सूजी के गुलाब जामुन घर पे | Suji Gulab Jamun Recipe | Monsoon Special Dessert | Kunal Kapur Recipe

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it make it necessary to celebrate whenever one gets good marks, theres a wedding, or get negative in covid test or some hindu ceremony or just feel like having some sweets for sweets one of the top most thing in our mind is gulab jamun Not just one but there are many ways to make gulab jamun at home. You can either make it with mawa,milk powder,bread or even with sooji. Today will make nice and soft gulab jamun just like halwai from sooji and once they are made you wont be able to differentiate whether its from market or homemade so lets start gulab jamun. Subscribe my channel and dont forget to press the bell icon. there are 2 clear steps to make gulab jamun. one is sugar syrup and second is gulab jamuns dough will start with syrup. take sugar have taken good quantity of sugar, i am making lots of it as i have a big crew and everyone will have it. at the same time, if syrup is more then it will absorb better as in less syrup it might break and dont worry if theres extra syrup then you can many other things with it will tell you later. to this add water Now will add some saffron, cardamom powder and lemon juice we are adding lemon juice as at time the syrup crystallizes in order to prevent that its necessary to add it. at the same time lemon helps to clean the sugar syrup. theres a good boil in it also its melted. we need one thread sugar syrup. one thread means when you press the sugar syrup between the fingers you get single thread like texture and this is ready and will turn it off. now one important step, will divide the sugar syrup into 2 parts. will let you why its done thats it and in the remaining will add little water. one syrup thin and other thick, shortly will tell you the reason behind it. now lets move on to make dough. for this we need a pan to this will add milk. see this is fine grain sooji which we need. if you dont have fine grain one then you can take the thick grain then churn it in a mixer grinder. you can thin or powder it thats also fine. into the milk will add some rose water, cardamom powder and give this a quick boil. boil has come, turn the flame to low and slowly not together add the sooji. Its in soojis nature that it soaks to whichever liquid you add in, it blooms. have to the same thing that we have to mix the sooji into this slowly and mix it in a way that milk is fully soaked. slowly will add all of it. turn off the flame. and will stir it continuously. perfect see its become very thick and at this stage will remove it. will add in one spoon ghee. this will make it smooth and give shine and will also give amazing taste as its very hot so i am mixing it with a spatula. the idea of doing this is to make it smooth like mawa, khoya or cheena when we mix it for a classic gulab jamun recipe.thats exactly how smooth we want. this will take some time and anyhow dont let it cool down completely as then it become dry. now its mixed properly. take a plate and apply some ghee or oil in it. now rub it with hand. its still warm so you can work your way. if you find it very hot then you can just wait and you can mash it. look at the dough, it has rose water and elachi flavor and how smooth its come out. now will shape it like this. you can even shape it round or long thin also called as langcha. inside this will fill chopped pistachio and then close it. roll it nicely and if you notice any cracks then again roll it so that its not visible see this nice smooth from all four sides without any cracks if its taking time to make then just apply some ghee or oil on the already made one which will prevent them from drying as its sooji which dries out very quickly. come lets make them and the last one. see how nice without any cracks. gulab jamun is ready now we need to fry it. oil is hot. temperature of the oil is medium to high, so if you add when its not hot enough then it might break. first fry on high flame and then on medium. alright just slide it stir the oil from the sides so that it doesnt burn from the sides all of them. you can even fry them in small batches. once they start to cook it float on top so dont worry see how beautiful brown color has come. if you want to make black jamun then its the same process but you have to fry little extra till it comes to dark shade of brown. once it comes to dark shade our black jamun ready.see they have started floating beautiful. nice and hot. how evenly color has come gulab jamun is ready. now will directly add them into the sugar syrup the temperature of the syrup at this point is basically hot not boiling hot but just hot and this the thin syrup. dip it nicely at this time we dont have to boil it as they might break if the syrup is too cold then it will not go in and if it too hot then it will break. till its getting soaked which is about half an hour till then lets move to tips and tricks for things to keep in mind while making gulab jamun the most important thing in making gulab jamun is sugar syrup whenvever we are making syrup then it should be of single thread and once its made we divide it into 2 parts. one is thinned down using water and the other thick its because, for the first time its soaked in the thin syrup so that its absorbed in it and after half an hour its removed from the thin syrup or else it will break and then its added into the thick syrup. keep in mind that while adding gulab jamun in the syrup then gulab jamun should be hot and syrup should be warm neither too hot nor too cold. while making sooji gulab jamun ,you should keep in mind that it should not get too dry. if while mixing you find it hard then you can soften it by adding little milk. while shaping sooji gulab jamun it needs to be done quickly as air will make it hard and dry and then will frying it will break. if its taking time to roll it then its best to apply ghee on the already rolled one as it will avoid dryness or else keep little wet cloth on top whenever shaping the gulab jamun then there should not be any cracks or double layer on it. its because theres oil on the hand which prevents it to flatten. so its best to wipe the hands then start doing it again with this recipe you can make mini gulab jamun, black jamun or long thin which is also called langcha inside this you can either stuff pista or almonds. once you fry them and dont want to immediately add them in the syrup then you can keep them inside the fridge for 3-4 days and when you want to make them then fry it hot oil after that add them in warm sugar syrup and your gulab jamun is ready. so these were our tips and tricks lets see the recipe its already half an hour so now will them into this thick syrup done. gulab jamun is ready now lets plate it hmm look at that. brilliant its easy and can be easliy made at home also it doesnt need mawa and its made with sooji. our gulab jamun done. gulab jamun is ready but if the sugar syrup is left then what to do with that.lets move to extra shot to see what can be made with leftover sugar syrup we can make beautiful saffron pulao. for making sweet rice we heat ghee to this add almond,cashew and raisins also some melon seeds. roast them in slow flame into this will add leftover sugar syrup and water. to this add some cardamom powder and turmeric or you can even use yellow color or saffron on boiling will add soaked rice stir it gently once its start boiling then reduce the flame and cook with lid on till the rice is ready our sweet pulao is ready and now lets plate this.
Channel: Kunal Kapur
Views: 1,935,457
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Keywords: gulab jamun using suji, paneer suji gulab jamun, suji gulab jamun banane ki vidhi, suji gulab jamun cooking, suji gulab jamun in telugu, suji gulab jamun kaise banaye, suji gulab jamun making, suji gulab jamun odia, suji ke gulab jamun banane ke liye, suji ke gulab jamun ghar par kaise banaye, suji gulab jamun with milk powder, gulab jamun from suji, sooji gulab jamun, suji recipe, instant gulab jamun, rasgulle, pantua, langcha, gulab jamun, gulab jamun recipe, food, gulabjamun, yt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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