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If I could go back and teach myself when I was young. One of the habits that I will quickly teach myself is Leadership, leadership is influential. with every dimension of life, whether it be doing work, success, relationships, or even Happiness in life is therefore a good opportunity for me to bring This book summarizes leader is Last. This book belongs to Mr. Simonik. If You want to be a good leader that everyone likes. I want to be like that. What do we need to know? And what is the reason that we rarely meet people? Good leaders are compared to Bad leaders or bad leaders. In this episode, we will unlock the secrets to make you, the listener, an excellent leader. Excellent in life through the book Leader Eats Last , a textbook for success and special content from us, the library Premium Content. Watch both channels today, both YouTube membership and www.th Library Learn dcom, because learning will make you a I myself had the opportunity to know about this book. It's been a while and I believe you Many listeners know this author well, Mr. Simon ZX, owner of the book "start with Wi Infinity Game" and many other books. There are many books that talk about success. In the long run, success should be sustainable. Success shouldn't happen overnight. And then it disappears and becomes a failure. This is What Mr. Simonnek tried to convey His books, all his books. Inspire people all over the world, including This book also, first I will explain. Let the listeners understand first why if I go back. When I can go back, I will teach you about being. Leaders to themselves are the subject of leadership. It won't be based on the position. It's based on status, but it's based on character. Yes, character is the personality of a leader. What kind of good thing would you, the listener, imagine? Yes, if we were to think about what an ideal leader would be like What kind have I had the opportunity to collect before? Including answers from the team. There will be answers. A group where everyone will say the same thing if they speak. As for good scholarship, the first factor is him. Must be a person who has empathy, listens and understands. Genuinely caring for others is not just listening. To respond is not to not listen to people. Another important point is listening. The second thing is having a vision. The plan is to not do anything rashly. Point number 3 is to control your own emotions. One thing that I always warn the people close to me. Time to rise to a high position. One day, one day, we will have to grow up. You have to go to a place where there are followers who believe. I'm sorry, if you don't prepare now. Until then, it won't be in time because when you Put in a position of leading people, you will easily become angry. You will feel what it takes to control yourself. It was more difficult than when in the follower position. The real reason is like this. When we are in In leadership positions, we feel like we have power. Being able to control things that we once couldn't control. First of all, this is one thing that must Prepare to learn leadership. Early is necessary because If you go to learn the episode you need to get it. Once in a leadership position, it will be no different from that. You went to swimming lessons when you drowned. So I have summarized the lessons from the book Leader is Last. This book covers the subject. of good leadership and after this We will learn lessons from the book Reader E Last for listeners who click to follow. I believe that everyone will definitely gain a lot of knowledge from this EP. For anyone who hasn't yet. Follow, don't press yet, try listening to the clip. Let's finish this first if this clip makes you able. Develop yourself with knowledge and understanding of principles in Leadership has reached that point and it is still difficult to press on. Yes, I will start with point 1 first and at the end I will conclude that I took everything. To apply in organizational management or administration How is life? First, Mr. Maigemao. Ask this question before the owner of the book "start with Why", right? Why do we have leaders? Why do we have leaders in the world? With everyone not being equal, why not? There must be people who are high up and people who are followers. Everyone has ever wondered. I'll explain it to you. Easy to understand, humans are social animals, right? Yes, the reason that is the most important reason is that Why can humans be at the top of the chain? food or being able to rule this world because We are social animals. The word social animal in This is that we can work together to create things. It's bigger than you can do alone. When we reach this point, when humans come together to live together, There are intelligent, thoughtful, civilized lives coming together. Everything cannot be equal. There must be one person holding power and another group. A large group of people who follow powerful people. This is necessary, but the point What's interesting next is the leader in ancient times. Yes, leaders in that era must have a strong body. Intelligent and resourceful, he can make his followers depend on him. You can take it today. Globalization is also Changing from leaders using their