ข้อเสีย จุดด้อย Xiaomi Pad 6 ที่เจอหลังใช้งานมา EP2 แบบไม่อวย
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Channel: PrePlay
Views: 27,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xiaomi, Redmi, Note9S, XiaomiRedmiNote9S, White, สีขาว, thai, RedmiNote9S, mi, note9, note8, Mithai, Thai, PreReview, พรีรีวิว, ipadpro2020, apple, ipad, otg, ipadpro, POCO, POCOX3, poco', POCOx3NFC, pocox3, pocox3nfc, preplay, PREPLAY, พีเพล์, mi10, mi10T, mi10tpro, casetify, CASETIFY, iphone12promax, iphone, IPHONE, iphone12, iphoneapple, iphone11, iphone11promax, IPHONE12PROMAX, MACBOOK, MAC, IMAC
Id: evyHG1XJ8wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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