أميرات القصر المغربي .. خيانة وقتل وهرب .. جمال ونجاح استثنائي.. كيف جمعت أميرات المغرب كل التناقضات

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جميلات محتشمات يلفتن الانتباه اينما حلل. تعلمن الجمال والذوق والرقي من اميرات المغرب. زوجات ملوك واخوات ملوك وامهات لملوك. الزوجة الجميلة التي سحرت الجميع واختفت في ظروف غامضة. الام الامازيغية التي اتهمت بخيانة الملك وقتله. اخت تمردت على قوانين القصر. واخرى استثنائية في كل شيء. الحفيدة المدللة. الكنة اللبنانية. وزوجة الاخ المحبوبة. لنتعرف معا على اميرات القصر المغربي. الاميرة من عامة الشعب. اسمها سلمى البناني. ولدت بمدينة فاس المغربية في العاشر من ايار عام الف وتسعمائة وسبعة وثمانين. والدها استاذ مدرسة. ووالدتها توفت بمرض السرطان بعد ولادتها بثلاثة اعوام. عام الف وتسعمائة وخمسة وتسعين حصلت على شهادة البكالوريا في شعبة العلوم الرياضية. لتلتحق بعد ذلك بالمدرسة الوطنية العليا للمعلوماتية وتحليل النظم بالرباط. التي تخرجت فيها مهندسة دولة في المعلوميات. وكانت الاولى على دفعتها. وبعد زواجها من العاهل المغربي تولت رئاسة جمعية للا سلمى لمحاربة داء السرطان. وايضا كانت سفيرة النوايا الحسنة لدى منظمة الصحة اثارت اصولها اليهودية الجدل في المغرب فامها يهودية وابوها فاسي من اصول يهودية. بالتالي فان ولي العهد المغربي واخته هما من اصول يهودية. وهذا حدث للمرة الاولى في تاريخ المملكة المغربية. حب اسطوري من النظرة الاولى. الفتاة النابغة ذات الشعر الاحمر والاطلالة الساحرة. خطفت قلب الملك المغربي محمد السادس من النظرة الاولى. حيث التقاها في حفل خاص وكانت ما تزال جامعية لم تتجاوز الواحد والعشرين عاما. واستمرت علاقتهما ثلاثة اعوام سلبت سلمى خلالها قلب الملك تماما. وجعلته يقع في غرامها كليا. وتمت خطوبتهما في الواحد والعشرين من اذار عام الفين واثنين. تم عقد قرانهما في القصر الملكي بالرباط. وبدأت لمساتها على القصر الملكي تظهر من البداية. اذ كان حفل زفافها بسيطا وبفضلها تغيرت عادة الزوجات لدى ملوك المغرب. حيث اشترطت على الملك الا يتزوج غيرها. الاميرة حافية القدمين. كان لحكم سلمى تأثير هائل على المنطقة باكملها. على صعيد العمل الخيري والاناقة الشخصية. ورغم انها كانت مقلة في الظهور العلني وتفضل ان تحدث تغييرا حقيقيا من خلف الستار. ولا تحاول خطف الاضواء لنفسها. لكنها اثبتت انها صاحبة صوت قوي ورأي مسموع داخل القصر الملكي. عرفت باناقتها. اذ كان يخيط فساتينها امهر الخياطين. وتختار ملابسها واطلالاتها بمساعدة زوجها الملك السادس. ايضا كانت تهوى المشي في بيتها حافية القدمين. عام الفين وتسعة نالت لقب الضيفة الاكثر اناقة. في استطلاع رأي اجرته مجلة هلو البريطانية. حول اطلالات ضيفات حفل زفاف الامير ويليام من كيت ميدلتون. وكانت حينها ترتدي القفطان اللباس التقليدي المغربي. عام الفين واربعة عشر انتخبت الثالثة في قائمة زوجات الرؤساء والملوك الاكثر جمالا الصادرة عن موقع ريشاس لايف ستايل. متفوقة على كثيرات من الملكات والاميرات حول العالم. الاميرة الشبح منذ عام الفين وسبعة عشر وحتى عام الفين وتسعة عشر لوحظ اختفاء الليلة سلمى عن الانظار كليا بعد ان كانت حريصة على التواجد والظهور في الاماكن العامة على عكس زوجات ملوك المغرب. وقد لاحظت الصحافة المحلية والاجنبية هذا الاختفاء انذاك لتلقبها بالاميرة الشبح. وتتسائل عن سر غيابها المفاجئ والطويل. حيث لم تظهر خلال عامين الا مرتين فقط. الاولى في باريس مع ولي العهد والحرس الشخصي. والثانية في اليونان مع ولي العهد واخته خديجة. لتنتشر شائعات عام الفين وتسعة عشر عن هروب الاميرة بابنيها من المغرب. في تموز الفين وتسعة عشر اصدر محامي الملك وزوجته بيانا يعلنان فيه طلاقهما. وينددان بشائعات هروبها ويتوعدان بالمحاسبة القانونية لمروجيها. لتخرج الاميرة سلمى من القصر بعد ان احدثت فيه تحولا كبيرا. اذ كانت اول زوجة ملك تحمل لقب اميرة في تاريخ المغرب. واول فتاة من الشعب تصبح السيدة الاولى في الرباط. واول ملكة مغربية يتعرف اليها المغاربة. ولتنتهي بطلاقها قصة حب سلمى والملك المغربي. الذين قيل عنهما ذات مرة. ان كان الحب قدرا فان الاميرة للا سلمى قدر ملك وان كان الحب خيارا فهي خياره. ليلا لطيفة ام الشرفة. تنحدر الاميرة لالة لطيفة امحزون من منطقة زيان الامازيغية وسط المملكة. ولدت عام الف وتسعمائة وستة واربعين واسمها الحقيقي فاطمة حمو. لكنها دعيت باسم لطيفة تجنبا للخلط مع الزوجة الاولى للحسن الثاني وهي ليلة فاطمة امهروق. انجبت للحسن الثاني خمسة ابناء هم الملك المغربي الحالي محمد السادس والامير مولى رشيد. والاميرات للا حسناء ولالة اسماء ولالة مريم. كعادة اميرات القصر الملكي المغربي لم تظهر الاميرة كثيرا. والصورة الوحيدة الرسمية التي ظهرت فيها التقطت لها خلال حفل زفاف ابنتها الاميرة للا حسناء. دخول القصر من بوابة قلب الملك. عام الف وتسعمائة وواحد وستين دخلت الامازيغية فاطمة حمو القصر الملكي برفقة بنات عمها. غير ان الحظ سيبتسم لها ويفتح امامها ابواب القصر الكبير. اذ استطاعت ان تثير بجاذبية شخصيتها القوي الملك