РОМАНОВЫ. ИСТОРИЯ ЦАРСКОЙ ДИНАСТИИ! Фильм Шестой. Документальный Фильм. Исторический Проект

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Star Media Babich-Design Grand Duke Pavel Petrovitch was running along the corridors of the Winter Palace. His mother Catherine the Great was dying. Only a few steps separated him from the throne… but for the secret testament of the Empress. No! He’ll find and destroy it! By any means! Otherwise, the power will go to his son Alexander instead of him, the direct heir. Alexander was born to become an Emperor. He had everything for that: wit, beauty and talent. Except for one thing – the will to rule. This is it! The end! Pavel has been waiting for it for 34 years! He is the Emperor! In four years, four months and four days Alexander will stand over his father’s dead body, and somebody would say tentatively: “Congratulations. Now YOU are the Emperor”. THE HOUSE OF ROMANOV. Episode Six The birth of Prince Pavel Petrovitch was a happy event. As a great-grandson of Peter the Great, he filled in a gap in the dynasty. He lived the major part of his life in a shadow of his great mother. He was an eternal prince – lonely, romantic and secretive. He lived in his own world he had thoughtfully created. Many people considered him a lunatic. He was called “The Russian Hamlet”, and for a good reason. Chapter One. Pavel I Petrovitch No sooner had he come into this world than his granny Empress Elizabeth Petrovna took him away from his mother, future Catherine the Great, and let he see her son once a week. His father, future Peter III, hadn’t seen him much too. People rumored that his real father was chamberlain Saltykov. Some even stated that Catherina gave birth to a dead baby and it was replaced with a Finnish baby from the village of Kotly. The version that Pavel wasn’t Peter’s son was popular among the courtiers. Only when Pavel Petrovitch grew up his contemporaries started to recognize the madness of his father and his military-style manners in him. Pavel didn’t look like his father but was his psychic copy up to his illnesses and habits. For example, he used to walk the room with large steps and talk to his company senselessly, most often with his wife. Maria Fedorovna was forced to hide her husband’s madness from the people, like Catherine II used to do. Elizabeth loved her only grandchild. With time, she started to think of a way to hand the throne over to Pavel bypassing his father whom she considered a lunatic. She concerned herself with the education of the heir and invited the best teachers for him. The future Emperor studied five languages, history, literature, mathematics, psychics, drawing and architecture. Riding, fencing, dancing, turning and chess were obligatory. The program didn’t stipulate the military science, however Pavel insisted on studying it. For his navigation lessons a large table was painted in blue and drawn like a sea map. When Pavel was seven, Elizabeth died. In another six months, he lost his father who died in Ropsha under unclear circumstances. His mother became the Empress. There were rumors that she promised to hand the throne over to her son when he came of age, that was in 14 years. He had to wait for what had been promised for 34 years. As a teenager, Pavel was prone to regular neuroses and depressions. However, his teachers noted his great wit and interest of the young Prince to hard science, art and mystical philosophy. He had a cherished dream of becoming a knight of the Malta about whom he read in some old book. Being an Emperor seemed a scary and hard fate for him. He was ashamed of his mother "whom he considered lecherous; he was afraid of her favorites " and felt weighted down with the free atmosphere of the court. His only salvation was friendship with a young Count Andrei Razumovskiy. Pavel used to write enthusiastic letters to him: “Your friendship worked a miracle in me. I start to defy my former suspiciousness. No more chimeras, no more worrying troubles!” When Pavel turned 19, his mother found a bride for him – an 18-year old Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Princess of Hessen-Darmstadt. Pavel fell in love with her from her first glance. Wilhelmina converted to Orthodoxy under the name of Natalia Alexeyevna. During the 4th year of their marriage she died in birth together with the baby. Pavel almost went mad with sorrow. His caring mother decided to console him by showing letters of Natalia to Andrei Razumovskiy. The letters proved that his wife was unfaithful to him with his best friend. Pavel will never go over that blow. He will never ever be able to trust anybody again. The Empress found another German Princess for the heir. In just six months, Pavel was engaged with Sophia Maria Dorothea of Wurttemberg who converted to Orthodoxy as Maria Fedorovna. The second marriage of Pavel