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Ouch! Karim! Thank God you're okay, Karim! Good morning, hero! well recovery. - Ouch. - As you see, we installed the chip for him. It has all the required information. Doctor, what should I do with it? Where is he talking from? What is he saying, doctor? Sorry, but you will find it installed in the factory settings. I will do a simple update and it will be fine. They boy better not have malfunctioned! Here you go, he is connected to your phone and the Internet. You can ask him about anything in the world. Ok, nice. Karim, dear... What is the name of the doctor who treats you? This?! Dr. Ashraf Adel Nazih. 3 embezzlement cases in the health unit, Chaplanga village, center of... All good! excellent! great! I wanted to check on the parsing, and thank God the sentences are well parsed. Congratulations, Hajj. Regardless, Doctor, I understand from this that he will succeed in high school? High School?! Possibility. But he's a little weak in prose! Stay with us doc, we need you. Don't worry, break him and cast him, you're the doctor! Doctor, I have a question. Can Karim broadcast the Holy Quran Radio? Or do we need to install an aerial? This is a nice question. I wanted to ask about this feature. If we installed Aerial on him, would his broadcasting be better? Supposedly. May I ask your permission for another question? He's connected to his father's phone, If I asked him for a number to call, would he do it? Of course, Madam Dina. Karim, he called Dad's wife. Which one? Summer? Hoda? Aya? Or Hanin? Karim! - Dina! - Call an ambulance. Did I say something wrong? That's not right, my love! Oh... our son is here! - I won't tell you, don't... - It's not right! in her house. Hey Mom! Someone talk to the white army! Madam left?! Hello my friend viewers, Welcome to a new episode of the ElDaheeh. Remember, my friend, the famous sentence that new oil in the world going to be data? And we are entering into fourth generation wars, and all these cliché sentences? This has become a reality! "Abo Hmeed, I smell bankruptcy and the collapse of Nokia. The collapse of Kodak and the closure of Sinbad City and its causes." Wait, you hasty! I haven't gone bankrupt yet. Let me tell you, my friend, that with today's statistics, China, the world's factory, The world's largest exporter of products worth $3 trillion, The largest producer of products in the world, worth $5 trillion, 70% of the world’s mobile phones, and 100% of the "Akher El-Anqoud" products. This country, in numbers, imports chips. more than it imports more oil. We are in this reality, my friend. In 2020, China imported oil to operate all of its factories. which are almost the factories of the world that manufactures in China, And also for one billion and 400 million people in it, with 260 billion dollars. Do you know how much chips have been imported? With 350 billion dollars. my friend, this is a huge number! These chips you are talking about, my friend, are made from transistors. These transistors are, quite simply, electrical gates. These portals use the language known as Binary. that makes us able to use computers to store information and analyze information. This, my friend, is the most important invention in contemporary history, If not the most important invention in human history. These transistors record information and also analyze it. The more the chips that carry these transistors improve and develop. the more we have greater computing power and amazing artificial intelligence. Let me tell you, my friend, that in the age of data, Artificial intelligence is much more important than oil. Minor chips, which could be as small as a nail, has billions of transistors, Billions, my friend! Too small but has billions in it! Most of the cost of our mobile phones goes to these chips. The iPhone has approximately 12 chips. They include chips for sound, camera, Bluetooth, Connection, Wi-Fi, and battery. Let me tell you, my friend, that Apple's marketing value is $3 trillion. This is the largest company in the world in terms of marketing value. Apple, my friend, has sold more than 2.5 billion iPhones. "Oh, Abo Hmeed! They have a lot of chips!" But let me surprise you and tell you something you don't expect. - "Say it, Abo Hmeed" - Yes, my friend, be patient! Apple, the largest company in the world, does not make any chips. "Abo Hmeed, your information is not updated by the way! Apple designs the processor that runs its operating system, iOS." Smart, my friend, brilliant, excellent! True, my friend, Apple designs this processor. But It's not the one doing it. Meaning, my friend, it's the biggest company in the world cannot make the processor that operates the best phone in the world, the iPhone. Not only that, this or any other company, Nor can any company in the largest economy in the world do this. Neither in America, nor in China, nor in Japan. Not in the Middle East, not in Africa, not in all of Europe. 