الحسن الثاني. فاختارها to be his wife and mother to his sons. Although it was less beautiful than the rest of the النساء اللواتي كن يغمرن مقصورات القصر الملكي. الملكة الام. لالة لطيفة معروفة بانها امرأة كتومة. تحب العيش في الظل عاشت حياتها between Marrakech and Paris, even during the life of her late husband, Hassan II, El الملكة الام كما يحلو للصحافة الاجنبية وصفها. تجمعها بابنها محمد السادس علاقة تتجاوز الامومة الى علاقة عصية على understanding. He is trying to talk about a special relationship he has with her. But الواقع يثير تساؤلات عدة. خاصة في قلة ظهورها في المناسبات الملكية المغربية. وحتى الصور للاسرة الملكية. ويقال انها تقيم in self-exile in Paris. Benui Sarsin in the Royal Armed Forces of الباريسية في عقار اسطوري تبلغ قيمته مبالغ خيالية. خيانة وقتل وزواج. الوجه المظلم. على الجانب الاخر من صورة الملكة الباهرة. Lalla Latifa's life was marred by many rumors that were circulated in the media. The most prominent of these is the story of her husband, Hassan II, with his bodyguard, Muhammad Al-Maduri, الملقب بالحاج. والتي قيل انها استمرت لعشرة اعوام خلال حياة the late king. She married Lalla Latifa Al-Medour after her husband's death. which is what made many believe the conversations that were extended at the time. Which spoke at the time close to the royal palace. Most notably Hisham, the Mandori and Ali Barakat. He is from the circle of Hassan II and his father before. Hisham got Hajj with Latifa. A second rumor spread to her that she was the reason for the death of Hassan II. الذي من المعروف انه توفي اثر نوبة surprised him as a result of a strong emotion he was exposed to in his palace. It is said to be a discovery Mawlawiya School. His wife's betrayal of him was the reason for his anger and death at the time. And more than it has been said, since Lalla Latifa killed her husband in front of his special guard, Al-Maduri, and his son, Mohammed, the sixth. Maryam, daughter of Al-Hassan Al-Alawi. Or as you like to call it Lala Maryam. exceptional Moroccan princess. The first child of the late Moroccan King Hassan II was born on the twenty-sixth of August, a thousand nine hundred and sixty-two. She was born in Ma, Italy, where the family was summer vacation. She continued her studies at the and the Royal Institute. She graduated from Mohammed V University in Rabat to be appointed by the head of the social business interests of the forces of heart, Hassan II, who Hodesin Province . Until she got married in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, Fouad Filali. A marriage planned by the king. Princess Mary's wedding was during the planning of her father, Hassan II. This happened in the year one thousand nine hundred, and with eighty - three. When Fouad Filali was a successful banker at Wall Street in the United States of America. The king got to know him through his father, Abd al-Latif al-Filali, one of the king's trustworthy men. As His first and foreign minister Hassan II admired Cheb Fouad success, he decided to marry his eldest daughter to Lala Maryam, who was at the time twenty-two years. As for Fouad, he was seven years old on twenty. For the city of Fez to witness a wedding ceremony was a prominent national event. was held in the authentic Moroccan way. It was a royal ceremony for as a traditional legend in all cafes in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six, the Hassan II was his daughter 's husband as director for North Africa Group, an the first economic group in the Kingdom. Filali made tantamount to an economic empire. Confirmed its presence in the system , a Moroccan economist. As the volume of its revenues reached the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two, amounting to twenty billion dirhams. And on the thirtieth of April of the year eighty-six witnessed the birth of the first granddaughter of Hassan II his daughter Maryam, whom he himself called Sakina, and she was the apple of his eye and pampered by his companion always. So far, Princess Sakina is known as the spoiled eyes of the Moroccan royal palace. Princess Lalla Maryam also had her second child. On the second of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and eight, eighty, and he is Prince Idris. Breaking the customs and traditions of the royal palace. General, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. Morocco