turned out to be happy and very fecund. In the course of 25 years of family life Maria Fedorovna gave birth to 10 children and provided the dynasty with healthy male descendants for 150 years forward. Her sons were Emperors Alexander I and Nicolay I, her grandson – Alexander II, great-grandson – Alexander III, great-great-grandson – Nicolay II. All the now living representatives of the House of Romanov are her descendants too. Right after the wedding, the newlyweds went for a trip to Europe. They traveled incognito, under the name of Count and Counter Severniy (“du Norr” in French). The European capitals received Pavel with respect he had never experienced in his homeland. In the court theatre of Vienna Count du Norr and his wife planned to watch “Hamlet”. However, the leading actor refused to play. “I won’t be able to play a part of a prince he wants to revenge for his murdered father when his double is watching the performance from the royal lodge”, he said. Pavel had been called “the Russian Hamlet” ever since… Empress Catherine didn’t let Pavel interfere in state affairs. She didn’t even let him bring his sons Alexander and Konstantin up and took her grandsons away. To keep him from being an eyesore, she gave him the Gatchina Palace as a present. The Russian Hamlet got his Excelsior. In the course of 13 years of life in Gatchina Pavel created his own world there – with knight palaces scaled 1 to 5, an army of 2,000 soldiers dressed in the Prussian uniforms and with powdered plaits. Catherina’s courtiers sparkled with spiteful wit. Count Rastopchin wrote to Count Vorontsov: “One can’t watch what the Grand Duke is doing without despise. He imagines himself to be the Prussian King! He arranges maneuvers every Wednesday…” The troops from Gatchina had never taken part in battles and had no chance to demonstrate their achievements. However, the plans of trainings show that those regiments practiced the most difficult of the military techniques: methods of volley fire and bayonet fight, crossing of water obstacles and repulsing of sea landing parties. Special trainings for artillery were held. By 1796, those units were among the most disciplined and well-trained divisions of the Russian army. The Gatchina drills went down in legends. Before sending a person on duty, he was screwed up into a special stand to make him bear his back and head straight and to train to stay immobilized. White tight trousers were to be wetted and dried on the body so that there was not a single fold. The officers taught the soldiers to march with a glass of water on the head. If the water spilled, it meant that the steps were not straight enough. Physical punishments were used for any blunders. The parade stride of the ceremonial guard that we see during solemn ceremonies today used to be an ordinary kind of step at Pavel’s time. Trooping the colors that is still used in today’s army is nothing more than Pavel’s change of the guard. However, it lasted not for 15 minutes but for a few hours. Catherina mockingly called Pavel’s army “daddy’s troops”. She didn’t like to receive her son at the court but spared no effort for bringing up of her grandson Alexander. In fact, she repeated the actions of her predecessor Elizabeth whom she disapproved. Catherina married Alexander when he had just turned 16 and started to ask the courtiers whether they were ready to pass the crown over to her grandson instead of her son. Pavel began to seriously fear for his life. At night of November 6, 1796 Pavel and his wife Maria Fedorovna saw the same dream: an unseen force rose them up and took somewhere. They woke up in horror. At that time a messenger on a foamy horse came to Gatchina with a piece of news: the Empress was dying. In a few hours, a 42-year old Pavel became the Emperor. No sooner had he ascended the throne than he started to act feverishly. He as if felt that he had little time. In the course of 4,5 years of Pavel’s I rule 7,865 legislative acts and decrees were issued. It is twice as much as during the 43-year rule of Peter I and 1,5 times more than during 34 years of Catherine’s rule. Besides, Pavel had time to issue 14,207 orders about the army. The Emperor got up at 4 a.m. and worked in his office up to 9 a.m., receiving reports and people. Then he rode out, usually accompanied by the Grand Duke Alexander, to visit some state establishment. At 11 a.m. changing of the guards started. From 12 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Emperor walked the streets. Then he returned to the drill grounds and inspected the troops personally. He measured the length of the plaits, checked quality and quantity of powder in each soldier’s hair. He always punished the commanders severely for any little blunder. Just in the first three days of his rule 16 Lieutenant Generals, 57 Major Generals and 3 Generals got