physical abilities It's basically starting to not be like that these days, right? Yes, we began to use our ability to plan. A vision for communicating with leaders has begun to emerge. There are more diverse dimensions here, but What matters is that no matter how much time passes No matter how long it takes, we still need to have a leader, signing the market for ordering services from a Japanese website. That will help you order products from Japan easily. It's like ordering from Thailand. We can do everything. Complete in one place on the website for ordering products. Pay, track the parcel, choose your own delivery method. No need to wait for the pre-order period to store products in the warehouse for free for 60 days. Guaranteed reliability with over 1.5 million users around the world. Sign up to the market. Special for viewers of my lovely The Library. Receive 800 yen in accumulated points from before. 500 yen when applying through the link under the description. Use it because I use it myself. The next part is if there is no leader. Its efficiency is linked to point 2: success of Fair has influenced from leaders' success and failure. The beginning of everything comes from the leader. It will be in the context of the family country organization. Or even a small group of people, a team. It's all over, every success and failure point. It starts with the leader, so it's easy to say if My organization will be compared in the organizational context if the organization has If the organization has a bad leader, there is a 90% chance that the organization will not survive. But if the organization has a leader The good system may still not be very good, but if he There are leaders who can make followers feel comfortable. There are leaders who plan, have vision, know that What is the real reason for what is being done? The success of the organization is likely to go very far. Yes, everyone, this is what the factory There is no teaching because the school never Teach us to be leaders in the world of True success in life or failure in Life depends on leaders. That it may be someone else or sometimes it is yourself. It's us. Therefore, I want you to try and remember this. This is the reason for this book. Success and failure depend on the leader . Point 3: People isn't Number. Don't compare people with numbers. This point will Depends on the context of the organization or the image it If I tell two stories, the first story is that there is a woman named Jessica Jessica was in a car accident. A crash that she herself didn't expect after that. Jessica, I have to go to the hospital to receive treatment. Leg surgery, her leg was hit until there was no bone. She was in her original form and she just realized it. After she recovered, she was unable to use her legs. that side, even though before that it just wasn't In how many hours can she still walk normally? This is story 1 and story 2. I have statistics on deaths from pregnancy accidents. On the road in December 2023, over 14,000 people died from road accidents. Listeners, have you noticed anything? Yes, I feel about the 2 stories I told you. It's completely different, but it is. The same accident happened here. Yes, I think he presented it very well. Wherever you look at people, they are statistical numbers. The connection with each other will disappear. Yes, this is very important. Let's give an example. Yes, if your listener is an organization leader, then you Looking at employees as money-making machines is not possible. It's different from when you look at employees as numbers. Yes, on the contrary, if I am another leader, I I think that employees are only people. Employees are the people who drive the vision. People who help each other are people who share. Sharing suffering, sharing happiness and creating a vision Let it happen in reality, you, the listener. Which leader would you like to be with more? In the long term, leaders who look at everything individually Numbers, especially about people in the long run, they will encounter. with negative influences from his own perspective which This is a very important matter whether we In any context of the world, leaders should not look at people. As a number, people should not be looked at as statistics, but should be looked at. People are people, which Mr. Simonnek is not. Said that comparing numbers with How many people or events happened? It's not a bad thing, but every time Whatever statistics you come across, don't just take them for granted. The numbers here, I can give an example. So one day you, the listener, will be your leader. There are hundreds or thousands of followers at any time. If you consider that a group of 100 people has an immediate negative effect, empathy between the leader and the followers will disappear. But if you look at the group of 100 people, each person has a family responsibility to take care of. If you work to achieve your dreams, you have to earn money. Month to eat and use, so the salary is It must be reasonable with his work and living expenses. The life that he has, you will begin to see empathy. Hearts for each other, that's what. That the world needs, therefore, People is a Number. Don't look at people as numbers, but look at people. That is, a K