witnessed a royal declaration as a shock and . As it was announced the divorce of Lalla Mariam from her husband, who was the first Moroccan princess her divorce her husband on the date of Morocco. In daring ones to break great rules The family and the disruption of the traditions of the ruling family. As well as a manifestation of the boldness of this princess and broke the royal rules related to princesses. He dared her to Changing the hairstyle of the princely chnion. It was customary for her to appear with the princesses to a short, bold hairstyle in a style that imposed the her mark and made her an icon and symbol for the modern, active woman in Morocco. An exception princess From her early childhood, the princess took care of the child in Morocco and the world even before she headed the National Observatory for Childhood. , she was one of the first involved in the demand for ratification of the agreement. global children's rights. It was also commissioned by King Hassan in the year nine and head of the Hassan II Foundation for Moroccans Residing Abroad. She also chaired the Moroccan Association and supported UNICEF, the National Children's Observatory and the Hassan II Foundation for Veterans. head of the royal family 's Women's Union, as was appointed by her brother, King Mohammed VI Moroccan after the late princess Lalla Fatima al-Zahra. She was more than princesses of Morocco, who appeared in the media. As the face of the media . Those close to Lalla Mariam see the princess modest, loves to travel and loves to live simply and eat sandwiches. while the youth of the Diaspora see that no, no Mary is the embodiment of the authentic Arab beauty, Coupled with meticulously calculated sobriety. Your highness. Princess Lalla was born in the nineties at the beautiful, on the nineteenth of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven in Rabat. She is the youngest daughter of King Hassan II and his second wife, not the Latifa Hammou and sister of the current King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, got engaged. She is and Prince Moulay Rachid. Like all members of the Alawite family, she studied princess in the Mawlawi school. After completing her studies, Princess Dr. Khaled bin Harbet, Director of the Office of the former Minister of Interior, lived in the Moroccan city of Fez. The marriage ceremony took place after three years, specifically in the thirteenth of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and one in Rabat. And couple had two daughters, Princess Omaima, on the 15th of December, nine hundred and ninety-five. And Princess Alia on the twentieth of October, the sixth thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. Environmental protection princess. She cared for Lalla Hasna was established from an early age with social issues. Especially the environment. It was her father, the former King Hassan II, who bore her with great responsibility. Thus, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, when he assigned her the task of preserving the heritage of a beachy. Then launch a program to make our beaches smile. Which has after which the Clean Beaches program was established. And in the year two thousand and one, Muhammad institution for the protection of the environment. He made Lalla Hasnaa its chief, walking on the his father realized the extent of the princess's commitment to environmental issues. It has always been made great efforts in the field at the national and international levels. The many awards for her efforts. In the year 2006, she was awarded the Medal of Al-Jarf Days in the year 2006 . She was chosen for this award by representatives of about twenty countries in Africa. And in the year two thousand and seven there were appointed ambassador to the coast by the United Nations. And the year two thousand and five ten chairs chosen by King Mohammed VI. To receive in his name the Freedom Award and awarded in honor of the late Moroccan King Mohammed VI. She has also received in the year two thousand and eighteen for the international award from the Joy Foundation Peace in Japan. It is an award given to influential figures. Also , the Japanese capital Tokyo witnessed the awarding of the Princess to the Honorary Doctorate of From the University