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Let's continue after removing the Power mon phase already. This time it's here. Let's try to measure it and see if it's a good shot. We set it at A normal Ohmpi has a normal sound if it's shocked. Here he will have a shock between pin 2 and pin 3. Normally, ah, leg 3, ah, leg 2 would be a leg. Receive electricity, 300 volts, then I will switch the switch down to pin 3. It will be fully ground at 3, something like that, when it's shorted. So the shock will be around 2 or 3. Yes, it's about like this. Let's try and see. 0 oh 100%. It's about like this. 0 oh. Shock . We'll see if he A shot between leg 1 and leg 2 as well. Let's try it . Leg 1 and leg 2 are also shocked. Here I will tell you. What do you mean, if leg 2, leg 3 shock, that's normal, but if A shock between legs 2 and leg 1 will also follow. That is, this panel will also break because It looks like this, the 300 light, the 300 light runs in, coming into the second middle leg here. If A shock to ground is normal and it goes off, but if you shock pin 1 with 300 volts here, it will run back into the ground. This is where leg 1 is. I know that it is a bad leg. A bad leg is a leg. The signal is coming in. The signal will come in. The signal will come out from the light here. It's a little light. Here, then I will run to the control. Cade works, so if 300 fires come in here, it will come in the opposite direction and there will be R, C, and other things that will explode and shock. Well, let's try this time and see if it will shock or not, or it will break forever. This is the big one, we have lights like this. How to check in the beginning is simple, easy in The basic idea is that the 300 volt electricity that I'm paying is coming here. Run to the transformer from the transformer. It will come out to the middle leg here and another part of 3 volts. Run through a diode and then through this resistor. This R is a starting R, approximately 500 over K, 560 approximately. In some models, we may see 2 resistors, approximately 240k, 2 each. Let's agree. In some models, you will only see one. Here, more than 300 volts of electricity flows through this R. There will be approximately 5-6 volts left, so we take 5-6 volts of power to feed it. You can go here. If the power is 5 volts or 6 volts, enter it here. Immediately we came to check here, at the legs. It's normal if the board works initially. There will be approximately 5 volts of electricity flowing out. Ah, something like this, this one is this, this is the technique. The method for checking, initially, I will use 5 volts, enter it here, 5 volts, DC, then subtract, then go straight down. This is negative. He will go down here in another point. What we have to check is that we will check here, leg 3, this one will be negative, will it go down or not? Let's try to check. Pin 3 here is not negative. This means that there is an R inside this panel. It is missing. This is point number 1 where we have to check the switching. It can last for approx. Over 500 ohm. Over 500 ohm. He might. No, it's not too bad. In that estimation, he doesn't. Delete it completely. OK, I'll take it. It's said to be negative, about 500 ohms. Turn it on . Turn on the 5 volt light. 3 2 1 turn on. It's ready to come in. We'll check. I'll check. Delete here. Delete here. Delete here back. And here there is 5 volt power, 5 volt power comes . But if you check and subtract here and 5 volt power, you will get it. If it does, it is assumed that the board inside R is not broken. Is there a way to check? too, because there is One clip, I didn't check the R that was on this board. Please, let's check this first and assume that the R connected to this leg is not broken. And then we check this one, so we check the straight line. You can do this. There is power. If there is 5 volt power, it is considered that the board can be used initially. Please, this one does not have 5 volt power. The reason there is no 5 volt power is that this 2nd leg has a short with pin 1. Please see, the 300 volt power runs in the opposite direction and goes back in to do it. The circuit here is broken. It's normal if there's a short circuit. This, if there is a shock of this size, it is the 2nd leg. The 3rd leg is a short, this is one resistor. To connect the resistor to ground. will also fail, it is a low voltage value. This may already be broken, but he checked in So the board can still be used, OK. The initial conclusion is that the board is not usable. Yes, I