நீதிமன்றத்தில் பெய்லி (bailiff) பதவியின் வேலை என்ன? | What is the role of a bailiff in court?

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when a masseur sat upon Jarrett in a really subtle Amanda mana while we're Allison a level entering here under gala corner on the metaphorically Catriona how manically Kagan Anna Cortland bailiff opt into Pavia Betty Don develop on diamond Catriona sir alabanza sauna massage wanna calm Malala and belief aprender the court bailiff Aparna need him and Rekha a lolly would need uppity were morally al-malik an array or carry whatever needy Mandela well I cannot make it Ricky upon on body Terrell at Coachella courts all over America wrote under will Amin little committee put on a brahmana team under an itty-bitty hill on the bishop per number the Ummah very hittable do are you pushing gee I'm gonna Pat hat the code to put on the pad her political to per day need him and I need illegal Tavian are surgical about the amulet under upon America need amount of the quay and then a median level the plane area well and need him on telling the cleanly story or a so timeout ticketed acrylic rainy DVD Laura didn't need him on totally come guru delicate area nam sangil elaborate on the road the rather Terada lucuma tile shingle apothecary I'm Nicola he gambled are you cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo the day Annamarie la vella hello gentle control on the border and easy mythical in the medical assistance a the Lao no no no polish support a in America or covalently to load the report Okinawan can know anybody Hillary electric Ron individual malama Teleca William shingle it allows agenda Bailey from drove it so old when the room era Haneda particular element of Tulum sorry need amount of which the need amount of H and I wish Angela are you Veronica de Oro City Allah Rara Ruru messenger Oh Sadie Allah Rakha predominance alumina I'm the Marie and when they need him on tribal affinity area you doing the measurement of try maternity multiple injuries in the knee diamond directly near the particular carvaka polyhedra or Perl
Channel: சட்ட பஞ்சாயத்து
Views: 89,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: சட்ட, பஞ்சாயத்து, நீதிமன்றத்தில் பெய்லி, பெய்லி (bailiff) பதவியின் வேலை, bailiff in court, சட்டம் அறிவோம், சட்டம் அறிந்துகொள்வோம்
Id: TTOthOlbaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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