as the culmination of its efforts in the field of environmental education and education on the was born . As for culturally, the year two thousand and twenty witnessed princess inaugurating the twenty-sixth session of the International Exhibition books. Did you kill Lala Salma? In the year twenty-two, after a period of time who sudden and remarkable disappearance of Lalla Salma, wife of Moroccan King Mohammed sixth. Moroccans and some Moroccan websites circulated news that was said It was leaks from the Moroccan intelligence accusing the king of Lalla Hasna killed his wife, Lalla Salma, with two bullets to the head, following a family dispute and the jealousy of women. The latter was buried in the Moroccan royal palace. The story was , so it seemed that Shaghaf, which the royal family did not pay any attention to, as usual, in dealing with news that talk about private matters. Inside the walls of the Moroccan palace. beautiful woman who charted a rich path since her youth. And she enjoyed a track record of bids and achievements. Today, the star of her two daughters also began to shine in of Business and Fashion Publishing . Each of them owns a fashion company, accessories in Paris. Moroccans are recently circulating news about the her rival, Hassan bin King Mohammed VI, for the throne of the kingdom. And that she not satisfied with his accession to the throne. Lalla Sakina the spoiled granddaughter. Sustainable development to look at him on the thirtieth of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and six eighty. Her mother, Lalla Mariam, the eldest daughter of Hassan II, and her father, Fouad Al-Filali, son of Abdul Latif Al-Filali, the former Prime Minister in the country was. She is the first granddaughter of the late Moroccan monarch, the king, who Hassan II, who is known for his cruelty and strictness. But the granddaughter managed an infinite output of it. Where she was an icon sitting on the throne of the heart of king who is very attached to her. So he gave her name to one of the largest mosques in Rabat. and given the title of princess, even though she is not entitled to carry it. Princess Sakina began had , not just a grandfather, even before her parents divorced in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine ninety-nine. The year that was tough on a princess. As she lived in the bitterness of separation of her parents, and then she was devastated by the death of her grandfather, which turned her life upside down. after. A life fit for princesses. The spoiled granddaughter lived a life worthy of the princesses. Her grandfather was keen to gift her a diamond in the form of a fire flame. on every birthday for her. In addition to his gifts of luxury cars and it is said that she had dozens of them, and she changed her her dresses. Also, a prominent place in the decision-making map was occupied by a she grew up in the palace, exercising power and making the most important choices in the kingdom. Despite her young age, her authority was the highest, as it was the most influential. in her grandfather's decisions. She can innocently interfere with him about a punishing officer or a pardons an employee, a disciplinary measure is imposed on him. After the king's death she lived Sakina in the custody of her mother, Lalla Mariam, and her uncle, King Mohammed VI. High school out of public life. She quietly continued her studies at the Mawlawi Institute, the in Rabat. For the niece of King Mohammed VI to obtain the certificate, disappeared in the year two thousand and four. She decided to continue her studies in France, Paris, she entered the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris to begin fulfilling a dream that she completed. A title that steals a dream. It was not the relationship of Princess Lalla Sakina, Press the story of impressive passing. Rather, she loved this field very much for a as he changed and was fond of him. She wants to be a real journalist, especially on TV. In year two thousand Princess underwent training for a French news channel As soon as the news of this session spread in the media and forums, it was with media fanfare and confusion among Moroccans who wondered how the Moroccan princess to undergo a course as an ordinary girl princess in the media was doomed to remain