person is a person who has a relationship with us. It is people who will share our suffering and happiness. Point 4: Create Trust. Trust is the influence that It's great if you can make it happen. What is the trust here that you, the listener, will have? One story from the Navy Seal unit of the United States . The Navy Seal unit is famous for its It is the world's top special forces unit. This can only be said for one thing that I went to see. When choosing one person to join the team, what do they look at? Essentially, the listener might think that if you If you want someone to fight with you, you might. You must choose the person who shoots the gun most accurately. The most intelligent can use a variety of weapons. Is that the type that has the most skills? It's only the result of their answers, he said. That the most important thing in bringing Navy seel into the team is comfort. That here is something very shiny, simply put. If that person is very talented. Can use all types of weapons with expertise. Highly skilled, but if the team is uncomfortable working with him He doesn't take comfort for granted. which is comforting in the fact that it is belief The heart itself, if that person is skilled and has expertise. But he was selfish and didn't listen to what his teammates thought. Whatever you do, do it alone. The mission will not work. Yes, especially missions involving combat units. Specially, it will have a high risk of error. Even the slightest mistake could mean death. So trust will be the first variable. Because he must trust that if the boss The team or teammates being shot must be believed. I'm sure this friend won't leave him alone. Will be dragged out of that situation. Never abandon him, this is trust. Which is here, if the listener can bring it. Compare with the general working life context. You may not have to be a respectful person. Do you? Whenever you can make people Everyone around me is comfortable working with you. Your talent may be secondary to your talent. You may not have to be the best, but You need to make those around you comfortable. Heart or if you are the leader who will take someone People join the team and see if you are comfortable or not. to work with him if you are uncomfortable even No matter how good he is, in the long run it will be detrimental. To the team, so it's a matter of comfort. And trust is the first variable that must be Next importance will be lesson number 5 from the book Leader Isl, integrity matters. Honesty is important. Tell the truth, or at least don't lie. This is especially the case of being a person. The leader emphasizes again that leadership is maturity. Yes, being honest or being honest is What is really important if you don't keep your word? Say self-respect or respect from others. Else it will be missing a lot and leadership in Your identity will disappear without you knowing it. Therefore, whenever you need to communicate Substance or need to cooperate with anyone? Hide guys, be honest with them, tell the truth. If there is any problem, tell me directly. that this is the problem we are facing and I think Maybe there is a way to fix this, you guys have an idea. How we see each other is also how we listen. That's it. Be honest. Don't lie. Because when you lie it becomes It's a time bomb and it's difficult to clear. Like a business, which is a business It's very big in Thailand. It's a business. It's in the stock market, but it happened. Corruption has been recorded and it is considered cheating. Numbers come up, which is definitely the leader. The organization is not telling the truth even though the company That will make a profit with a high number and a price in How high is the stock market? But one day Time bombs work. Time bombs work. Work then explodes until it dies every day. That company then dropped out of the stock market. The reputation has already been lost. The root cause is a problem of refusing to tell the truth. And keeping it in Brahma in real life is no different. Each time you choose to go 6, especially the ones that influence the results. You are setting yourself a time bomb without Next thing to know is number 6: Serve People, not Numbers. Serve people, not numbers. Yes, this point will have a great effect, especially for working people. Organizational executives, leaders, serve the receivers. Use society, don't serve the bottom line or don't. Serve the profit itself if it is an ordinary person when Whatever you can answer is the work you've done. You probably don't care who you create value for. So how much income do you receive? But you only care that along the way you are Travel along the way where you are working. Be happy you know what the reason is for what you do. And that's when the rewards will become. It's something that comes later and you will be looking for. New opportunities are found because you know how to work. It is about creating value, not seeking results. The benefit is that this is another matter. The people we often come to talk to are you, the listeners. If you learn about success, you will have it. There's one sentence that they say very often. Whatever work you do, don't work for money. Everyone has heard of it. The real reason is Why do you know? If I give this example, you