حل مشكلة automatic repair في ويندوز 10 / 11

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Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you . Welcome to a new episode! Online experiences. In today's episode , God willing, we will see with Some problem solving is one of the most annoying problems that users face Windows is an automation problem. Unfortunately, this problem remains for her more There is a reason and it has more than one solution. So let's start all the way Let's take the time for the episode. But there was a very simple disclaimer like that before We start. It is, of course, the steps that we are talking about, or the steps of the solution de. They are not consecutive, meaning they are separate from each other. But a step might work You have what you benefit from others. So, I would like to remember all the steps. Another violin, these steps are useful for Windows Tin and also for Windows Even. Let's start all over, so we can fear the topic of our episode, and I hope But before we start if you benefited from the topic of our episode today. so what Do not give us your beautiful love for the video and of course I hope to subscribe to the channel. And I hope the step that works for you is to write to us in Comments. It is also possible that you will save others by watching me The whole video and this step remains the most used, I mean. let us We start along. The first step is with us , of course, and our device will always be there I'm standing on the screen that's what On Ashan Nkhc on the advanced options. Including Bnakhsh Ali O Troubleshooter. You will have two options. first choice Which is what we will resort to at the end of the episode in case we fail in everything The steps we will remember. But of course, we will now fear for what is through it You will find a range of options. And the first choice we have is that Selling repairs alone. Of course he tells you that he is trying to do this Of course it takes some time. He tries to fix himself on his own without your intervention. And this is a while, and often this is the step , which means you will not succeed, strong, but also We have to try it on the easiest level, I mean. Definitely for the level The easiest or the easiest needs to repair, and it is a need whose name is friendly You do the latest update for Windows. It might be the reason in the problem. This is a conflict between Windows and Alhadas. We are working to remove the latest update for Windows. This is one of the steps So easy. Of course, the steps are easy and you don't need to explain them. we will go to After that, we have two precautionary choices here, two precautions, meaning you must be You made the two choices in countries before the problem happened to you. I need a costume msla or system restore point. Which, of course, you will create it for after Keda you can get it back in case if a problem like that happened. Since of course We were talking in a case of the episodes about the two choices. Which is, of course, we explained them in detail. How can you make them? How can you help them so that we do not repeat the same words, but only lengthen the episode. I will give you links to these episodes below the video, so you can refer them back. And you see, of course If you were a system operator or system. We will go to the next two options This is what is very important to us, and we will not do anything at all. We will go to the most important thing we have. And who is and we will press it in this way. As you can see with me, I pressed now on, and he told me to enter a name User or choose the username that you will work on. Of course it is I have one user, click on it. In this step, of course, you will tell me You must enter the password that you use for your device. so write The password is here and also make sure of the language you are writing in because Of course you don't have a problem. Of course, for me, in my case without any need. And of course he will enter me in the rest or the command prompt, if he wills God, we will write a set of simple commands that will solve the problem. Whatever order, God willing, I will write it will appear before you on the screen now Ashan to keep the matter a little easier. Well, let us go to the easiest solution with us It is necessary to work or write an order to check the system. Because of course if there is any The system solves it for us on its own. Of course, this was the easiest step for us. We write here or this. Which is an abbreviation, and then we press or Bnakhd click on the ruler Btaa and then remains in the letter X. and write Here and we click on it, and this will take us some time. That's how you are Shafin tells you that it will take some time. And then try to fix it System problems. Of course, if there is any problem, he will tell you that he is, uh, in A problem with a particular path. He is trying to solve it. If there is no problem He will answer you that the message tells you that there are no problems. Of course, we will contact you What concludes the first step? After finishing, of course, he told me there was nothing problem. Of course, in the spirit of closing and going , press and continue and see the solution to the problem With me and what I solve. And of course if the problem still persists. You will try We have step number two. Bnkhsh Brdo Ali and Bnakhsh Ali and her Ali Ahan we go to write the thing after that or step number two. Sometimes Someone outside says the problem is in a file, so let us solve a very simple problem. Bnkhsh on the one who has the system Btaana. Of course, there are many orders Possible Nkhc through it or know Btaa Nizam Btaa . But I don't want Write commands or leave this group of commands. the easiest thing We have or the easiest thing we have is that I am writing press on the letter C. go away Press Shift with the letter Kaf to write this in this way. and press . But I have to make sure that I am now in the file of the Nizam or the other commitment. And I'm on the right track. Click or tell him work for me Briefly. Which is a shortcut and press on. He tells me now you are in wrong place. And this is you now. This is where it remains, but it will remain Not bright We will take the next step . And if we write oh We try a letter with the letter kaf. And we tell him this is so friendly. And of course, now I want to I'm right. So click on him, please. DIR and press I am now in the right party or in the right place. over here Now I'm going to write what's left? I am writing something very, very simple CD and take that or click on myspace and then type windows. Back Slash The right remains this way. And write System 32. And please, with a bag of Lash Tani, and here with comfig book. And click enter Do you see that the path is now