the boot. In the course of 4 years, 2,594 officers including 333 generals resigned. The close circle of the Emperor was in a state of constant stress. The wife of his military adjutant Countess Daria Lyven remembered: “The stream of victims to the fortress didn’t stop. Often their only fault was too long hair or a too short jacket. It was strictly prohibited to wear vests. Should the Emperor notice a vest somewhere in the street, the ill-fated owner of the vest was sent to the guards house. The ladies got there too sometimes, if they failed to jump out of their carriages quick enough on seeing Pavel or failed to make a deep enough curtsey. Thanks to that around the time of the Emperor’s usual walk Petersburg’s street got empty. Everybody was terrified of the Emperor”. Pavel imagined himself to be an ideal of a medieval knight on the throne. To realize his childhood dream he became the chef of the Maltese Order. When Napoleon conquered Malta, Pavel offered shelter to the order in Russia and even became its Great magister despite the fact that the order was catholic and Pavel was Orthodox. He was the first Romanov to meet the Pope and he even invited His Holiness to Russia – to pay a visit or to stay for good, for Rome had already been conquered by Napoleon. In Pavel’s eyes, Napoleon embodied the world evil against which any knight should fight. That’s why the Russian Emperor joined the Anti-Napoleon collation and sent an army under the lead of the glorious Field Marshal Suvorov against the Frenchmen. Suvorov’s troops defeated the French trice in Switzerland and made the famous crossing of the Alps. They crossed the Saint-Goddard, which only experienced and fully equipped climbers dare ascend even today. Pavel didn’t like Suvorov but couldn’t keep from praising him in his letter: “You only lacked glory of one kind – to win over nature itself. You gained the upper hand over it now”… Pavel had an aim: to destroy everything created by his mother. He declared the war against the nobles whose Golden Age started in Catherine’s times. He renewed all the taxes and physical punishments for the nobles, abolished many privileges and limited their civil rights. He was trying to watch everything and everybody. A mountain of unread reports and claims piled up on the Emperor’s table. Because of mass firings of the bureaucrats there was nobody left to work in state bodies. The Ambassador of England in Russia Charles Whitworth who was watching the Emperor carefully wrote troubling reports to his government: “The Emperor went crazy. Since the time he had ascended the throne his psychical state deteriorated”… The behavior of the ruler became more and more weird. Pavel avoided going out into the embankment – he was afraid that strong winds might blow his head off like a soap bubble. The Emperor couldn’t sleep at night. Even medicines with opium didn’t help. Maria Fedorovna had to walk with her husband all the night through to keep him from bothering the guards with senseless questions. By that time, the conspiracy against Pavel was ready. It included the governor of Sankt-Petersburg Count Palen, Vice-Chancellor Nikita Panin, favorite of Catherina II Platon Zubov, Generals Bennigsen and Uvarov, the Ambassador of England Whitworth and many others, according to some estimates – up to 300 people. The Grand Duke Alexander didn’t join the conspirators but didn’t interfere with them either. He only demanded that not a single hair should fall from his father’s head. The conspirators swore on that. They wanted Pavel to sign the abdication and retire to his favorite Mikhaylovskiy Palace… or, as a last resort, they planned to lock him in a fortress. The Mikhaylovskiy Palace was Pavel’s embodied dream. He had been drawing it for 12 years. Architects Bazhenov and Brenna turned the Emperor’s drawings into an architectural project. The palace was built in the record three and a half years. By the moment of its solemn opening the internal decorations were not finished. Dark stairs and horrible corridors in which the lamps were shining both day and night made the palace look like a labyrinth. The wind wailed on the landings. Nevertheless, Pavel was glad and ordered to court to move to the palace of his dreams immediately. Soon the Emperor started to behave even weirder. He would fall deep into thoughts often and watch his wife and sons with growing suspicion. He wrote a letter which he didn’t show to anybody and hid it in a chest with a note: “This letter shall be read by one of my descendants in exactly 100 years”. It was known that it concerned the fate of the dynasty and that the ruler wrote it after his conversation with one of the inmates of the Peter and Pavel Fortress – a monk named Abel. A monk Abel the Prophet born Vasiliy Vasiliyev in 1757 took the monastic vows in the Valaam monastery where he acquired the