The listener will see the picture. You, the listener, are the leader. Leading the organization has two subordinates, one of whom works as a porter. Rup works all night and then you go and ask if he's working because What did he say he saw as the goal of the organization? The goal is to create value for society, so he wants to Dedicate your life or work hard to Make your goals come true and he believes that the day This organization will have a great influence on society. We have set a goal for the second person to do it. The work is the same, carrying the holes is the same. You go and ask why you work so hard. I want a bonus Yes, talent is the same, intelligence is the same if If you had to choose to benefit someone, Who will you choose? Of course, we have to choose people who are willing to work hard. In order to push the organization to create Is it worth it? This is the reason. The results of why working for money will make you Not getting money but working for a vision or creating value for something that is great Until the money itself suddenly becomes a reward. Immediately, this is a very important point. This will be the final lesson: We need More leaders. This world needs leaders. I have to admit that when I was a child, I didn't have much. What do you learn from most of these things? We must encounter experiences within ourselves. Our school-age friends also practiced the subject of Compassionate interaction with people at that time but schools would not teach We can say that he really is a leader. What is it that makes us addicted to the image that the word A leader must be the leader, must stand and give orders. The use of power must be decisive. which is in fact our world Need a good leader. Now enough about the word good leader. Well it is that you have to listen, you don't have to. You may need to talk as much as possible. To say the last one, you need to make sacrifices in Benefits: If you are facing a crisis, you must be a person. The first time you take action, make a decision, you will wait. Everything is absolutely not ready. This is It's a matter of leadership and that's important. That is, this world needs every leader who listens to me. You are the leader. Now you are learning the lesson. Have learned leadership, whether you What position are you in, what work are you doing? It will influence every outcome in life. This is also a lesson from the book Leader is Last. The next one will be the second point, the result of applying the lessons of leadership in a systematic way. What are some things you need to do in your life of managing an organization? Can make people on the team see My vision will start with this point first, which is an important point: 1. Serve people and society a lot. Than the rewards like I told you in the summary. Lesson: Whenever serving society You will get rewards along the way. I will bring the story. Tell a story that is a classic. There were 3 construction workers. All 3 people were laying bricks and there was a man. I walked in and was curious, so I went and asked what he was doing. What is going on? The first technician replied that he was laying bricks. The second technician said that he was building a wall. The third technician was answering that he was building a cathedral. All 3 of them were laying bricks in the same way, but within the framework. Everyone thinks differently about work. Which technician do you think will be the greatest technician ? Number 3, right? Right here. Yes, you must know the reason you work the job. What is it and who does it create value for? And I like another story of a housewife. Please tell me the airport in Japan. that every time I come to clean the bathroom I don't just clean the airport. is becoming the face of Japan If the airport is clean, people will want to visit. View Japan as a country that gives I am important to cleanliness. Do you want Japan to see it? Regarding the frame of mind, let's try to see the value. In the work you are doing, what is it? It is definitely there. Point 2: Hard work that is valuable is better than work. I remember this feeling of not being beneficial to people. I realized that when it was too comfortable, I would I'm not happy, especially during the comfortable times. That doesn't create any value at all. In working, there will be pressure. Is it heavy? But whenever the work It's hard for us to know that there are people who benefit. Getting good things back to hard work won't be a problem. It will feel more fun than comfortable. Therefore, this is the reason for working if You know the value of hard work. No. 3: Create an environment where people are comfortable. Heart is more than competition, this is another thing. This was written in the book Reader E Last, a comfortable environment. You, the listener, still remember the Navy Seal episode that I told you about earlier. Is it true if the workplace is an environment where There is only competition with each other. That person must If you can make numbers like this, this person must make numbers. Only when the environment occurs Competing seems good, but in the long run it's difficult. There will be what is called competition. competition, which is not good. Once there, the condition In that kind of