أفضل اغاني تعليم الامن للاطفال | اغاني وكرتون بالانجليزية |BabyBus

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[Music] ah [Music] Oh my healthy [Music] actually knots are not scary boys and girls today you will get back feet shot oh oh [Music] you all have to cooperate with doctor Lulu so who wants to be brave and go first uh-huh I'll go oh very good Kiki doctor Lulu will it hurt just barely dear don't be scared very quick all done already that was quick I barely felt it now press a cotton ball on it for a while with the other hand who wants to go next [Music] [Music] this is the last one which one of you hasn't had a shot yet where's mama she was here a while ago huh did she go out to play let's also look for her let him look me I don't have to get a dad everywhere I quit Oh went very far do you think she's in danger don't assume that she's probably hiding because she wants to avoid the shot uh-huh you're right let's keep looking for her oh I'm so Simon Mamie but I'm really scared of needles let us go to the Copa [Music] baby bus to systematic what's wrong how can I help you Momo is yes Missy please help us by turn I will find her [Music] hmm Momo's here she be hiding you know where she is no um no not yet I think everyone here is tired how about we all go and have some cake first no it's missing we're not in the mood for cake why do we need to get your all going on you're not strong enough to defeat the virus yourself that's right daddy vaccine shots boost your immune system oh it's like putting on a strong shining armor whenever you tell me a little bit I get this necessary I'm strong we have to be brave because it's for our oh boy don't be girl Jenny vaccine shots can help us defeat viruses so we could all stay healthy don't be afraid hello I'm Kiki time mmm whoa there are so many cars on the street the traffic is here nobody can know let's become the traffic police and help them okay I'm the traffic police I will direct traffic traffic police traffic Felipe my signal you may go go straight as I sing then stop green means go and yellow keep blocking traffic Tommy Tommy Tommy pink driver follow my signal you go as I think Randy's not crazy wrong and Yahoo [Music] [Music] and my dream Randi's now go yellow means water carbon people carbon people one count please one cow scream watch out we trap a pony chapter pony's giving big boom trust me with your trap and baby Wow today he can't new you directed traffic mayhem meadows [Music] [Music] yeah baby go outside cross a stick take the light rest night aunty standby swing right um watch out guys just keep calm play and fight baby knowledge keep in mind baby go outside Crescent kick kick sunlight less my song please stand by swing write on walls ostrich crossed a stick some way and fight 15:08 kick cross a street don't play and psychology [Music] never open the door to strangers I'm going to the supermarket behave yourself kids I'll be right back don't worry I'll take care of my friends and don't open the door for strangers okay we won't open the door to anyone until you get back excellent oh it's too hot get inside the house bye-bye okay goodbye teacher let's go and check it out who's there oh come here for the electricity bill [Music] hello it is oh no no no we can't open this door until our teacher comes back if you don't pay the electricity the air conditioner will be cut off I want to open the door whoa all right baby oh yeah mil let's call our teacher and ask if she already paid the bill huh okay points uh this group of kids was not fooled they take you for a kid when I'm a sleeping tiger Oh get you kinky saved us from the strange strangers all right that was close don't worry I'll protect you guys oh is that our teacher outside hmm hello is anybody home it's a stranger we're trying to open the door until our senior comes back what oh he looks like Rudolph what let me see Lou Rudolph it's me your uncle your dad told me to come and get you oh he really does look like me I want to have a look - yes you think so - you think he must be my uncle you think we should open the door and let him in but I've never seen him before what if it's rude us that waiting for him new mule lets us do two about this baby one time hello I'm here wait why are you guys standing at the door dude oh there's someone outside and he says he's brewed us uncle well you really does look like me let me have a look hmm he looks a lot like Rudolph something strange what do you mean I can't explain it but I have an idea is he really your uncle listen Rudolph do you know what you're going to do uncle I just called my dad What did he say he said he hasn't seen you for a long time so he will come himself you little rat oh that's not my uncle it was a tiger we saw just now I'm sorry I won't open the door to a bad guys that's just remembering to never open the door to strangers no yeah / yes I'm back Oh miss me means back kids don't forget never open the door to strangers when your whole own an earthquake is a natural phenomenon that can be disaster it's the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust causing the ground to vibrate shake and sometimes displacement of the ground and earthquake improve your secondary events such as fire plays mudslides Rock Falls and tsunami if you're by the ocean run towards high ground of fast as you can [Music] it's your next to a hill stay away from the hillside area if you're at home and find everything starts to move quickly hide in a safe place under the bed under the table and in the bathroom are ideal hiding places when an earthquake strikes your house will shake up and down and then side to side for a world title fancy after a large earthquake there might be aftershock so we must be alert at all times take refuge in the nearest open area earthquakes can happen at any time we must learn what to do when it happens we can prepare an emergency backpack in case of an earthquake we will have everything we need and learn how to react in an earthquake travel safety tip always remember safety first [Music] please choose a place to visit mm-hmm don't toss the lipid ranger or its best gift without your parents permission so tell me please whenever you go out there do not carry right our kiddo may I have your parents telephone numbers please 1 8 1 2 0 8 2 1 8 5 8 [Music] hello mom always remember your parents name good job Gigi please choose a place to visit you be careful and avoid walking into a manhole when you see up otherwise water please walk around it playing on the road is not a good idea long cheesy please choose the place to visit to shoot over here always hold hands when crossing the road on the zebra pen red light for stop and green light please choose a place to visit what are the animals doing wrong jumping in a moving elevator is very dangerous don't hold the elevator door hi little one what are your parents names your child is waiting for you at the information does always remember your parents names [Music] [Applause] [Music] Travel safety pin [Music] hi I'm Kiki at home we often run into some danger can you help me look around [Music] knocking at the door mom said never opened the door for strangers what should I do right I can eat a phone camera the pizza you ordered is here means riddance your friend before opening the door