gift of seeing into the future. Later he travelled and wrote hand-written books of his prophesies. He foresaw a series of events, some of which took place while he was still alive (death of Catherine the Great, death of Pavel I, invasion of Napoleon and the fire in Moscow, the revolt of the Decembrists) and many events in the distant future (the First World War and the revolution, the shooting of the Tsar, the Civil War, mass repressions, the war with Hitler). He ended up in the fortress for his prophesy about Catherine’s death. He was freed by Pavel, talked one-on-one with him and was sent back to the fortress again. Abel said to the Emperor: “Your ruling will be short. You’ll be strangled by bandits whom you’re cherishing on your bosom in your own bedroom." The memory of Saint Sophronius of Jerusalem Church on March 11. On March 11, 1801 when dining with his elder sons, Pavel was unusually merry and even joked. He looked into the mirror and said: “What a funny mirror! I can see myself with a broken neck in it”. At that time, the last meeting of the conspirators was taking place at Palen’s house. Someone asked: “What shall we do if the tyrant resists”? Palen answered with a French saying: “One can’t cook an omelet without breaking the eggs”. After the dinner, the Emperor suddenly said: “What will be will be” and went to his bedroom. He checked the doors and windows. He wondered why the crows in the Summer Garden were making fuss. The conspirators passed the Summer Garden and approached the palace. The guards let them come in. On hearing heavy footsteps in the corridor, Pavel realized: they’d come for him. The conspirators who burst into his bedroom didn’t see Pavel at once – he hid behind a screen. They tried to make the Emperor sign the abdication. “No, gentlemen, no! I won’t sign anything” – Pavel repeated without a break. Platon Zubov hit him in his temple with a golden snuffbox like with a knife. Pavel fell. An ugly scene followed: the guards officers trampled their ruler with their feet. Pavel fought bravely – one against a dozen – and was strangled with his own officer scarf made of while atlas. Three medics and a court artist spent the rest of the night over the ruler’s body trying to conceal the traces of beating. The people were informed that Emperor Pavel I died in a result of an apoplectic stroke. Courtiers joked: “an apoplectic stroke of a snuffbox to the temple”. A French artist Elizabeth Vizhe-Lebraine witnessed the reaction to the Emperor’s death. “The city went crazy out of happiness. People were singing, dancing and kissing in the streets. The people I knew would run up to my carriage, shake my hands and exclaim: “We’re free now”! Many households were illuminated on the eve of that day. The death of that poor Emperor evoked revelry”. The new 24-year old Emperor Alexander Palvovitch issued a manifest in a few hours after his father’s death in which he promised to rule “in accordance with wits and heart of my late grandmother”. He seemed not to hear congratulations and merriness, unable to come to his senses after the nightmare of the previous night. He wanted what was best – to protect the country from a lunatic ruler and to protect the ruler from the country that hated him. However, good intentions pave the way to hell. It was his personal hell that would stay with him for the rest of his life. Chapter Two. Alexander I Pavlovitch It was Catherine the Great who gave him the name that is translated from Greek as “the protector of people”. According to the official version, he was named so in honor of the Holy Prince of the Neva, and in reality – in honor of the great war leader Alexander of Macedonia. The Empress poured all her unused motherly love on her first grandson whom she took away from his parents. The boy turned out to be extremely handsome. Catherine wrote about the little prince to her old friend Baron Grimm with pride: “He’ll be courteous, I am not mistaken. He is fun and obedient and works on people to like him”. Everybody expected something of the child. He was watched all the time. He felt as if on stage and with time gathered a set of masks for all occasions. Baron Modest Korf, a bureaucrat close to the court noted in his memoires: “The ruler could conquer minds and get to the bottom of other people’s souls hiding his own feelings and thoughts”. Alexander knew that his grandmother wanted to hand the throne over to him instead of his father, and was afraid of that. The only person he trusted was his teacher, a Swiss Frederick La Harpe. It was Catherine who invited a republican and an idealistic philosopher La Harpe. She wanted the young prince to get acquainted with the humanistic ideals, ideas about the well-being of the state and people. Alexander hadn’t even turned 15 when the Empress ordered to bring two sisters to him – Princesses of Baden, a 