92% of the production of advanced chips found in iPhones or F55 planes, There is only one place in the world that can do it. One company in one building in the most expensive factory in the world, And in the most tense place in this galaxy, Taiwan Island, A company called TSMC. Do you remember, my friend, in 2020, there was a known virus called the COVID19? This COVID19 is 100 nanometers in diameter. At TSMC, transistors are produced that are half the size of the COVID19. Today, we have a company with very normal workers. not only do they make transistors smaller than a virus, It does them with unparalleled efficiency. The A14 processor chip in the iPhone 12 contains 11 billion transistors. This, my friend, is in just one iPhone, the "iPhone 12"! my friend, I feel that you feel that this is normal. Let me tell you, my friend, only 60 years ago, the best chip had four transistors on it. We jumped from 4 to 11 billion. Dear, you have been following this program for a long time, so you surely know Moore's Law. That is, we, as humans, can double the number of Transistors. The idea remains that Moore's Law, when Mr. Moore came out with it, It was expected that it would last 10 years. But Moore made a mistake, and the law lasted more than half a century. What happened, my friend, in this field that made it develop so quickly, is worth it for you to hear it. This, my friend, is the finest achievement of humanity, that only 10 companies in the world are responsible for today. Today, a company like TSMC produces 53% of the world's chips. It also produces 92% of the advanced chips. 44% of RAMs are made by two companies in South Korea only. Only one company, my friend, is responsible for 100% of the production of devices that use modern chips. Do you see, my friend, what am I talking about? An organization made up of 13 countries that controls only 40% of the world's oil. You have companies here, not states, that control more than that of world chips. What I want to tell you, my friend, is that the view is that data is the new oil. Not only has it become a proven fact, but a truth worn out by time to the point that it has become a cliché! In 1947, the transistor was invented. Which may be the most important invention in history. This discovery enabled 3 scientists to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. When you get the Nobel Prize, my friend, you get money, But you don't have to stay rich. That's why, my friend, William Shockley, one of the three who won states, He used to say to his friends -and for real actually- that he doesn't want his name to remain in the Physical Review. "I also want to stay at the Wall Street Journal. I will not go to Carrefour and hold the cashier accountable with scientific glory! I want to be able to afford whatever." "Abo Hmeed, the physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, wants a fortune?!" Unfortunately, my friend, the Nobel Prize says that you are a genius. But doesn't talk much about your morals and ability to manage. The truth, my friend, is that Shockley was a genius, but a failed manager. He had 8 of his important employees resign in 1957. They established another company called "Fairchild". Why am I telling this story? Because they created the "Silicon Valley" as we know today, The 8 including Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, who will make Intel. And Eugene Kleiner, who owns one of the largest VC firms in the world, These, my friend, are the companies that invest in start-ups. The important thing is, before these 8 do anything, they created Fairchild. They succeeded in creating what is called an Integrated Circuit or what is known today as chips. It's a piece of semi-conductor, a silicon, with a transistor on it. "That's good, Abo Hmeed. smart!" Indeed, my friend, they are both smart and creatives. But there know nothing in business! At this time, "Who will buy what we are making?!" The truth, my friend, is that they won't look around much. Because if they had looked into the sky, 3 days after the company was founded, they would have found the answer. The first satellite in history, "Sputnik". Sputnik, my friend, rotates around the Earth at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour. Who is the one who sent it out? America's arch enemy, the Soviet Union. Not only that, in the next 4 years, the Soviet Union sent out Yuri Gagarin. The first human in outer space. Of course, when the Americans heard this, they went crazy! They said, "Oh, our shame! What a scandal we have before the Security Council!" "How embarrassing we look in front of the United Kingdom, and the French Republic, the German Democracy, and the People's Republic of China!" Thus, we, as America, lost a very important point in our war with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has a scientific advantage over us in the Cold War!" When the Americans felt that they were in danger and lagging behind the Soviets, US President Kennedy comes out announcing that the US will put the first man on the moon. And here, my friend, Fairchild meets its most important client, United States of America, and the chip will ride the missile, fly high! The truth, my friend, is that this deal had two importance: The first thing is that it transformed the company from a startup with sales of $500,000 to a giant organization with more than 1,000 employees, its sales exceed $21 million. Secondly, the company gained fame for a crucial event in human history. Man landing on the moon! This will make it possible for him to remain trustworthy and have money for the company to not only focus on military research and services, but to focus on selling its products to people, for the public, not just for the government. To the point that one by one, they began to refuse contracts from the US army. Again, at some point, 95% of the chips they produced went to the army. This, my friend, was a very reckless decision at the time! But, with