can't compare it to the ground here. Compared to the ground here, there is 5 volts, but it's direct. There isn't any. There won't be 5 volts coming out. When the repair is completed, we come to inspect it like this. Yes, no matter what happens, I will have to cut myself. This came out. Let's continue after removing it. The panel has already been set up. Here we can call it a 24 digit panel. You can change it right away. There is something like this. If anyone doesn't want to fix it, The price will not be too high. This one will be smd or you can find something like this model. It's similar in appearance, like this with straight legs. You can change it, but I will repair the original one. Everyone repaired the original one, now I'm taking it off. Some spare parts have already been released. Transistor. There's a transistor and there's a 1n 418 and this one on the resistive side. Yes, this time we are here to check. Let's try chasing the circuit to see which one is broken. What are the things that I'm floating around here? This is broken, then let's look at the comparison circuit. Let's compare it to the real thing. Yes, this is the circuit of this board. Yes, so where do we start? We start from this connector. This point right here is positive. with negative and positive, he will run to this side, come to ah Power FSN, then it will come to point jp1, here will be the main signal. Service, then it will come to the pot. When we convert it, we can practice chasing the circuit as well . 3 volts of electricity will flow into the transformer. Please come out of this coil. From this coil, then come to the Power Mod. The line here is Power mf. It will go into pin 3 or the middle leg of the unit. Power mf is this one and this one. Try it and see if it goes into the middle leg. Here, then he will wind the circuit at pin 3 or the sauce pin. This is the sauce pin. It's ground. The ground is hot. It's like this. Yes, the other leg here will be a raised leg. Yes, Kakket will receive the signal from where it comes from. From the transistor transistor that I removed Come here, this one, this one. How do we chase the circuit this time? This time we will chase How bad is it? Look at the circuit. Which one will be? If it's broken, there will be 3 legs. He has 3 legs, leg 1, leg 2, leg 3. Now these 3 legs are shocked at each other. Normally, he might only short legs 2 and 3. Leg 2, leg 3, which leg is this? This leg is leg 2. Here is leg 2. The arrow enters here, this is leg 3. If you're short. At pin 2 and pin 3, the power flows down to over 300 volts, maybe more. That is, when it comes to shocks, this r will be short of R by 2.2 ohms before it's broken. This one will act as an R fiel as well, and sometimes it will be an R feedback. R feeds back for force. Voltage report and current report for this one as well. Please give me this auto to control pin B and the gate pin again. But let's take it as it is. Let's say that this one acts as an R fiel and then it is an R feedback. It looks like this. This identification is missing. This one is R 2.2. Oh, this one is the big one. Ah, this big one. Ah, this one, we expected. will be torn, then there will be special Another thing that comes up is that there is a special thing: legs 1 and legs 2. They will shock each other with legs 1 and legs 2. Normally, legs 2 and legs 3 will be shocked and this one will only break. myself and haven't changed anything as much That's it. This time, pin 1 and pin 2 are shorted. Pin 1 is here. Pin 1 is the same pin and pin 2. The short is 300 volts running here. Because I ran here, I ran, I ran to my leg. Yes, what is the leg connected to? What must it be connected to? There is one diode. This one is 1. We have to connect another one to this transistor. Therefore, 300 volts of power comes in here. If you come in from this side, this one probably won't survive inside. First, the first one might be This is before the zener. It's a diode before 1 n4 118. This one may not survive. This one. One may not survive, and then another. Can't this survive with another one or this one? The other one is the third one. It's like this. 300 volts of electricity can run through this place. So because this is a diode, they let it come. Yes, I can't accept it and come here. Another blocking diode may not reach this one. Even though it's just this one, it's something like this, but it has to be. Check the time of failure, it will be here and then 3 hrs run to this side again. Ask if 3 hrs can pass through