आइंस्टाइन की ये 32 बातें आपको हैरान कर देगी | 32 Strange Facts About Albert Einstein | PhiloSophic
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Channel: PhiloSophic
Views: 10,980,139
Rating: 4.8576508 out of 5
Keywords: Albert Einstein's Life history, 32 strange Facts about Albert Einstein, How Albert Einstein became a genius, Most intelligent person of the history, who stole Einstein's brain after death, Hindi, Philosophic, What made Albert Einstein an extraordinary wise, Facts about theory of relativity, Albert Einstein brain, E=mc2, Einstein was world's greatest scientist
Id: bJr5kFpRSd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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