? Young Lord has been organizing today's security work since dawn. Outsiders only get to enter the valley once every 10 years. No mistake is allowed. Young Lord is conscientious and thinks of the bigger picture. Unlike a certain someone, who's busy consorting with prostitutes. Consorting with prostitutes? Why do you use such dirty words? I was just listening to music and savoring tea. Besides, my brother is smart and capable. He must have arranged everything. Even if I didn't consort— Even if I didn't listen to music and savor tea, what could I do? I said "a certain someone". Why are you so eager to respond? If you keep being undeferential, I’ll send you to herd sheep. Thank you, Young Master, I’ll do as you say. You... Hurry. Tell Young Lord Huanyu there is a Wufeng assassin among the brides. This is the Hundred Herbs Extract! Is medicine more important than a human life? Send him back to the clinic immediately. Go and find Gong Yuanzhi to see if there is a way to detoxify him. Okay. But there's a Wufeng assassin among the brides. Shouldn't we tell the Sword Wielder about such a serious matter first? No. I can't let Father know about this yet. The Wufeng has done many evil things in the martial arts world. Father has always hated evil. If Father finds out there's a Wufeng assassin among the brides, all the brides will be doomed. What should we do? We must tell him regardless, right? I'll go find my brother. He will have a way. Find Gong Yuanzhi now. Have they arrived? Yes. They have successfully entered Jiuchen Valley. Han Yaqi. Chief, I have attacked the Gong family outpost according to your orders. I have also leaked the information that there is an assassin among the brides to the person at the outpost. Does he suspect anything? The owner of the pharmacy is just as we predicted. He pretended to commit suicide by taking poison. To make him believe we really wanted to silence him, as planned, I stabbed the owner's chest with that special short sword. It looked fatal, but I avoided his vitals. He won't die. We also left their fast horses in the courtyard. If all goes according to plan, he should have ridden back to the Gong residence to report back. Brother! [Be Upright] Young Master, Young Lord is... Brother! You are getting more and more impetuous. Father. Brother. It's Sword Wielder and Young Lord. Sword Wielder. Young Lord. Ziyu, You're injured? Your hands are bleeding. On my way back, I saved a man from the outpost who was severely injured. This is his blood. He also told me... What did he say? He said that there is a Wufeng assassin among this batch of brides who entered the valley. Ziyu, do you know the gravity of what you're saying? I do. That's why I came to find Brother— to find Young Lord. Did he say who hurt him? What was his purpose? Where did he get the intel that there's an assassin among the brides? I haven't had time to ask him. Where is the injured guard now? In the clinic. Although the blade was thin, it was smeared with lethal poison. The poison will take effect after four hours. According to the speed of that fast horse, it should be enough for him to reach Jiuchen Valley. So, he only has time to communicate this piece of information he believes completely, that there's a Wufeng assassin among the brides, before he dies. The Gong family won't be able to ask about the details. A dying person's words must be true. No one will doubt the last words of a dead person. Good. Now, it's really good. Sword Wielder, he's dead. We must find the Wufeng assassin among the brides. Brother. There are so many brides. Do you have any clues? How can we find her? There's no need to take risks. Just execute them all. Please forgive my ignorance. Although Yun Weishan is of the lowest level, the Chi, I've painstakingly trained her for years and expended a lot of resources and effort. Voluntarily exposing her identity like this... I don't understand. It's hard to clap with a single hand. Wolves travel in pairs. This is such an important task. How can we entrust it to just one person? Another Wufeng that I trained also entered the valley as a bride today. And... I think she's more likely to succeed. After all, she is a Mei. find this Wufeng today. When one Wufeng dies, the other will be safer. The Gong family has always been cautious. If they kill all the brides to be safe, wouldn't our plan have all been in vain? Not really. The Gong family isn't the Wufeng. Father. Father! If we kill all the brides because of an assassin, if we kill