R5, J1. You can pass, but it will probably not break. It won't break because the water supply is 5.1k. It may not reach the ZD 8.2 volt unit. Maybe this one won't break. Let's try it this time. The ones I checked were 1, this one was broken, and 2, this one I didn't measure but looked at. The appearance may be visible on camera or it may not. You can see that there are puffy, boiling marks here. Shocked. It should explode. I'll try to measure it. Measure and measure together. If it's broken or not, I have to. Change the transistor first if it is. Transistor, try it and see if it will short or not short out. Yes, ah, shock, shock, shock, my ah, got 16 oh. Ah, it's a shock. This is a shock titer shot by. Naturally, the shock is already there. The shock is here. As soon as it goes through the cabinet ground, this one lights up. No matter how strong it is, let's go. Where is this one at the moment? He will connect it to the gate pin. He will connect it to this pin. Pin 2, the signal will come out on pin 2 here . Pin 2 here, we measured it, it's here. He connects here, but connects here, connects R here, connects here, connects R here, because Therefore, anything connected to the leg here should go. There are 2 diodes 1 n4 118, these are the ones that short when we measure in the circuit. We measure normal opi if this shot looks like this. Right here, it's like this. This one is a shock. Is it this? This shock is this one in the circuit. It's not a shock like this. It's not a shock like this. This ain't a shock like this, ain't a shock, ain't a shock maybe The lack may be more than the word shock. Let's try. Well, we measured it as a normal diode, this one. Measuring a normal diode is missing this one. It's missing. This one is measured as a diode. It's a diode. Measurement goes up side by side, doesn't go up side to side, this one doesn't go up, this one goes up, no, this one goes up, 0.5, this one goes up or not, this one doesn't go up, alternating this time. It will go up to the side, not up to the side. This one goes up, up and down, not up to the side. There is 1 CA in here. Many people ask in the kip which one it is, 8.2 volts. How can you tell that it's all the same red oil? It's all the same. Let's try it. It's easy to find. There's a zener here. The only other thing is a diode. This is this diode. It's this diode, this is this diode, this is this diode. It's a zener. One leg of the zener is connected to ground. Yes, one leg is connected to the glue, so we measured it. It's a red one. Which leg does the red one go down? That glue is zener and is ground. Where is this time, which leg is the ground on? Hey, it's a titer. The transistor has 3 legs. One leg is glued down. One leg is glued down. It should be a leg. It's outside. Let's take a look and check. First, glue this leg. Ah, glue this leg. 8050 transistor. Pin 1 is ground . Pin E is pin E to ground. We check. Let's check which one is my diode. Then dip the ground here. Ah, dip the ground here. There's one leg that's connected to the ground, this red thing. One leg that's connected with 2 glue. Definitely not. Try it. Look at one leg that is connected with glue. Which one is connected with glue? This one. Yes, this one is connected with glue. This one is connected with glue. Is there one thing that is this one or this one? Connect this one, connect the jar, don't connect this one, connect this one, don't connect it. This one won't continue. Will this one continue? This one will. No connection, this one, the gland won't connect, so Which red one is connected to the ground and clicks on the ground? This means that it is a zener diode. This one is 8.2 volts. This one is a shock. This time it's not a shock. Yes, I'm not shocked. Okay, I'm not shocked. Why not? Shock because there is this R 5.1k blocking it. Block it. Ah, block it. Block it and it's finalized as far as checking in. Basically, there are 34 broken ones, including 1 n4 148 1 2 and a 2.2 ohm resistor and an 8050 transistor. We'll change it soon. Change it. Then let's check that it's still working. It has changed and there is another way to test it. Yes, let's continue after I fix you. The panel is already set up. In conclusion. What did you change? Changed 1 transistor, 1 resistor , 2.2 ohms, and 2 1 n 418, 1 2 3 4, something like this. Come, we will come to do the test. Test. It's easy, in this panel we can test the side. You can take it outside before using it. Supply power to pin 3. This leg will You have to supply