12-year old Louise and a 10-year old Dorothea. Alexander was to choose a bride. He chose the elder sister who converted to Orthodoxy under the name of Elizabeth Alexeyena. A fanciful wedding took place in a year. The courtiers called the touching newlyweds “Amur and Psyche”. A beautiful and clever Elizabeth inspired artists and poets. Fedor Glinka wrote about her: “A gentle Tsarina, a beauty of the earthy tsars, your heavenly face is worthy of altars”. Beethoven dedicated his famous piano play “Fur Elise” to her. Elizabeth Alexeyevna became a real patriot of Russia. In 1812, she founded a patriotic society that granted allowances to the sick and wounded and paid for their treatment in hospitals. She opened orphanages and state schools for the children of the perished officers, founded the Orphanage Institutes and the Houses of Hardworking. Elizabeth Alexeyevna was the Dame Belle of that epoch. The guards and the city societies found clubs inspired by love to Elizabeth Alexeycvna. Young people chose her to be the “lady-love”. Even a masonic lodge “Elizabeth for Virtue” was founded. After Pavel had ascended the throne, careless and brilliant life ended. The gloomy atmosphere at the court, eternal faultfinding… Empress Maria Fedorovna didn’t like her daughter-in-law, Emperor Pavel recouped himself on his unloved son. Besides Amur and Psyche grew up. It turned out that romantic coolness of Elizabeth didn’t suit Alexander’s hot heart well. Their family life wasn’t happy. Affairs and infatuations started. However, during the 6th year of marriage Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter who died at the age of one. With each passing year, Alexander realized: he didn’t want to be the Emperor. He had a dream – to leave everything behind and to go to the bank of the Rhine with his wife to spend the rest of the life in romantic isolation. In a letter to his close friend Count Kochubey Alexander confessed: “I realize that I wasn’t born for the title I bear now and even less – for the one predestined for me in the future. I swore to myself to refuse to accept it in one way or another”. The drill grounds in Gatchina became a place of psychological relaxation. During one of the drills a cannon shot close to Grand Duke Alexander. His left ear went deaf after that. Because of his deafness, Alexander became suspicious. It seemed to him all the time that people were laughing or mocking at him. Once three generals were telling jokes to each other and laughing in the yard of the palace in Tsarskoye Selo. Alexander passed them by. In ten minutes, he summoned one of the generals to his office. Alexander was examining himself in the large mirror and asked: “What is funny about me? Why did you laugh at me”? It was hard to convince him that they were laughing at a joke. The first thing Alexander did when he got over the chock – he cancelled all the unpopular decrees and orders issued by Pavel. He closed the Secret Chancellery, allowed people to go abroad, restore the rights and privileges of the nobility. Everybody was offering him controversial plans and projects. Alexander gathered a new team that consisted of his friends and like-minded people, young liberals educated in the European style. In a result of the two years of work of the Secret Committee new ministries were founded instead of the outdated collegiums, a progressive reform of education was carried out (the higher education became open for all estates, the censorship was moderated, five new universities were opened), the first attempt to solve the peasants’ issue was made. A decree of free plowmen was issued according to which landowners had a right to free peasants with the land for redemption. The reforms moved slowly and with difficulties. Alexander was disappointed. It seemed to him that everybody was thinking about his own interests and not about his dream of the “common good”. However, Alexander found a man who was destined to realize all his good intentions. He was a former seminarian and a genius of law Mikhail Speranskiy. First, he was a secretary of the Secret Committee. Later the Emperor made him his trusted person. The Emperor himself plunged into the intricacies of the foreign policy. Something grandiose was looming. The First Consul of the French Republic who soon became Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was waging one victorious war after another striving for power over the entire Europe. In 1805, they met by Austerlitz in a “battle of three Emperors”: Alexander I of Russia and the Austrian Emperor Franz II against Napoleon. The old and experienced General Mikhail Kutuzov was the official commander-in-chief of the Russian army. However, Alexander was jealous of Napoleon’s glory and decided to head the army himself. Alexander saw his army run and was forced to run himself to save his life. Many