time, wisdom began to emerge behind him. When computers started to spread, this was a great bet. Because what will make this technology exist and spread, and distinguished by its ability to produce with great efficiency, is betting on the consumer and the market, as one of the greatest bets for transistors and chip companies. Because what will make this technology distinct and produced with great efficiency, is your arch enemy, my friend. "Israa, Abo Hmeed?! Did she tell you?!" Capitalism, my friend! Capitalism, my friend, has a great contribution to the transistor. How will we know this? We will know when we see what communism says. Honestly, my friend, the Soviet Union always fascinates me. I think if its scientific staff was better managed, the world would have been a completely different place. Not necessarily for the better, because this is a naive view. That when things start better, things go better, we said it before and knew it was wrong. But of course, it would have been a different place. Alexander Shokin, Chairman of the Soviet Committee for Retro Electronics, was convincing Nikita Khrushchev "Imagine, Nikita, that one day we could make a television the size of a cigarette pack!" - "Abo Hmeed, isn’t this the mobile?" - Yes, my friend, that's why I'm telling you. The Soviets had a vision for things that we did not know how to imagine. The Soviets also had a vision of Silicon Valley, before Silicon Valley was created! Which was later given this name, in 1971. Indeed, my friend, two KGB spies, convinced Khrushchev that he needed to build an entire city. for semiconductors. Indeed, they worked on this area in Zelenograd. A city designed to be a scientific paradise. There is no dispute that the Soviets were stealing from the Americans. just like how they stole the design of the nuclear bomb. But there is no doubt that they had very important scholars. In 2000, the Nobel Prize went to two. The first one is Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments who had an important role in making the chip that had more than one transistor. Because this was a great scientific achievement. There was also a Russian scientist with him, named Zhores Alferov, who already had contributions to the chips industry. And again, these people sent out the first human to space. They're cool people, they aren't waiting for your like. But the leaders insisting to send spies to steal the chips without a systematic search process, while of course there was no ​capitalist companies that wants to earn, make products and sell, If they found you out of money, they'll convinces you to get money to buy more. You will buy anyway! All of this helps in developing the industry. Capitalism allowed Americans to produce many chips and improve them. Many chips were made and got involved in more fields. Chips are no longer found only in weapons, and in the spaceships that countries use, chips, after Japan entered this industry, started getting involved in everything. John Bardeen, my friend, is one of the very few people in the world, who won two Nobel Prizes in science. One of these prizes was taken with Shockley, on the transistor, He said about it... "I have never seen so many camera flashes!" Where is this, my friend? in Japan When Bardeen went too Japan, he knew he was a star and journalists flocked to him. "What's the problem, Abo Hmeed? let the man make a living!" "Planet Japan is known for its love of electronics." It's known that a 7 year old kid there can repair the air conditioning remote!" my friend, that's today, but at that time, you had a country devastated by second world war, and took two nuclear bombs. The people there are poor, they cannot eat. After the war, there was a realization from the US occupation office in Japan that a strong Japan is more important than a weak Japan! "So Abo Hmeed, after all the battles and this struggle, Do you want Japan to be strong too? Maybe it'll strike them!" When the US came to think, they found that they needed a strong ally in this region of the world. Especially, if as communism in this region around on every side, Look here, you find a communist China. Look here, you will find a communist Soviet Union! The important thing is that scientific research reaches Japan. It is read by a young man named Akio Morita. He feels that Bardeen's research in the field of transistors is great. He founded a small company, which you may know as "Sony." "Sony, Abo Hmeed, I knew it, it was the PlayStation!" When it appears, you know that the record is playing!" Dear, please, don't embarrass me with Morita! Sony, at this time, was making two very successful products, the first one is the Tape Recorder, It also made a transistor radio. The gift the Japanese Prime Minister gave to the French President, Charles de Gaulle, in 1962, as the pride of Japanese industry. The truth, my friend, is that at this moment, the Japanese do not make chips. They don't make these chips. They took them from US companies that have produced a lot and want to sell. They use it then they make electronic products that rely on these chips. Not only at a cheaper price, but also with higher efficiency. This is because at that time, labor was cheap in Japan. We see many inventions coming out of Japan. We see something like the Calculator, done by the Sharp Company and it's a hit in the world. The electronics market in Japan grew in 20 years from $600 million to $60 billion. The truth is with time, Asia