approximately 5-6 volts of electricity, approximately this way. The second leg is the ground pin. To start, this power will come from 300 volts through 1-2 resistors, approximately 240k or approximately 560 K. If 240k, this will be in conjunction with 2 resistors. Approximately 500 500 560 K approximately. Approximately this time, it's flowing in. Yes, when passing through here, it will only be about 5 volts. That's 5 volts. Come into this cycle and then run out into the legs. This is a bad sign. It's a signal. It's a bad signal. It's coming out. And this leg is the ground leg, we check that We check the actual ground at pin 1 of the transistor. Okay, try to check, check the ohm pedal. Pin 1, pin 1 here, pin 1 and then connect to here, this pedal is ground. Yes, the last leg is ground, but not really. It is ground by 100%, meaning this leg will be connected. At the sauce leg of the FS, then he will pass through 1 resistor, this is the one that is missing. Yes, through this resistor and then to ground. Yes, pass this one, this one. Ah, pass this one through this side and connect it to ground. And then this side goes through R to come here. It's past time for us to measure. If we measure Wat Kom The ground is directly from the ground here. It's ground, and here it's also ground. You'll get about 3 volts. Look at the motor needle. 3 volts. Measure through R and get 3 volts. If you measure here, you'll get 3 ohms. This one is 0 ohms. If the measurement here is 3 ohms, approximately this value is approximately 2.2 ohms. When finished, power is supplied smoothly. A hundred and the power supply is finished. Will we check yet? This time, when he pays for the flash, he will have it. The signal comes out on this side, we will call it. Ah, it's the frequency that it comes out and it radiates out. It's about 5 volts. Ah, about 5 volts here. We can use a meter to measure it right here. 5 volts. Ah, I'll measure it. Right here, 5 volts. Oh, 5 volts . On one side, I'll go to this meter. Ah, 5 volts. The meter here is 5 volts. That's all right. 5 volts if Power has been paid. Here there must be 5 volts of power coming out. The board can be used in this part. There will be 2 parts, this part and this part. I just turn it on . 3 2 1 turn it on. As soon as there's power, I forget the ground. We have to connect the ground. Right here, this one is the ground, this is the ground. This ground has 5 volts coming out. This is complete. The voltage has already come out. 5 volts. This module is used inside. On this side, there's already a signal coming out on this side. Yes, then we have to test this side, that is, use opto on this side, that when the voltage is 24 volts, this is already produced. I will feed it back to the transistor. Ah, coming back to this diode , this diode cer 20 24 volts will feed back to the opto. Feed it back and it will come to control or cover. This leg is atit by controlling this grade leg. Yes, this grade signal is good. Let's try it. We will test it. No matter how I test it, I'll take the motor, RX 1, r * 1, set r to 1, supply power, order Auto to work if it's paid. Here, if you pay from here, you won't work. This doesn't work because my voltage is 3 volts. My voltage is 3 volts. The 3 volts voltage cannot be supplied through the Zener. If you don't pass, then red will be negative. It's negative, then take the positive and hold it at this leg of the auto. Yes, this leg is leg 1. Look at the meter. This time, look at the meter. I took black and subtracted it here. Yes, red will be red, red will be negative, red will be Delete it. It's black. I'll leave it to Auto to do it. The job is finished. The automaker will come and order 5 volts of power. Will it be more or less? Let's try it. If it works, try it and order now. 3 2 1 Press enter. Did you notice? Observe this meter. This meter, from 5 volts, how many volts will be left ? Yes, there are 0 volts left. I will command this opto. This opto will command the starter. one If this works, this alternator will have an effect. The pressure at the thigh here fluctuates and changes. Convert it like this. Yes, it will go up and down like this. I'm tickling this one. So it immediately went down to 0 volts. As soon as it comes out, the actual usage time may be reduced. It's not going down much. It's not going down much. It's going to be about going up and down. Like this, we may not see it. This is considered automatic to work normally. Auto works normally. It's all right. It can be used. There are some clips