restricted within the limits of the study. is unreasonable for Moroccans to accept that one of their princesses work as a TV presenter . crazy lover. The princess was a verse in beauty derives from the blending of her Italian genes, which she took from her grandmother. It from her father with the Amazigh beauty that she derived from her maternal grandmother. To be the admired young lovers and lovers. One of them was the lover who was He was called “the Majnun.” The Moroccan young man, Rashidi Moulay El Taqi, descended from arrested and was assassinated in prison amid an atmosphere of mockery and ridicule him and calling to admit then that he does not fit the princess financially and morally, but was suits her emotionally and emotionally, stressing that he is in his full mental powers. None of Title and wife without husband. During a ceremony to celebrate a group of personalities on Eid al- throne in the year two thousand and thirteen Moroccans discovered that the pampered of Hassan Thani, they no longer bear the title of Amira. As his name was mentioned in the ceremony abstract from to the title to prove that so approaching her marriage relationship that was after several months. Where her uncle, King Mohammed VI, married her to Mahdi Regraki. He is the a businessman and the owner of an information company. The scion of a family is no stranger royal family. As his grandfather was a jurist, King Hassan II. And the teacher of the the Arabic language for princes and princesses. In the Mawlawiyah school. And the wedding of Princess Lalla Sakina was held. In her mother's residence for Mary was brought up in May of the year two thousand and fourteen. In the presence of fifty invited guests, the from the two families. The wife of former French President Jacques Chirac Mrs. Bernadine Chirac. And in the year two thousand and fifteen, the beautiful couple was With twins, their names are Aya and Al-Hassan. But the marriage did not last long. As I traded several locations. The divorce of the princess and her husband in the year 1919 by mutual consent. news that shocked the Moroccan street, especially as it coincided with the disappearance of the The wife of King Mohammed VI, Lalla Salma, and rumors spread that she had escaped, then the announced her divorce as well. Lamia El Solh, a Lebanese woman who stole the heart of a Moroccan prince. , will talk about later . Born in the year Thousand, nine hundred and thirty-eight in a blessed family. The blonde blessed with her two sisters, Mona and Laila. And she lived among the servants and the decency. servant escorted her to school. The nanny follows her wherever she goes. until she traveled to Paris to continue her studies and entered the Sorbonne University. besides her dazzling beauty. She was distinguished by her decency, gentleness, intelligence, and genius. The professors who remembered her often talked about her when she got the licence, and left them. And at that stage of her life, fate first lines of a story that the Moroccans, the daughter of former Lebanese Prime Minister Riad El Solh and the Lebanese alike drew her. To love the audible word. The prince was the Moroccan Abdullah bin Mohammed V, who is spending his vacation in the city of Fernoy, in suburbs of Paris. Where you know the beautiful girl Lamia. But he had to return quickly to Morocco. As for the girl with blue eyes. She finished her studies and returned to her country. And between her wings is the love of the Moroccan prince who was cut off. For someone to propose to the beautiful girl from her loving mother sermon . Often mothers trust the suitors, not in . The news of the Qur'an of Lamia spread, and if the phone of the house of reconciliation was answered. The Moroccan ambassador, Ben Abdelnabi, is applying for the hand of the daughter of the Lebanese leader in the . Signs of joy appeared on me Lamia's face. The word love was the audible legendary wedding and wedding dress unforgettable. A luxury Moroccan plane lands at Beirut airport. Descends them an envoy by King Mohammed V. And a group of those chosen by Mrs. Solh's consort to his son. The ambassador receives them, and they stay in the most luxurious hotels. To be held Qur’an on the eighth of November in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine. presence