played an important role, because it is cheaper. In Hong Kong, a worker's hour is 25 cents, which is 10 times less than the US worker, In Taiwan, 19 cents, In Malaysia, 15 cents, In Singapore, 11 cents, In South Korea, and we will need it after a while, it is 10 cents. American companies suddenly found that it was cheaper to produce in Asia. The American consumer found that it was cheaper to buy from Asia. America has already helped Japan to remain strong. but didn't calculate the consequences. Unfortunately, whoever summons Jin must know how to expel it! Japan was a vile demon, difficult to dismiss and get rid of! Not only do they make products that are cheaper than others, they make it with higher quality, and people want it. I don't know, my friend, how old are you now? But before there were mobile phones and iPods, There was an invention called the Walkman. A small, perforated cassette with a headphone as big as your problems and battery operated. It played you musical voice so far away... It's like a song! But you could listen to whatever music you wanted, alone, in the street. "Woah! Seriously, Abo Hmeed?!" Whoever made this Walkman was not an American company. The one who made this Walkman was a Japanese company called Sony. It was made in 1979, and more than 385 million Walkmans were sold. 3 of them, my friend, were bought by a child in Saudi Arabia. I know them well! Here, my friend, American companies began to feel threatened, It began to fear, It began filing lawsuits against Japanese companies, The FBI catches people stealing information for Japanese companies. Companies such as Hitachi and Mitsubishi. As some American companies say is happening in China now! Something else drove the American companies crazy, was that the Japanese government was supporting this industry. Besides, their labor is not only cheap, but also advances from banks are also cheap. Take care, my friend, we are talking about the 1980s. In America, the interest rate reached 21%. Normally, this number should remain 2, 3, 4%. But 21 is a big number. In Japan, the culture was different. The people was very angry, Banks were full of money and wanted to get it out in any way. Bank interest was few. Therefore, companies said, "Well why , don't we borrow, loans are cheap! even if we lose." The banks will lend even though they are losing. Because there is a lot of money in the bank, we want to get it out. Companies were doing this in the hope that they would bankrupt their competitors as long as it sells at cheaper prices. The availability of cheap money with little interest, let the Japanese spend 60% more on scientific research than US companies. Here, my friend, we begin to see a very dangerous transformation. Intel, one of the pioneers in the chip industry, The company that made the DRam, which is the chip of memory, At that time, its share in this market decreased from 83% to 1.5%. Japanese companies are beginning to outperform the industry's pioneer, Intel. The Japanese made better chips and more economically than the US. Here, Japan begins to take the place of the US ​​in the manufacture of chips. who was at first only imported from America. Therefore, the devices remained with the Japanese, And the chips that make the devices are with the Japanese. And here, a strange thing happens in the bastion of capitalism and free market, US. Remember, my friend, in the October 1973 war, when the Gulf countries cut off oil from the West? Here, US said "Oh wow Trade is sweet, and capitalism is good and all... But if we rely on other countries, These other countries could leave us stranded any time! Just like the Gulf countries did this, they told them, "There is no oil!" This is almost the same thing that happened with the Japanese. The Japanese from 1986, preceded America in the number of chips produced. In the late 1980s, The Japanese started making 70% of the lithography equipment in the world, This is the equipment that engraves on the transistors on the silicon surface. This is a technology invented by Americans in an American military laboratory. Japanese 70%, and America only 21%! Here, the situation can no longer be ignored. And American capitalist companies in Silicon Valley, will go to the government in Washington and tell them, "Please, intervene! Per Favor, intervene!" Ever heard, my friend, about Lee Byung-chul? "I don’t know him, Abo Hmeed. It is clear that he is not an important person!" my friend, this man is present in almost all homes. This, you ignorant person, is the founder of the Korean company Samsung. "Okay, Abo Hmeed, I didn’t know if he was your friend!" Of course, my friend, I don't need to tell you The South Korea of the past is not the South Korea of today. "Abo Hmeed, this is a generic sentence that can be said about anything!" Elissa of the past is not like Elissa of now. My ears was in the past are not like my ears is now! What was there in the past like now?! What looks like you in Memories?! Enough, my friend, you don't have to be so hard on me. "You were cruel to me, because I did not know the man!" I'm sorry! Anyway... Korea in the past was a poor country, still coming out of a civil war in the 1950s. A civil war in which there is a proxy war between two giant entities. Their names are United States of America ​​and Soviet Union. Per capita income in 1960 was approximately $80 per year. Lee Byung Choi, this man, with the help of the government, will put South Korea on the