where I use LEDs. LEDs have the same principle, but they don't work. The only difference is that it shows that it's an LED and there's light coming out. It's an LED. We can use LEDs. LEDs have positive and negative poles. The positive pole will be here, the negative pole will be here. Yes, try it. If you can try it, you will see it clearly. Jane, let's try it. I'm going to put the power in here. Take the power out. Take the power out here and try it. Yes, try it and see, trial and error, something like this. That's right, we're experimenting here. How much here is the long leg is positive? The long leg is Add it and put it in. Yes, the legs are short. If we delete it, we're just bringing the good stuff to show. Let's try it. Let's try it. Turn it on. 3 2 1. Turn it on. As soon as the LED turns on, there's really a signal coming out. It's not a pulse signal, it's a frequency signal. The output that comes out is to delete the handle. Delete the handle here. Then tap it. After tapping, it will flash. Ah, something like this blinks and turns off. Let's try. This is it. It's turned off. It can work now. This one uses LEDs for testing. This is the time of the pressure. Enter it back. Enter it back and it will work. When the OT works, it will command this transistor. More on, less on, this one has more on, less on, it will have an effect on the 5 volt power that is here. Where is the 5 volt light? If you touch it, it's 5 volt power. Yes, there is 1.7 volts coming in and out because It's said to have dropped. It's not a 5 volt power supply. Ah, it's a tick. This is the power going up and down. OK , I assume that this board can work without It's complete. I'll assemble it then. Let's test it. Let's continue after that. The panel 24 has already been installed. So I took the opportunity to change myself. This too because this one may be too small. Please use it a little and it won't last long. This will be about 3 watts, okay. This time supply 3 volts of power at this point. Yes, this point and then delete this place in order to Do a test of the signal that controls the D pin one more time, one more round here. It is an false signal that comes from the person in question. The drive panel, we will not call it a thousand signal. Because it is not an IC generator, the pulse signal will be a constant frequency. It will come out and it will be a boundary control signal again. One, I ordered it to be On Off on. It should be about 4C 5 volts, something like this. Let's try and see, delete, delete. Wherever it is, if you ask me to delete it, I'll delete it right away. This is it. Let's delete it here. We check in Basically, this time we check from the inside. This tree is negative. If a normal board does this, it will be negative. If it works, it should be at a negative speed too. It's about 3 ohms. My motor is at 0 ohms and it will pass through the 2.2 ohms resistor. Yes, it's ok. It can be used. This time we Open now. Open now. Let's see what happens. 3 2 1. Open already. When finished opening, we can delete it here. Here, let's look at subtracting and then adding here. The output signal is about 5.1 volts. OK, it works. Let's try it and subtract it. This has a negative handle here and it will be the same. Sometimes we can delete it here and it can be used. But I can't delete it here, so it's good to delete it. The best thing is to hold it here, hold it minus the straight leg. The OS pin here is OK and can be used in Basically, then we install you. The FS one, which is my original FS one, was damaged. It's ready. I'll find a new one to wear. Yes, after installing the Power Mod phase, this is it. Use the old number first, the old one around here. Because now it's evening and I can't find a new one to wear. Please take a look first. This one will have straight legs broken. The middle leg, but these 2 legs can be used. So continue using it initially and then continue testing. That's all. Let's try it. This time it will be Anyway, if you turn it on and it can be used, the LED will turn green. Let's measure the circuit and test it. Please measure the pressure. You can measure it first. Maybe this is too much pressure, maybe it's already too much. It's possible to explode a cabinet or something like that. Let's try it. It's 3 volts of electricity coming from this board. At the server main, try and see, 3 2 1, it's already turned on, it's ready, it's about 25.6 2 volts or about 26 volts, 24-26 volts is no problem, it works. Got it, this time measure the signal, measure the signal at the back of the iif, must get about 14 volts, 12-14 volts, it's done. Yes, then we will go and do a test in the power kit or this power amplifier kit. Please, what kind of test will we test? 1 We test like this. Go ahead and put 300 volts of electricity into this point. Please, let's go in like this. That is, I will use 25 volts. 