environment, people will feel uncomfortable and later on At work there will always be politics or in the team. You will quarrel with each other which I Let me tell you that if you don't create an environment of Be at ease early on, later it will become problem number 4. Watch loudly, criticize silently. When viewing, please watch in public, but when criticizing People call to reprimand one-on-one or send a message. You can let him know that what he did was wrong. Because it is unavoidable in work. There will be mistakes made and still remembered. When you are in a leadership position, do you You will start to get angry easily and you may criticize without your permission. I know that it is not wrong to criticize people. Yes, if you know how to criticize it again. The party doesn't feel sorry because it is a person. Leading must know how to take care of people's kindness, which sometimes is straightforward. I still make the mistake of criticizing every aspect of this. Once, I will try to criticize you one-on-one, but Yes, when I criticize myself or when I If you make a mistake, I'll let the employee say it right there. This is what a leader must bear. It's heavier than that. The next point, the follower, is People are not money-making machines, but the money they earn. It's a reward for work, that's what it is. Use it to build followers to make him more skilled. As an organization or as a country, what The most important thing is to determine whether the organization or How far a country can go depends on the quality of its people. Therefore, people development It is something that is inevitable if you look. that every number must be invested in You just have to invest in assets and invest in Your things won't get people, but if you invest them. with those people will start to push His vision will begin to lighten your burden. Start leading a team without having to give orders. This is the importance of human development. The last point is leader E Last. Leaders must Sacrifice, sometimes this is something to practice. It's difficult at times, but whenever it comes across. The first person to deal with a crisis is the leader. Yes, but when the team or organization receives results Benefits are gained, fame is rewarded. The leader must be the last to pick up, which is correct. This is another thing that is the definition of leer eat last. You are the leader. You must eat last and sleep last. Sit before you feel sick, but when there is a problem, The leader must go out of his way before he must go to receive the truth. Take risks before you see them. This world needs leaders. More, but no matter what, when the day comes You create a good environment. If new leaders arise, this world will be a better place. All the more because of your own vision. This is a lesson from the book eat Last that I have summarized and brought to you listeners along with a study case that I have given as an example as always. If all listeners would like complete content from the book Leader Eats Last, you Listen, you can buy this book from the library Shop. Every book in The shop has books that we have selected for you. Yes, and most importantly, if the listener wants to Met me and wanted to learn about my lecture work. It's being held at the library. Everyone can buy tickets to see the event from Today, the event is being held on March 24, 2000, 567 at the Somerset Bangkok Hotel. If you want to learn to find Success wants to know what true success is in What kind of life should be in the work? I will give you Everyone comes to learn together and take action. Of course, I am honored and pleased to do so. So much to see you all that day and in Today is the right time for all of you. If you like this clip, you can click Like, Share, and Subscribe to follow new learning from the library as always. If the listeners like the content from this podcast episode, everyone can click Like, Share, and Subscribe to follow new learning from the library. Today is the time. This is appropriate. The library team and I would like to say goodbye for now. May today be a great day. Hello everyone. [Song] [Song] Yes, it's a market service for ordering things from Japan. A website that will help you order products from Japan is as easy as ordering from Thailand. Do everything completely in one place on the website. Order products, pay, track parcels, choose a method. You can send it yourself, no need to wait for the pre-order round, store the products in the warehouse for free for 60 days, guaranteed reliability. With more than 1.5 million users around the world , we have a special market for viewers of my lovely library. Get 800 yen in points from the original 500 yen when you sign up through the link under Description. Use it because I use it myself too.
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Keywords: podcast, life, book, สรุปหนังสือ, หนังสือเสียง, จิตวิทยา, พัฒนาตัวเอง, ชีวิต, จิตใจ, อาหารสมอง, ความรู้, the library, no.1 podcaster, ted talk, the article, จิตวิญญาณ, เติบโต, mindset, กรอบความคิด, sigma, การเรียนรู้, speaker, ทีมงาน, ปรัชญา, พอดแคสต์
Id: 3ak0cwL518g
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Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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