of Sheikh Al-Islam Muhammad bin Al-Arab Al-Alawi and a number of the Lebanese and some members of the Moroccan royal family. And in the house neighboring scholars silk embroidered with threads of gold. A golden belt adorned with stones in the kind. It was Prince Abdullah's gift to her. While I wore it Princess Amina, sister of Moroccan King Mohammed V, confined a local ring to the emerald of the gift from the king. All this without the prince being present. Where His presence on the phone call. During which he congratulated his fiancée. And here he wondered, common in Beirut and Morocco. About the value of the dowry in such a legendary marriage. but they were surprised that the fiancée refused, except that her dowry should be according to what was dowries during the days of the Sunnah and the Rightly Guided Caliphs. It is a five piece silver. Which is equivalent to five thousand Moroccan francs only. She said it was the wanted to follow the girls’ example in order to relieve the youth. The dress ceremony, Beloved wedding royal thigh character. It was attended by a group of elite world at the time of kings and princes. A wedding dress was considered a illiterate at that time, one of the most important dresses of that era. Kwik was included in as the second most beautiful wedding dress in the world. According to one of the German magazines, her day with a dazzling picture in which Lalla Lamia appeared while she was dragging a tail behind her which was documented at the time as being the longest tail of a dress in the world, was marked by the length of the twenty-two meters, hand-embroidered with reed threads, and it took him three continuous weeks to sew, and it was completed by more than seventy-five Lebanese seamstresses, who is said to have weighed twenty kilograms. She could have sacrificed her husband. Prince Moulay Abdullah bin Mohammed V was born in the thirtieth of in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. He is the uncle of the current king and Morocco, from Mohammed VI. His mother is Queen Lalla Abla bin Taher. In his book, The Untouchable Prince, issued in April of the year two thousand and fourteen. Prince Moulay Hicham, the story of his mother, Lamia El Solh, was exposed to the danger of death, soon as she heard the news of her husband's injury in a bloody coup in the year one thousand nine hundred, seventy-one. She took her sons and drove to the July Palace Skhirat immediately to check on her lover and husband. On the way, they were stopped by a military checkpoint. As soon as the people at the checkpoint got to know it, they decided executed. But they retreated at the last moment when they noticed that it was pregnant. And that incident was not heard by anyone before her son told her in his book. Lalla Lamia Moroccans oriental princess. Being that she was first non-Moroccan woman to marry a Moroccan prince. Their marriage continued to be up to the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three. When the prince died of illness, cancer. After the blonde beauty gave birth to him three children, they are as Prince Moulay Hicham. and Princess Leela Zeinab. Prince Moulay is the Ismail. The last appearance of the princess was the year two thousand and twenty. When her son Hisham published a picture of him with his mother, he took it with her as soon as he finished discussing doctorate, and he wrote on her that his mother had planted in him a love of knowledge and science, from a young age, Lalla Umm Kulthum Bou Faris, the Princess of Marrakech. Um Sakina descends from Kulthum Bu Faris, from the Makhzani family. She is related to the state family property. Her father, Al-Mamoun Bu Faris, held prominent positions in . As he was the governor of the city of Marrakesh. He also assumed the position of Wali Wali in a Ministry, and he is no stranger to the royal family. His mother, Lalla Khadija, sister of the late King Mohammed V. Umm Kulthum's mother was raised as a in Dar Al Makhzen. Away from the blood kinship that brings together the two families the most, the Marrakech princess was one of Lalla Sakina's best friends. princess known as the granddaughter and spoiler of Hassan II. It is said that he loved Umm Kulthum out of love for Lalla Sakina, so he brought her close to the palace. She The two