innocent people indiscriminately like that, what will be the difference between us and the Wufeng? Father! That assassin sneaked into the Gong residence to kill the Gong family. You think the murderer is innocent? What about the other brides? Not everyone is an assassin. I've been making my way in the world my whole life. I've taken my fair share of risks. But I will never risk my family's lives. Even if there's only an infinitesimal danger, I won't allow it. Just lock up all the brides and find the assassin. If all brides die tragically overnight after entering the Gong residence, how will people in the martial arts world think of the Gong family? The martial arts world? The martial arts world fears the Wufeng so much that they no longer distinguish good from bad. The Gong family hasn't surrendered and is standing alone because I'm cautious. Go back first. I'll come to you later. Jin Fan. Follow me. [Guardian Camp] Water. No need. No need. Eldest Young Miss. Eldest Young Miss. No need. Eldest Young Miss. No need. No need. No need. No need to put it on. Where is Jin Fan? Brother Jin Fan hasn't come back yet. How inappropriate! It's dangerous outside. You boys need to learn to protect yourselves. Understand? We will protect Eldest Young Miss with our lives. I will also protect you. Don't worry. Don't worry. Where is Jin Fan? When I came back, I saw Brother Jin Fan and Young Master Ziyu going out in a hurry. Why did Jin Fan and Gong Ziyu go out so late at night? Come here. Keep practicing for me. Yes, Eldest Young Miss. [Feng] Stop touching. The arrows were blunt arrows. They struck our acupoints and made us unconscious. Remember what I said. No matter what, you must insist on your identity. Your name is Yun Weishan. You're from Lixi Town. You stopped yourself from speaking. What do you want to say? Why do you keep saying I must insist on my identity? From what I know about Wufeng, you're not the only bride they're sending in. There should be someone else. Is this how the Gong family treats the brides that marry into their family? They were really sweet-talking us when they sent the betrothal gifts. I've only left home for a few hours, and I'm locked in this stinky, rundown dungeon. That's ridiculous. If my father finds out, he won't let you off! Young Lord. Father is not here. It's just the two of us. Don't make it hard for yourself. Brother. What's going on? Father's temper... Sigh. What did he say? They won't die. But it's won't be pretty. He wants to use poison again? Yes. Gong Yuanzhi concocted a new drug recently. I guess it'll come into use tomorrow. Brother, I know you are soft-hearted. But we have to find out who the assassin is. Who can withstand Gong Yuanzhi's poison? What's the difference between poison and torture? Someone will definitely not be able to bear it and confess or frame someone else. There's still a difference. Torture will leave scars. It's better for brides to be pretty. Don't you like girls with good skin? Brother. It's not the time to talk about this. No. I need to ask Father again. Nonsense! What time is it now? Father is asleep. You are already of marriageable age, but you're still so reckless. You should be more mature. You'd better take on some of the Gong family's matters as soon as possible I don't want to. You... You can only say that in front of me. Don't mention it in front of Father and others. Why can't I? Father never intended for me to involved in the Gong family's affairs. Besides, no one thinks of me as a descendant of the Gong family. A few days ago, the north sent over a wild mink. I asked someone to make a thick cloak out of it. The night dew in the valley has been heavy lately. You've get cold easily since young. If you go out at night, put it on. Brother. But the brides... Our discussion on the brides is over. I'm going to sleep. How was it? What did Young Lord say? Tomorrow, they'll poison all the brides with Gong Yuanzhi's poison. If it's Gong Yuanzhi's poison, we can definitely find out who the assassin is. No. It's too cruel. What should we do? It's better than killing them all. Do you remember when my father grounded me for a month last year and you found an abandoned secret passage to help me escape? Are you crazy? I will never allow you to do that. Young Master Ziyu. Why are you here? Young Lord asked me to take these girls to the Zhi lineage for Gong Yuanzhi to test his medicine on. He's testing medicine so late at night? How dare you! It's not up to you to decide whether it's