map of the most important product known to humanity. Lee succeeded in convincing a country whose important exports are agricultural products to invest $400 million. The eyes of the Americans, retaliating against the Japanese, will go to Korea. In Korea, labor is cheaper than Japan. Also, they have investments. This makes the Americans think, "Guys, as long as the cost of production is better, Let us, as advanced Americans, sit in the air conditioning, focused on our research and theoretical designs, and let others goes to the factory and be one who manufactures. We are no longer up for exhaustion, factory noise, and machine grease. This, my friend, is a very important turning point, With time, Korea will begin to develop more. The competition between it and Japan will be fierce. I don't want to spoil to you, but with time, only two Korean companies, which are Samsung and SK Hynix, those, with time, today, will dominate the memory chip industry. Here, the US applies the famous saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." America and Taiwan have entered into agreements from 1955, allies. But, my friend, as you know, America was a bit shaken in the Vietnam War. Look, my friend, Hollywood actors were marooned in Vietnam! Of course, as a Taiwanese country, You have a very strong ally, called the United States of America was shaken, it's normal to worry. When your ally of advanced weapons, economic power, and chips, gets riled up and shaken by some Vietnamese, The Viet Cong group, "What will it do with my enemy, China?!" Also, America's withdrawal from Vietnam greatly frightened the Taiwanese! They started to realize that, "Guys, we have to remain very important to America." Especially, America also cut off aid to its Asian allies. The most important thing is, Communist China, which is next to us, claims that we as Taiwanese are a part of it! and it just ran a nuclear test in 1964! O protector, O Lord! Taiwan will be lost from the Taiwanese! Here, Taiwan realized that it must be of utmost importance to America to get this protection. One of the important ministers in Taiwan, spoke to one of the semiconductor industry's brightest minds, Morris Chang, to tell him, "O dude, we need you!" Take my body, my heart, and all the government support you want. But please, let us be important in the chip industry!" The truth, my friend, is that Morris Chang comes up with a genius idea, He tried it with Texas Instruments in America before. But no one took him seriously, Including the "Golden Moore" of Moore's Law, When he said, "You, my son, have many good ideas." But this idea of ​​yours is not one of them." I don't want to spoil, but it's one of the greatest ideas of the past century! "Abo Hmeed, sorry, can you tell me about the idea? If you don't mind it" Sure, my friend, I will tell you, I created your character as a support to I say what I want to say. "Can we, Abo Hmeed, stay in context and find out what Maurice Chang did?" Yes, my friend. This idea is the same as Gutenberg's in 1440. "Thank you, I made this clear for me! Excellent! Great!" Let me, my friend, explain to you the idea of ​​Morris Chang simply, Imagine, my friend, you have a writer whose craft and skill is writing. But publishes a novel every year. It is not possible, my friend, from the revenues of his novels to get a big printing machine to print one novel a year. No matter how many copies he sells, he will lose. Here, the need for a publishing house appears, a place that specializes in printing and excels at it. and contracts with more than one writer. If each one of them writes a novel a year, it can benefit from many novels. and spend on a large, expensive printing machine. Here, the publisher is a benefited, and the author is a benefited. Each of the two parties was preoccupied with what he was very good at. The writer, through his writing, writing, and ideas, The publishing house has the equipment, place, and labor. This is an idea known in the world of economics as the Economies of Scale. Sometimes, my friend, producing 100,000 pencils, will save you a lot from producing only 100 pencils. This is the genius idea that Morris realized. This is what Morris Chang, in cooperation with the Taiwanese government, wants to do. In this case, there are companies that will only work with the design of the chips. Just The Design, such as Apple and Nvidia, They make different designs for different needs. The one who implements these designs is one company. Morris Chang, which is known today as TSMC, The second largest company in Asia, after Saudi Aramco. Of course, this was a genius suggestion! The Taiwanese government was very happy with the idea and financed 48% of the project. Taiwanese businessmen will be asked to invest in the company. They would receive funding worth $58 million and technology consulting from Philips in exchange for a 27% stake. Keep Philips and its share in your mind, Ctrl B, Ctrl U, Highlight Anyway this company, TSMC, will make a historic achievement. Because simply, it will be able to work with anyone. Because it is not a competitor to anyone. When Intel tried to do the same model, to be publishing house, or Chips production company, it didn't get many customers. Why? Because Intel competes with them in designing chips, I will not go to a company that competes with me in design. And tell her, "Please make me or manufacture my chips!" How will I trust them to make my chips And the two of us go to