changed from the normal Windows,to or who My normal father came to Haji here by writing to him to cancel this order and click on Space or by pressing the ruler and writing and press Enter and then say to him Here is copy. And here I stay by pressing a space and then going to press the button Is he the star, or the one with a number on it , or the one who keeps the star? There is an eighty-digit number by clicking on what is the shift with an eight-digit number in this way. Or when I see it in a button, the star will also remain in the buttons Altanih then click on the star dot star. And here, just press a space It stays that way with me. And click on it here like this on the backup or Type backup. And click here, and he tells me to work for you, of course, I say to him, ah Agree, or do all the files for me by clicking on a letter, of course, this step It may not appear to you, but in its case it appeared, you write on it and press A letter to tell him all the files and keep it in this way and he will tell you Now I have made ten files. After we made the files like this We go to the next thing and click on this way. and press Here I have to make sure of something very important and I have to do something to be sure From the content of the files I have or the content of the file I am in. I write on and click on here, not in a very, very important step and we must focus In which. Of course, as you see with me, he tells me the file here Zero does not need anything. And of course, if it appeared to you in the way that it appeared to me, That's right now. You have to get out of this step and go to try the step the one after that. Because, of course, this step will not benefit you, it can be complicated for you The problem is more. Don't do anything here, close and go to the step the one after that. But if it remains if you have a file like this or there is a group Files with numbers next to them. All you have to do is very simple. you go You type, press, or type kobe. You click on my cup and then you take Space like this, you press a space and a star dot star dot, and then we press At the moment, you press the letter "A" to work for all the files Which you ah copied. And here we finished the second step, and you are going to close again We didn't finish, you go to lock and go to click on and see the problem is solved with you or not no. If the problem persists. We will go to step number three. in Step number three, let's try to fix the boot files. so go to The request, from it, is acceptable to me, and from it, I will go to another time or directed Commands to write a set of commands that will fix files for us So go to the first thing with us that is, and then click on the ruler because Take this shape and go to what remains in the dice letter and write over here And I press Enter, and the first one tells me an operation with us, who said to me or successfully done. So I will write the second thing that I think is possible Press the arrow on the keyboard for the arrow to the top, and it will write to me the last command I was a writer, but this time, we can leave it and press. but time He told me your operation, so we can go and write this. Of course, this process may work for you , and it may not work for anyone else. Let us go to this matter, which will solve the problem for us, and what is it. And then, please, press the ruler to take, and then write sixty And another distance and write now, it will solve the problem for me, so I will go back now Of course, I repeat the step again, so please press the arrow above my hand The last thing is with me and click on it to tell me your operation is now completed Successfully as you see Keda. After we have worked for the bot, we will go to write The second thing is the one that is , and we also take a distance, and now we also take in the And we write and press, and here we look at each other until he finishes his housing We write the last thing we have, which is also a ruler, and here we write and click Also , he is waiting for me, and he said that the operation was successful, so let us We will close and go to try our work or not, we will click on and try Yours is working or not, and unfortunately if I don't work with you, you will have to continue with us The last step The last step is with us in case if all the steps that were missed This failed, so we go to her and now we go to her because we have two choices They are very important and we must take care of them or choose with us what they tell you You will do a restore but keep all the file you have He or she deletes all your files . But I prefer to leave it Because if you have any important files on or for them, leave them, but We will recover without losing any of our files. Here he says You have a choice, you want to work , but there is no choice, because it will take time It is large and also needs internet , so let us choose the next one. And we click on it like this. The step , of course, takes us a little time Windows or restores the default Windows settings . now after Do n't take the time to do a blepharoplasty, you're ready to work So click your color like this. In this step , we are waiting for a while, because this step is It takes a while because it is now trying to do a factory reset for your Windows. While, of course, keep all your data as it is We said. We choose now to keep all the data. and restore factory o Restores factory settings to Windows. It was the last step with us today in Solve our problem for the automatic problem . I hope it will be one of the steps It was late to solve the problem with you, and it was a little better than the other step with us. And I hope Bradw in the other like this, if a step from them would inform you of something. If only Write it to us in the comments. I hope you have benefited from our topic Today, I appreciated your analysis of the automatic repair problem. And thank you very much So follow up on today's episode. I wish you enjoyed. What do you hold? We need your kind support. Like the video of course. I hope you don't forget Subscribe to our channel. And see you well, God willing, in Other episodes. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
Channel: خبرات اون لاين Adel Ali
Views: 284,138
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Keywords: خبرات اون لاين, 5prat on line, adel ali, عادل علي, How to Fix Windows 11 Startup Problems, automatic repair, حل مشكلة اصلاح تلقائي في ويندوز10, حل مشكلة اصلاح تلقائي في ويندوز11, حل مشكلة automatic repair في ويندوز 10 / 11, إصلاح مشكلة Automatic Repair, Automatic Repair Loop, windows 10 startup problem, automatic repair windows 10, automatic repair windows 11
Id: HtJAQysQbEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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