young women were friends of residence during their stay in France. As she followed Lalla a media training course on the first French channel. While the mother of the Kulthum to pursue her higher studies in the field of economics. She was described as the pampered princess is like her calmness, sobriety and openness. She was and had light Marrakesh blood. Modest and unpretentious. What distinguished the could bring tears to her eyes. She was very pleasing to the parents, keen on communication, her parents every day, no matter the circumstances. She was affectionate, kind-hearted, and her classmates seeing a weak or hearing a sad story. She was very interested in her studies. And in the vacation, she finished the primary and middle stages of studying at the French mission. From there, she moved to a high school, asking very hardworking at the time. Her colleagues nicknamed her Al-Sharifa Al-Alawiya. After high school, and the young woman set out for Paris. In which she took her childhood in economic sciences the year of two thousand and six. Then she obtained a master's degree in marketing palace . The year two thousand and eleven. A woman who overturned the entity of the bachelor prince. year two thousand and fourteen witnessed a surprise that rejoiced the Moroccans, as the prince announced Moulay Rachid, the younger brother of Moroccan King Mohammed VI, who was nicknamed he was the most famous bachelor in Morocco, his engagement to Umm Kulthum, and that was also after a while briefly attended the wedding of her close friend Lalla Sakina, as saw, so she robbed his heart and made him take a decision that excluded him from a for forty-four years, is an age that no prince from the family has met without the fact that getting married. For the palace to announce the wedding date of the Prince of Umm Kulthum. Which was in the twenty-seven years old. And on the thirteenth days, fourteenth and fifteenth of November of the year two thousand and fourteen. capital, Rabat, and it was a royal wedding par excellence, according to the traditions of the Moroccan royal. The first day was devoted to the gift procession. It is a Moroccan chaired by King Mohammed VI, his crown prince, El Hassan, and the groom, Moulay Rachid, is up to the path of the journey to receive the delegations of the blessed. Today, it is is the isthmus, in which the elegance of the princesses of Morocco stands out with caftans that the bachelor Moroccan full of originality and sophistication. On the third morning, she becomes bride in her husband's house, where the ceremony is limited to family and close ones. The Blessed Arabs and Westerners from Morocco and outside the marriage of the most famous bachelor in the Kingdom procession . And the one for whom Moroccans in particular have a great love for his modesty and second kindness And his generosity. These are traits he shares with his bride, Princess Lalla Umm Kulthum. Many artists dedicate special songs to the newlyweds. After their wedding Umm Kulthum has emerged as an experienced camera. She used to share her husband's visits and and royal protocols, accompanied by King Mohammed and his wife Lalla Salma. appear in all her elegance, whether by appearance or demeanor. And the year two thousand the and sixteen, the beautiful couple had their first child, Ahmed. Then in the year of Two thousand and seventeen, a royal decree was issued that Umm Kulthum was awarded the title of owner of the HRH Princess. To become the beauty of Marrakech officially on list of princesses of the royal palace. What do you think of this Mira, and did you know her? من قبل? كل اميرات المغرب لما اشوفهم يا اخي يسحرونك.
Channel: ستيب فيديوغراف
Views: 5,383,536
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Keywords: أميرات القصر المغربي, ملكات المغرب, أميرات المغرب, لالات المغرب, لالة سلمى, لالة أم كلثوم, لالة حسناء, الملك حسن الثاني, قصص ملكات المغرب, من هي لالة سلمى, جمال ملكات المغرب, ثروة ملكات المغرب, لالة لمياء, أسرار ملكات المغرب, حكايات ملكات المغرب, الخيانة ملكة المغرب, نجاح ملكات المغرب, أسرار القصر الملكي المغرب, الحسن السادس, ملوك المغرب, زوجة الملك محمد السادس, حفيدة الحسن الثاني, لالة سكينة, لالة لطيفة, لالة مريم
Id: 0vGYIaFYX-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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