the market in front of each other? They could poison it!" That's why, for example, a company like AMD, which had a production arm, which they called FABs, its boss was saying, "The real men are the ones who have the labs that make their chips." had to sell its production division, its FABs, to Mubadala Company, one of the investment arms in the Emirates, that manages a fortune worth $360 billion, headed by Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, the president of the Emirates, personally. Its CEO is Khaldoun Al-Mubarak. This, my friend, is managed by Guardiola and Haaland, the brain and the muscles! Anyway, they took these FABs and made them to a new company called GlobalFoundries. The American stock market went down. The emergence of these companies, let me call them "production" or "printing" companies. the most correct form is Manufacturing. had the chips' efficiency not depend on their small size, but on their design. There are companies that only specialize in design. Like Qualcomm, which, according to Dr. Chris Miller, "There is no mobile phone in the world that can work without its SIM card." This company designs its chips, but does not make them. TSMC is the one who does it. Nvidia, whose value exceeds one trillion dollars, that its chips started as an important need for graphics, and today has become important for artificial intelligence doesn't make most of its chips. TSMC is the one who does it. If it were not for TSMC, my friend, many companies would not exist today. Because any company would need billions to operate its FABs, that will make its chips, "Why should I spend all this, when I'm still just getting started?" Dear viewer, let me take you to the nineties, where the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and the US is elegant, happy, and confident, and it won the Cold War. Let me tell you, my friend, that some sources say, One of the Soviet Union's FABs, which are the productive arms that we talked about, started making chips for the toys in McDonald's Happy Meal. See, my friend, the irony of fate! Soviet Union's technology is provided for the production of children's toys in an American sandwich company. A production line created for a national purpose and a lofty goal with the arms and best scientists of the Soviet Union, was under the command of an American restaurant chain, and after we were manufacturing complex technologies, we make dinosaurs and rabbits at the Happy Meal! Also, my friend, in the nineties, not only was the Soviet Union collapsing, Japan, which began to remain an enemy state, as we said, entered a giant economic crisis, The crisis that caused Japan's economy to enter what is called Lost Decades. "Lost Decades." Directed by Mohammed Khan! Let me tell you, my friend, that from 1991 to 2003, the Japanese economy, which was working so well, as it produces and exports, produces and exports, produces and exports, had a growth of only 1%, This is not a growth rate per year, but in all 10 years, only 1%. My diet is more successful than this! Do you remember, my friend, loans with low interest? that flourished Japan at the beginning of the episode? It exploded in the face of the country, and prices collapsed! "Hey, Abo Hmeed! Does that mean America is okay?" my friend, it is not the time for America now! I want you to worry about the largest chip maker in America, Intel. Because the situation there is not at all reassuring! I'll go out quickly, and come back quickly. In 2006, Paul Ottolini, director of Intel, appears on stage in a theatrical move. He enters like this, my friend, and there is still smoke coming out and Wow, like the Undertaker! Paul steps on stage to meet Steve Jobs and an important cooperation begins. This, my friend, is a Steve Jobs theater. And one of Intel's coups, Apple, my friend, has finally yielded to Intel! Apple was almost the only big company that do not use Intel's architecture called X86, But, my friend, at that time, everything changed, and it started using Intel. Steve Jobs, my friend, will not only agree to work with Intel on computers, He will also suggest to Intel that it make chips for an idea he was thinking of. to make a phone with a computer inside it. The television that is the size of a pack of cigarettes, which the Soviets talked about. Intel, my friend, will not accept what Jobs offered to pay, they will refuse. Imagine refusing to make Chips for the most successful product in human history! The Most Profitable Product Ever, the iPhone! At that time, Apple will go to a very important English company called ARM. From here, the decline of the largest US company for producing chips will begin. In the early 2000s, Intel was one of the largest companies in the world. Its bet is on the manufacture of microprocessors for computers was one of its most important bets in the nineties and early 2000s. But little by little, Apple's market value began to outpace them without using their chips on the iPhone. Little by little, a company like Facebook has not completed 4 years, and its value was half the value of Intel. Intel in 2000, its market valuation was about $300 billion. Currently, today, it has fallen to $120 billion. This, my friend, is one of the most expensive times to say the word "no" in history! Intel refused to enter the mobile phone market. A company like NVIDIA, which is interested in the field of graphics, does what is called Parallel Computing. To calculate more than one thing at