people saw the Emperor crying and shaking. He couldn’t brace himself even in his soldiers’ presence. The Cossacks brought him some wine. He calmed down with difficulty and fell asleep in a shed on straw. After the shameful Austerlitz, Alexander never ever interfered in his war leaders’ actions again. He indulged into diplomacy he was incredibly good at. Even his sworn enemy Napoleon was forced to recognize it: “The Russian Emperor creeps into your soul easily. However, one can’t trust him: he is not sincere. He is a real Greek of the Ancient Byzantine”. In two years and a few more battles, Alexander offered Napoleon to conclude peace. At that time both Emperors were in Eastern Prussia near Tilsit. The River Neman separated their troops. The French miners built pontoons and put a raft right in the middle of the river in the course of just one night. There, Alexander and Napoleon met in a roofed tent – one-on-one, without any court generals, and talked for about two hours. A peace treaty was concluded in Tilsit. According to its conditions, Russia joined the continental blockade against England. For that reason, the Russian export decreased for 20% that had negative impact on the economy. The French export decreased for the same 20%. However, Russia got a few years of break to get ready for a large-scale war. Alexander had no doubts that the war was unavoidable. After the Tilsit peace treaty, Alexander almost doubled the expenses for the army – from 63,400,000 rubles to 118,500,000 rubles. At night of June 12, 1812 450,000 of Napoleon’s soldiers started the crossing over the River Neman. Alexander had no more than 200,000 soldiers. On the first day of the war, Alexander came to Moscow to address his people from the ancient capital. He was moved to the bottom of his heart when during a public prayer at the Poklonnaya Mountain a common peasant shouted to him: “Lead us, father! We’ll die, all of us, but we’ll win!” The next day the Rescript of His Imperial Highness Alexander I was issued that said: “I won’t lay down my arms until not a single enemy soldier remains in my kingdom”. The hot heads like Bagration wished to start a decisive battle. However, Alexander knew the repercussions well and approved a tactics of prolonged retreat offered by Barclay de Tolly. Napoleon couldn’t do anything but move forward hoping to get an offer to sign peace at each bivouac, and trying to catch up and to destroy the main forces of the Russians at each crossing. The residents of the capital were preparing for the escape fearing that Napoleon might turn to Petersburg. Alexander started to see his dead father’s powdered face in his nightmares again. He was sure that it was his fault, for he was a patricide and the invasion was a punishment for his terrible sin. Once he dared tell about his fears to his old friend Prince Golitsin. Golitsin wanted to read something from the Holy Scripture for the Emperor and dropped the heavy book. It opened on Psalm 90: “My shelter and my protection is my God, whom I entrust myself”… Alexander had never been interested in the religion before and it influenced him greatly. He wrote to his friend about his state of mind: “I was eating the Bible feeling that Its words are pouring the new, unknown before peace into my heart and quench the thirst of my soul”… The Emperor stepped aside from the military problems and appointed the 67-year old Prince Kutuzov the commander-in-chief. Kutuzov had four wars and half a dozen of battles behind him. At last, he decided to go for a general battle awaited by everybody – Napoleon, Alexander, half a million of soldiers and officers from both sides. To raise the spirits of the people an unreserved victory was announced. All participants of the Borodino battle who were alive were awarded like victors. The more unexpected and scary was the news that Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. After receiving his report the Emperor went to his office and paced it all the night through. When he went out in the morning, his younger brother Konstantin attacked him with reproaches; the Mother Empress went hysterical. Only his wife noticed that he turned half-grey during that night. On September 2, Napoleon entered the Kremlin and settled in the Emperor Alexander’s parade apartments. The very same day Moscow started to burn, set on fire from several places. In four days, Napoleon sent his first letter to Alexander with an offer to conclude peace. There was no answer. Napoleon made two more attempts to conclude peace. Alexander kept silence. All admonitions and persuasions were in vain. The Emperor only shared this thoughts and intentions in letters to his beloved sister Ekaterina Pavlovna: “I’d rather cut my existence short than make peace with a monster that brings unhappiness to everybody. I hope for God, for the incredible spirit of my