24-25 volts goes into this point. It's as simple as that. This is it. Enter this point. Direct current enters this point. Measure at this point. How much will you get? Measure and exit the point. This will be around 5 volts AC, 5 volts AC, as far as I've made it. I will test to see if there are any problems in this area. Before testing, we measure, we measure first, we try. Oh, look, we measured it in diodes. A diode that can be used to measure the bumps. Yes, this bump is usable. It will be around 0.7. If it's an AFS board like this, it's 0.7. It's considered usable. This can be done on this side, or on this side. This side, this side, 0.7, ah, this side is usable. Yes, in the beginning it can be used normally. If something is damaged by a shock, we will measure the direct pressure. Here, let's measure the pressure here and here. We'll all be together. We'll all be together. If it's all gone, just memorize it here. It's AC . It's alternating current. Let's try it. Maybe. It won't be in the middle column. Try checking it out. It's 20 5 volts. It's 25 volts. It's direct current. I'm asking if using 300 volts would be dangerous. It's dangerous. I used 25 volts first. If I use 25 volts and it works normally, it will be around 4-5 volts. AC here will already be output as AC. It's an alternating current signal sent down. The center panel transformer is the exit point. Try it and turn it on. 3 2 1. It's already turned on. The power is out now. I haven't entered 25 volts yet. I've tried to see if the alternating current doesn't work. Alternating current doesn't come out. It doesn't come out. I don't know where it comes from. 2.5 volts, right here. There is no direct current at this point. Measuring direct current. Direct current here. I haven't paid yet. I haven't paid yet. I'm paying for electricity. Yes, this time the supply is open. 3 2 1. Open . Now suly is open. Let's try it. How much power is there? There is 25 volt power, 25 volt power comes out, then alternating current power, adjust the motor. Adjust the meter here. Just now I got 0. Just now I got 0 volts. Now it's 5 volts, about 5 volts. At this point, at this point, no, there's no C coming out. Right at this point. This is about 5 volts. A hundred can work and is considered to be working normally. The board doesn't have anything to look for here. It must be about 5-45 volts. This is considered normal. And normally, we can continue here. So I'm going to remove the light here. You can drop lead here and then try it. Actually, it's 300 volts this time. Let's continue. Yes, I'm not sure if it's stuck together. OK. Then it's done. Now you can test the real thing . 300 volts is this point. This 300 volts is positive. Plus 300 volts. Go in here. Go in this side. Plus. Go to this side , delete, delete white, delete white will be this negative. So let's keep it simple, add and subtract and expand. Come up, the 300 board is here. The 300 volt board is here. Okay, when finished, will I use the meter or not? Because this is a 300 volt power supply. It may break, so use it as a light bulb. A light bulb like this, here is the 1st digit. Here, here is another digit. Yes, take it easy like this. Yes, if there is no problem, the light bulb must be lit. Yes, normally it should be about 300 volts. Let's try it. This time 3 2 1 is on. It's on normally. It's considered working. As usual, OK, I'll send the board. I'll return it, but before sending it, I will. Change the Power Mage, the switching set here first, put the microphone in. Well, if there aren't any problems, then Once assembled, I'll test it again. One time, if there's no problem, I'll have to ask for an end. This is just the presentation. Hello.
Channel: Fix it Step
Views: 1,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repair tv, smps, tv lcd, สอนซ่อมทีวี, สอนซ่อมเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้า, ซ่อมเครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้า, repair lcd, tv led, fixit step, อินเวอร์เตอร์, เครื่องเชื่อมไฟฟ้า, เครื่องเชื่อมอินเวอร์เตอร์
Id: hWdBxMXI-do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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