the same time, instead of a calculation after another. This company, Nvidia, designs chips only, Not like Intel, which designs and has FABs. This company, Nvidia, is worth more than a trillion dollars. Intel is roughly a tenth of that number, Intel: $100 billion, and Nvidia: $1 trillion. What is happening, my friend, is that Intel begins to weaken with time. Companies like TSMC and Samsung are starting to lead the chip industry And if you think about it, you will find it a major political problem for the US. Because one of the companies is in Taiwan, next to China, The second is in South Korea, which is next to North Korea that keeps carrying out nuclear tests. Do you remember, my friend, when I told you about Philips? And I told you, remember that percentage is 27%? Philips, my friend, only does it have 27% of TSMC, which is the largest producer of chips in the world, but also had a small company in the Netherlands, in a village called Eindhoven. This company was a Spin Off, it became dependent, "This is a field on its own, leave it to its own" This company is called ASML, This, my friend, is, for me, the most impressive company in the whole thing! TSMC, my friend, in order to make these chips, needs to get a lithography machine. the machine that prints the transistors on the silicone bit. This machine is what ASML makes. This is one of the most complex products of humanity. I know that you are tired now, and your brain has no room for more information, but guess what? I will tell you information! At first my friend, you made the chip with 4 transistors. Over time, the transistors began to get smaller and smaller and smaller. Until your Uncle Lanthrop told you, "It became too small that you may need to use light to print your transistors on the silicone pad." How will you do this? You will get a light source, and you will get a mask, and control the light using this mask. Light enters and interacts with our silicone bits, so we can print very small transistors. Of course, this is a too much simplification, but its purpose is to explain it to you that we use light in the lithography process, light! Using this form of lithography, makes us able to do things that are hundreds of nanometers in size. To understand, a bacterial cell is 1000 nanometers long. See what are we doing? Over time, lithography companies was able to operate with ultraviolet rays, with a wavelength of 193 nanometers. That's almost the size of a virus! Did companies stop here? of course not, they will continue the size reduction. The companies believed we can deliver a special wavelength of ultraviolet rays to 13.5 nanometers, that means approximately 4 atoms next to each other. Of course, my friend, to do something like this, You won't go to Al-Bustan Mall, you'll say, "I want a UV lamp." "Abo Hmeed, how do companies do these x-rays?" The idea, my friend, is that you still have tin balls where laser hits twice, once to equate this ball, the second time, to let its temperature reach half a million degrees Celsius. "Oh Abo Hmeed, is half a million degrees Celsius hotter than tea?" my friend, the issue is a little bigger than that! Half a million degrees Celsius means hotter than the sun. Way hotter than the sun. The process of passing these little balls of tin for each one of them to be hit with laser twice and creates plasma, this process happens 50 thousand times. "Oh! 50 thousand times, Abo Hmeed, in life? Too many!" 50 thousand times per second! The truth is, my friend, I don't want to shock you with details. "Thank you, Abo Hmeed!" Of course to make a laser like this, they also won't get it from Al Bustan Mall. They went to a company specialized in laser manufacturing, called Trumpf. This company made lasers for them in 10 years. Each laser has 457,329 parts. This is just the laser! Is this all? Should we shut up and sit at home? No of course. The rays you made, in order to direct them, you need mirrors. Here, they went to a company called "Zeiss". The problem is that when you have rays with a length of 13.5 nanometers, anything can be absorbed, even air. How do you make something that reflects and not absorbs? Don't ask me how, but Zeiss succeeded in creating the smoothest surface on the planet. I feel that you feel that this is normal! I will give you an example. If our mirror surface was a country like Germany, the size of the impurities on this surface, of the size of Germany, is 10 millimeters. 10 mm! I feel that you feel that this is normal! These mirrors make billions of transistors on the chip. It needs to reflect light very accurately. ASML experts say their devices are accurate that if you radiate light from the moon to reach a coin on Earth, it hits it. ASML is indeed on the borders of physics, technology, and engineering. It really sky rocketed! The explanation I am saying is the simplest thing that can be said about the company. Indeed, its greatness is not only in engineering and technology. Its true greatness is in the field of supply chain management. ASML, my friend, to get this machine out, -by the way, it makes 25 to 30 machines a year- Each machine costs between 150 and 250 million dollars. It needs to work with thousands of companies, thousands of suppliers, laser companies, lens companies, software companies, and equipment companies, then after we collect them all, disassemble them, and send them to the FABs. Those like TSMC and Samsung, and then Intel. I feel that you feel that this is