oh no distinct you want to get help okay oh [Music] I'm you knew all the lock up words to open the door let me I'm giving you back in now think if strangers knock at the door we cannot open the door we must call mom and dad [Music] don't play with the drawer and be careful of the table edge pick a table sticker that you like pick the right keys and locks drawer you're doing great great job children don't play with the drawers and be careful not to bump into the table corner find out which are food and feed Tiki cake bread cookies watermelon great job children strawberry barrette ten batteries marble you can't eat me hurry and put them away children you must check clearly what you can and can't eat don't just eat anything don't touch the oh you mustn't leave always everywhere hurry and put your toys in order put the toys on the Shelf after playing with the toys remember to put them back hot things look for what we can use to cool them down turn the handle to turn on the hand powered fan pull the fan over to screw the food down see Kiki the food yeah yeah children things that are steaming like burn you you'll have to cool them down before you eat them don't touch the knife you might get injured when you're going up or down stairs you should be careful of your feet up Kiki fix the floorboards you're doing great at the right time nail down the nail hold onto the railing and walk slowly si step children when going up and down stairs remember to hold onto the railing and walk slowly step by step also if the floorboards are broken call mom and dad to fix them [Music] put everything in order children you shouldn't run in the bathroom it's very easy to slip and fall Kiki I'm coming mom what do you get lost kids what do you want for the picnic tomorrow very open Anna used oh please oh okay here comes the shopping card [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm tomato sauce or soy sauce or should I choose a spicy one hmm dad which one should I choose good take it you know have you gone let me see what you all have bought Rudolph did you get your favorite canned fish huh um Rudolph Rudolph where are you Rudolph's missing you guys stay with me don't run away otherwise someone else will get lost - oh my goodness what else must be death for me looking for us oh there's dad dad I thought oh oh oh good I'm not your dad I'm sorry I made a mistake dan where are you Oh remember your parents phone numbers if you get lost stay calm and go to find the security guard for help whoa [Music] [Music] hello son are you alone have you gotten separated from your parents I lost my dog I can't find him what's your name Rudolph Rudolph do you know your dad's phone number yes I do one a one two oh eight two one eight five eight Neal let's have to do to find Rudolph good idea hello dad it's me Rudolph Rudolph it's Rudolph are you now I'm next to a table a table what else do you see and a security guard if you're Rudolph give the phone to him let me talk to the security guard okay uh hello your son and I are at the supermarket entrance hey there's Rudolph Oh dad Oh dad Rudolph it's okay now stay close to me next time thank you so much Rudolph thank the security guard thank you sir you're welcome Rudolph you did well you stayed calm came to me for help and remembered your dad's phone number you take it you get separated from your mom and dad go to find a security guard and memorize your mom and dad's phone numbers please be seated [Music] [Music] how does the run in my car I will run toward an open area I will stay in an open area until it's over is an earthquake what do we do now saying by the window with fingers the glass you cut you anywhere else if you're hiding by the door the door may fall on you hiding under the desk and help us avoid falling objects [Music] the earthquake has stopped let's run to the playground yes ma'am please help everyone find to lay out all oh oh thank you so much come with us thank you quake what do I do mommy wanting to stay calm during earthquakes I have to hide with my emergency backpack could you help me find my backpack hmm thank you now where should I hide hmm item is a table to avoid falling objects remember to put on all the protective gear I'm heard what should I do [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you can't keep me one anyone in here I hear someone time to use my whistle to let them know I'm here don't be scared I will get you out good now everyone can see earthquakes safety camp [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened to you don't worry I can help you [Music] what happened to you don't worry I can help you very good doctor don't worry I can help you thank you your American Trucking don't worry I can help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you you only really disaster leaving ma'am you've been selected don't worry I can help you thank you if you are a really good doctor don't worry I can help you thank you you are a very good doctor oh hey don't worry Oh something is wrong he's hard Kiki needs help which one is the right car 39 kilogram Celeste estate that best is Kiki's page and wait Wow impressive 22 kilograms you did a great job this is so important children under 13 kilograms should use a rear-facing car seat you are so smart you did a great job we should change two tires think again try again try again you are so smart let's wash the car together try again try again it's going to be so you did a great job we have to replace the old headlight bone use your favorite ones [Music] Wow impressive [Music] look there's smoke coming from the car let's see what happened you can do it I know you can you are so smart [Music] Wow impressive little friends there are three important things we have to remember on car journeys we can't throw garbage out of the window moreover we always have to keep our hands inside the car and finally we can't yell or shout it isn't nice who is not behaving properly [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not a fire not a [Music] get inside my job [Music] [Music] [Music] safety cushion firefighting suit helmet fire hose fire extinguishers we should use a fire truck to help us when there is a house fire the animals are in danger let's say them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] choose the correct vehicle and let's go we should use the helicopter to help us when there is a forest fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are very great I'm an honest but as property and one is right here not by a fire Nadia getting part of my job [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] baby but still has a lot of videos wait to watch more bye we are waiting for you to watch more videos click here and follow us
Channel: BabyBus Arabic TV - أغاني أطفال ورسوم متحركة
Views: 946,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: اغاني اطفال, اناشيد أطفال, أغاني كرتون, بنده, بيبي باص, اغاني تعليمية للطفال, اغاني مدرسية, براعم, اغاني براعم, اناشيد اسلامية, songs, kids song, songs for kids, Nursery, BabyBus Arabic, بيبي باص عربي, قصص, اطفال, اجمل اغاني أطفال, اغاني بدون إيقاع, اناشيد بدون ايقاع, اغاني, nursery Rhymes, العاب أطفال, تطبيقات تعليمية للأطفال
Id: Gaih6CXN7X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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