people and for the resoluteness with which I decided not to bow down before the invader”. In one month, Napoleon left ravaged and burnt for two-thirds Moscow. In another month, the French army started to run away. On November 16, in six months after the start of the war, 9,000 of ragged, hungry and demoralized soldiers crossed the Berezina River. They were the pitiful leftovers, 1/50 of the great Napoleon’s army. The Patriotic War ended. Over 200,000 Russians soldiers and officers died. Nobody counted casualties among the civilians. However, Alexander wasn’t going to lay the weapons down. The Russian army went for a foreign campaign – to catch up with the defeated but not overthrown Napoleon. Alexander I went about Europe giving back crowns that Bonaparte threw down to the monarchs and evoking fear and respect among the European peoples. On March 19, 1814, Alexander entered Paris in the lead of all the allied troops. The Europe was at his feet. In London a future queen, a crown princess was born who was called after the Russian Emperor – Alexandrina Victoria. In Berlin, the main city square was named in his honor – Alexanderplatz. In Paris saloons, he produced great impression with his arguments about the Constitution and freedoms. The residents of Paris were in awe of the Russian Emperor. He was tall, well built, had golden hair, blue eyes and mild smile. It was his favorite part – “le belle roi”, the great king. After Paris Vienne applauded to Alexander, where a congress dedicated to the organization of post-war Europe was taking place. It was a meeting of the most cunning and intricate diplomats of that epoch, and the Russian Emperor took a decent place among them. He controlled himself brilliantly and was a virtuoso in concealing his feelings and intentions. “The mysterious Russian Sphinx”, people called him in Europe. The division of Europe presented him with new titles. He was now “The All-Russia ruler, the Tsar of Poland, the Grand Duke of Finland” – 55 titles in total. After the victory over Napoleon he was solemnly called the “Blessed”. Alexander returned to Russia being not that hot-headed and handsome boy who wanted to grand freedom to everybody and dreamt about common good. Alexander wasn’t even 40 yet, but he already turned into a monument to himself. Decorations were always important for Alexander. Everything was to be symmetrical, faultless and neat. His uniforms were always irreproachable and fitted him ideally. Nobody had ever seen the Emperor carelessly dressed, even at home. However, by 40 he had become a real pedant. Papers of one size were placed on his table in neat piles. The furniture in the chambers stood according to a plan, and nobody was allowed to misplace a chair or to move a vase. If only one could establish the same order in the entire Russia… It was not the enlightened reformer Speranskiy but the old soldier Count Alexei Andreyevitch Arakcheyev from the Gatchina’s officers, an unsurpassable master of drills who was closest to Alexander at that time. People couldn’t forgive Arakcheyev his closeness to the Emperor. They hated him and were scared of him, called him “the brute soldier” and “gorilla” – behind his back, of course. Incredible rumors circulated about the Count. People said that he tore moustaches off soldiers in fury and even bit one soldier’s ear off once. However, he was a brilliant military specialist, honest and personally loyal to the Emperor. That’s why Alexander’s trust to Arakcheyev was absolute. He entrusted him with realization of an idea he borrowed from the social utopist Owen from England: the military settlements where soldiers lived together with their families and combined service with agriculture. Arakcheyev tried to talk Alexander out of that weird idea. He even kneeled before the Emperor. However, he got a respective order and executed it to the point. The Emperor believed that settlements were for the good. The soldiers could stay with their relatives, the army provided itself with food, absolute order was everywhere. Therefore, he was surprised to get to know about the revolts among the settlers. The life in the settlements was regulated, up to the everyday and family details. Everything was the same, from houses to pots. People got up, stoked their fire and worked in the fields in accordance with the command. The children enrolled in the army from the age of seven and submitted not to the parents but to commanders. Physical punishments were used for the smallest faults. In that way, Alexander’s good intentions turned into their opposites. He dreamt of granting freedom to everybody. Now his liberalism was gone. "Censorship became tougher in Russia; all masonic lodges were prohibited." Free-thinkers were placed under supervision or sent to the exile. In reports about secret societies Alexander saw mostly well-known names: