ما الفرق بين uefi boot و legacy boot وما معنى انظمة البوت
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Channel: KM teach Technology
Views: 46,034
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Keywords: الفرق بين uefi boot و legacy boot, الفرق بين legacy بوت و uefi بوت, UEFI, Legacy, MBR, GPT, mbr, gpt, BIOS, bios, unified extensible firmware interface, uefi boot, legacy boot, uefi vs legacy, legacy mode, uefi mode, ما هى انظمة البوت, what is uefi firmware settings, mbr vs gpt, master boot record, guid partition table, الفرق بين انظمة البوت, بيوس, المازر بورد, motherboard, bios update
Id: PK3YwSp7NnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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