normal! This is not normal. These machines, my friend, are transported by 20 vans and 3 Boeing 747 planes. When the machine enters the FAB, it has the capacity to operate 3,000 wafers per day. The Wafer is the silicone area on which chips are placed. Chips use it. Each wafer has about 100 chips on it. Each chip contains 10 billion transistors. This company, my friend, has a 100% monopoly on the lithography machines that use EUV, Extreme Ultra Violet. This is the only company, my friend, in the world. This company, my friend, is forbidden to sell to Russia. Forbidden to sell to China, forbidden to sell to Ukraine. It is forbidden for anyone of these nationalities to work there! In short we are talking about the most important industry in the world, Chips. The industry that already today competes with oil, The largest company in the world, the mobile phone company Apple, designs chips. The second largest company in Asia produces approximately 53% of the world's chips. This is more than the share of Saudi Arabia, Russia, Canada and Iraq combined Of petroleum on the world market! Only one company! Let me, my friend, try to fill the episode into half a loaf! This industry, my friend, is divided into 3 important parts: The first section is the Lithography section. The most prominent company in this section is ASML. This company has a monopoly on the most advanced part of lithography which is, again, the EUV. The company produces 100% of this machine. Let's go to the second section. The second part is the companies that design, Most notably NVIDIA, Apple and Qualcomm. These are companies that design the shape of the chips according to their functions. The third part in this production line is the FABs, or chip production companies. The 3 largest companies in this space are Samsung, Intel, and TSMC. They're responsible for producing 90% of the world's chips. These chips are found in mobile phones, cars, and dishwashers. Besides warplanes and spaceships. If you pay attention, you will find this is a very, very small number of companies. If you pay attention, you will notice there is no talk today about Russia or China. Imagine that the world's factory (China) has no role in this industry except at the last station, it collects all this. All the difficult technology comes from America and its allies. America and its allies have a monopoly in the semiconductor industry. This is of course very worrying for China. And God willing, in a future episode, We will talk about the technological war between China and America. Finally, my friend, while writing this episode, I am, truly, proud of us as humanity, we make transistor gates in the size of atoms. Today's thinnest transistor is 10,000 times thinner than a hair. The size of the smallest transistor in the world is 1 nanometer. The size of the atom, the not splittable, which means "not divisible," The size of an atom which is supposed to be the smallest thing in the world, which is supposed to be, by definition, cannot be divided. We knew later we could divide it, and disasters would happen when we divided it! But the atom, my friend, can reach half a nanometer in size. You make transistors twice the size of the atom. This is the worst! I don't know what feelings you get when you know information like this, but I feel very proud. Our lifespan on this planet, and in this universe, is not much, 300 thousand years only, We are a commercial break in the life of the planet! But we play and obey the laws of physics. The second thing that made me curious was what happened in Asia. What happened in Asia is amazing and inspiring. As we said, South Korea was very poor in the 1960s, it was coming out of a civil war, Japan emerged from a world war, and two nuclear bombs were dropped on it. Taiwan is always under threat from the Chinese giant. Countries that were completely broken, my friend, but what they did with their investments in their local companies is amazing! What is most impressive are the investments that are still being made. The US attracts chip companies with grants and investments amounting to $50 billion. The European Union intends to, in the next 10 years, invest more than 150 billion dollars. Fascinated, my friend, by the numbers? I feel that you feel that this is normal! Guess what, this is really normal, my friend. Because Asia is investing much more than this. TSMC will invest $100 billion in just 3 years. This is a company, not a state. It is also said that Korea intends to invest $450 billion. It's expected that everything in the world will be of smart technology, and as long as there is intelligence, there must be chips. In the end, my friend, I don't need to tell you, that you have to see the old episodes and the new ones, look at the sources, and subscribe if you're on YouTube.
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Keywords: الدحيح, eldahih, elda7ee7, da7ee7, al daheeh, اكاديمية الاعلام الجديد, حلقة الدحيح, daheeh, new media academy, البترول الجديد, الولايات المتحدة, مصدر المنتجات, الرقاقات الالكترونية, الحرب العالمية الثانية, الترانزستور, الذكاء الاصطناعي, الراديو, اكبر شركة في العالم, الصين, اليابان, تايوان, أغلى مصنع في العالم, انجازات البشرية, ويليام شوكلي, وادي السيليكون, الاتحاد السوفيتي, الشركات الرأسمالية, كوكب اليابان, كوريا الجنوبية, الصين الشيوعية, الذراع الاستثماري الإماراتي, ستيف جوبز
Id: THYvJgllb-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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