Trubetskoy, brothers Muravyovs, Volkonskiy, Pestel. However, he didn’t act against them saying: “I can’t judge them too strictly. I used to share their ideas sometime ago”. The Emperor was moving away from ruling the country more and more. From a letter of Emperor Alexander to the French diplomat August de Choiselle-Guffier: “One should step in my shoes to understand what I feel when I think that I will have to report to God for the life of each of my soldiers. No, the throne is not my calling. If I could change the circumstances of my life with honor, I’d do that with pleasure. I’ll confess to you that sometimes I feel like beating my head against the wall”. The murder of his father that put him on the throne. The death of thousands of the Russian soldiers. Endless race for glory that didn’t cost anything now. Heunderlined the words from the Bible: “I saw everything that was going on under the sun, and everything is vanity of vanities”. His Psyche, Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna came to his rescue. For many years they lived separately like strangers. But now, like in the youth, he saw her as a loyal friend with whom one could talk about anything or keep silence about anything. On getting to know that Elizabeth had tuberculosis Alexander got scared. They had to leave Petersburg with its wet climate as soon as possible. He pondered on that for a long time. He wrote to his old friend Prince Peter Volkonskiy from one of his inspection trips: “I’ll soon move to the Crimea and live as a private person. I served for 25 years. In that term a soldier may retire”. However, they decided to move to the provincial Taganrog. The Emperor visited it once with an inspection and liked it there. Hurried frantic preparation started. It seemed to Alexander and Elizabeth that in Taganrog they would be able to live like in an idyllic hut on the bank of the Rhine they dreamt of in the past. Alexander came there first to prepare everything for his wife’s arrival. He settled in a one-storied building in Grecheskaya Street 40, cleaned the paths in the garden himself, helped to hang engravings in the rooms and move furniture. When Elizabeth Alexeyevna came, they led calm life. They went forwalks, bowing to people they knew. They read each other’s favorite books aloud. They prayed together. Alexander got a new lease of life and felt almost happy. However, living as a private person he remained the Emperor. He didn’t sign the abdication act. That weird carelessness of Alexander became a pretext for the Decembrists’ revolt a few months later that led to the death of a few hundred people. However, the Emperor didn’t live to see that. His “southern idyll“ only lasted for two months. On November 19, 1825 Alexander I died of an infectious illness that culminated in meningitis. In six months Elizabeth Alexeyevna died. The Emperor’s sudden death seemed weird for many. Rumors appears that Alexander staged his death and was hiding somewhere. In ten years a news surfaces about some mysterious old man named Fedor Kuzmitch who lived in a settlement near Tomsk. He was well-educated, spoke several foreign languages, was very religious but didn’t receive communions. He said that he couldn’t receive communions because a requiem service was already carried out over him. "The old man was tall and broad-shouldered; he stooped a bit " and was half-deaf. Fedor Kuzmitch died in 1864 and was buried on the cemetery of the Tomsk male monastery. A note is inscribed on his cross: “This is a grave of the Great Blessed Old Man Fedor Kuzmitch”. The identity of Fedor Kuzmitch and Alexander I the Blessed is neither proved nor disproved to this day. In two years before his death, Alexander talked to his younger brother, the Grand Duke Nicolay Pavlovitch about his intention to abdicate in his favor. Nicolay’s wife wrote in her diary: “Talking to us about his abdication the Emperor said: “I’d be so glad to see you pass me by! I’ll mingle in the crowd and shout “Hurray!” to you”! Hosted by Denis Bespaliy and Lyubov Germanova Created by Marina Bandilenko together with Maksim Kalsin Directed by Maksim Bespaliy Director of Photography - Ivan Barkhvart Music by Boris Kukoba Art Director - Vladimir Markovitch The End
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Keywords: Романовы, династия, история, история россии, история государства российского, наша история, русская история, русские истории онлайн, русская история 9 класс, история русской культуры, русская история фильмы онлайн, лекции по русской истории, великая русская история, русская история на YouTube, история происхождения, гдз по истории россии, егэ история, егэ 2022, решу егэ, Russian History, история царской династии, история в лицах
Id: 1Hgjpw195kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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