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[Music] INE [Music] I love this picture I love this picture I love this picture I love this picture I know none of them I know none of them I know none of them I know none of them this is a cat this is a cat this is a cat this is a cat let's open the window let's open the window let's open the window let's open the window he is still young he is still young he is still young he is still young they are watching TV they are watching TV they are watching TV they are watching TV my mom Cut the Cake my mom Cut the Cake my mom Cut the Cake my mom Cut the Cake my joints ache my joints ache my joints ache my joints ache is she your teacher is she your teacher is she your teacher is she your teacher are they your friends are they your friends are they your friends are they your friends she has no children she has no children she has no children she has no children he has two kids he has two kids he has two kids he has two kids here is my bicycle here is my bicycle here is my bicycle here is my bicycle he plays soccer he plays soccer he plays soccer he plays soccer he was at home he was at home he was at home he was at home why is it so hot why is it so hot why is it so hot why is it so hot my sister likes cake my sister likes cake my sister likes cake my sister likes cake I also like cake I also like cake I also like cake I also like cake I return home by bus I return home by bus I return home by bus I return home by bus my son is waiting for me my son is waiting for me my son is waiting for me my son is waiting for me who's is this mug who's is this mug who's is this mug who's is this mug this cake is sweet this cake is sweet this cake is sweet this cake is sweet this cake isn't sweet this cake isn't sweet this cake isn't sweet this cake isn't sweet this cake is too sweet this cake is too sweet this cake is too sweet this cake is too sweet she is always with me she is always with me she is always with me she is always with me I'll come back I'll come back I'll come back I'll come back can you speak Italian can you speak Italian can you speak Italian can you speak Italian where can I rent a car where can I rent a car where can I rent a car where can I rent a car she is gardening she is gardening she is gardening she is Ging in I know she is gardening I know she is gardening I know she is gardening I know she is gardening can I use this umbrella can I use this umbrella can I use this umbrella can I use this umbrella I'm waiting for the bus I'm waiting for the bus I'm waiting for the bus I'm waiting for the bus I went to Boston by train I went to Boston by train I went to Boston by train I went to Boston by train LP she likes bananas she likes bananas she likes bananas she likes bananas he likes dragon fruit he likes dragon fruit he likes dragon fruit he likes dragon fruit dragon fruit is low in calories dragon fruit is low in calories dragon fruit is low in calories dragon fruit is low in calories p chocolate do you like chocolate do you like chocolate do you like chocolate do you like chocolate do you like cats do you like cats do you like cats do you like cats do you like black cats do you like black cats do you like black cats do you like black cats she is a good teacher she is a good teacher she is is a good teacher she is a good teacher look at the map look at the map look at the map look at the map look at the map on page nine look at the map on page nine look at the map on page nine look at the map on page nine it is raining now it is raining now it is raining now it is raining now give me a hand give me a hand give me a hand give me a hand please give me a hand please give me a hand please give me a hand please give me a hand he is introverted he is introverted he is introverted he is introverted I am extroverted I am extroverted I am extroverted I am extroverted I helped him yesterday I helped him yesterday I helped him yesterday I helped him yesterday can I help can I help can I help can I help I'm going back in a while I'm going back in a while I'm going back in a while I'm going back in a while how far is it how far is it how far is it how far is it it's not so far it's not so far it's not so far it's not so far how is your business so far how is your business so far how is your business so far how is your business so far [Music] so far so good so far so good so far so good so far so good this box is full of books this box is full of books this box is full of books this box is full of books he feels very happy he feels very happy he feels very happy he feels very happy he is over the moon he is over the moon he is over the moon he is over the moon he put on his glasses he put on his glasses he put on his glasses he he put on his glasses he took off his glasses he took off his glasses he took off his glasses he took off his glasses bro po more please take your hat off please take your hat off please take your hat off please take your hat off he is still here he is still here he is still here he is still here she is gone there she is gone there she is gone there she is gone there when pigs fly when pigs fly when pigs fly When Pigs Fly I'll do that when pigs fly I'll do that when pigs fly I'll do that when pigs fly I'll do that when pigs fly he married my sister he married my sister he married my sister he married my sister let's go to the beach let's go to the beach let's go to the beach let's go to the beach I have no experience I have no experience I have no experience I have no experience I have no choice I have no choice I have no choice I have no choice do I need to know do I need to know do I need to know do do I need to know you need to know this you need to know this you need to know this you need to know this our project failed our project failed our project failed our project [Music] failed for [Music]
Channel: Engkiz
Views: 6,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1iktY9xB07k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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