too late. I dare not. But... Young Lord could have sent someone to inform us. Young Master Ziyu didn't have to come in person. Do you mean to say Young Lord thinks of me as a servant? Please don't be angry. I deserve to die. Enough. I'm going in. Don't be afraid. I'm here to save you. Young Master. What happened? There is a Wufeng assassin among you. What is Wufeng? You don't even know that? Wufeng is an assassin organization that has dominated the martial arts world for decades. Whoever dares to resist them will be killed. Many sects have already surrendered to Wufeng. Only the Gong family is left to resist them. That's why my father sent me here for the bride selection. He said this is the only safe place Wufeng can't reach. That's right. Wufeng is cruel and ruthless. After the Sword Wielder found out there's a Wufeng agent among you, in order to protect the Gong family, he decided to execute all of you. How could this happen? It's not the time to cry. Come with me. I'll let you out. They called you Young Master Ziyu. You are the Young Master of the Yu lineage, the son of the Sword Wielder. Your father wants to kill us, but you want to save us. How can you be so kind? I don't believe you. I'm neither the Sword Wielder nor the Young Lord. That's why I have protective feelings for the fairer sex. You can decide whether you want to leave with me. I'll go with you. I want to go back to see my father. Thank you, Young Master Ziyu. Come here. Young Lord's men are outside. You don't have to follow us. Go search every cell carefully and see if there are any strange objects, like hidden weapons. Yes. Young Lord. Young Lord. Young Lord. Young Master Ziyu... Young Master Ziyu brougt the brides out of the dungeon. Now, they're walking out of the Gong residence. What are you doing? The Gong residence is full of sentries. If you go any further, you will be shot to death. I don't believe you. Then go ahead. I want to see you become a hedgehog. I don't believe you really want to take us out. How do I look insincere? When the boat stopped, I saw the lighthouse. I remember it was near the city gate. But now, we are getting farther and farther from the city gate. You are so distrusting. Mother told me not to trust anyone after entering the valley. Besides, it's strange that you will disobey your father's orders to let us out. In that case, isn't it also strange that you've been memorizing the position of the lighthouse since you entered the Gong residence? Who's there? Hold on to the mask. Young Master Ziyu? It's late. What is Young Master Ziyu doing? Sister Zishang got bitten by some bugs on her face. The bites are a little swollen. She was depressed, so she asked me to take a walk with her. It's Eldest Young Miss. The Gong residence is under full alert tonight. Please don't wander around. Go back to your room and rest. Okay. You may leave. We'll go back now. Yes. Do you trust me now? If I didn't really want to send you out, I could have handed you over to the guards. If you still don't believe me, then keep going and become a hedgehog. If you really want to get out, come with me. When are you taking us away? Didn't you say you'd take us away? What are you waiting for? Where have you been? You disappeared when I turned around. How reckless. There's an assassin among them. You think too much. It's not easy for the Wufeng assassin to sneak in. How could she be here to kill me? Also, exposing themeslves by killing an idle man like me... Is Wufeng stupid? If you're so careless, it'll be easy— Alright. Let's go. This secret passage leads out of Jinchen Valley. But there are many traps inside. Be careful. Gong Ziyu. Aren't you sending me people to test my medicine on? Why are they here? I'm acting under Young Lord's orders. I don't need to explain myself to you. Are you following orders or falsely relaying orders? You know very well! Go!
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Keywords: My Journey to You, My Journey to You ซับไทย, My Journey to You 1, My Journey to You1, My Journey to You ep1, รีวิวซีรี่ย์, ซีรี่ย์จีนซับไทย, ชุดโบราณจีน, อ้ายฉีอี้ ซีรี่ย์, โรแมนติก, iQIYI Thailand, My Journey to You พากย์ไทย, ซีรี่ย์จีน พากย์ไทย, จูบ, ซีรี่ย์จีน ซับไทย, เลิฟซีน, My Journey to You ตอน1, My Journey to You fin, ซ่งเจีย, 云之羽, 虞书欣, 张凌赫, อวี๋ซูซิน, จางหลิงเฮ่อ iqiyi
Id: A1aoZnzOUM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 21sec (3381 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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