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friends Hello everyone Today I’ll show you a wonderful mixture, you can probably say so, which is made from the most affordable products and It’s in order to quickly grow hair, they become thick, right here are these amazing effects who haven’t tried everyone is happy, but to make three kopecks in general costs even three kopecks is not worth it we take the usual onion peel that remains from the onion when we peel it, and so we throw it away, it will take so much and the usual cloves are sold in spice stores in ordinary grocery stores. That is, it comes in different packages, but the meaning is the same and you need 10 grams of cloves here. 10 grams in this package 15 grams we take this package and it will be enough first thing I will wash the onion peel do not forget to immediately subscribe to the channel and click on the bell to be always aware of new interesting videos I washed the onion peel I forgot to tell you what I have in this jar we need any alcohol-containing substance 40 degrees You probably understood th oh you can take it like this, take a half-liter jar and stuff the onion with the washed husk, you don’t regret the husk, you can’t feel sorry for the husk, you can do it tightly tightly, I don’t have much of it, I never throw it away for other purposes, by the way, and after I put the husk here, I add the whole package of cloves, I added the whole pack and now you need an alcohol-containing substance, fill it to the brim and close it, put it in a dark Cool place and periodically for 10 days I forgot to say keep it for 10 days, keep it periodically, shake it off friends 10 days have passed , the solution has become such a dark color and now you need to strain Now this one is ready solution Now I’ll tell you how to use I pour the jar a little weathered everything is ready to do This Before each shampooing, until the mixture is over, lubricate the hair roots with this tincture , you can use some kind of tampon to do something so convenient That is, we lubricate all the roots of the head, then cover the head with plastic wrap there or a shower cap and wrap well Prime right there for three hours with a warm handkerchief or towel And after that I already wash it as usual and you won’t believe literally somewhere in a month you will already see the result, even maybe earlier If your hair didn’t grow much, you know, I came to my to the hairdresser She tells me that at least something happened to you, your hair became so thick, but I said this about it Well, I’ll do everything too, I’ll use my friends Here’s such a cool, most important budget method that’s not harmful, there’s no chemistry here. Try it, especially for men, too it also helps them very well as I heard rave reviews about this tincture , be sure to try Friends please write under the video maybe you have some unusual cool tips And on this I want to say goodbye to you until the next meeting Bye everyone
Channel: Elena Matveeva
Views: 49,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: народные средства, полезные советы, хитрости, советы для дома, красивые волосы, для роста волос, сильно выпадают, эффективное средство, волосы, маска для волос, как остановить выпадение волос, маска от выпадения волос, облысение, здоровье, выпадают волосы, лечение волос, как отрастить волосы, трихология, Елена Матвеева, Elena Matveeva, здоровый образ жизни, кому за 50, женщины, уход за собой, красота, стиль, в домашний условиях, своими руками, настойка для роста волос, блондинка
Id: oiOdtI6rUhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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