Полярные истории: НЕДАРМА - путь, дорога семьи Худи

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Polar Stories Presents NEDARMA NEDARMA (a way, a road) Great-grandparents of the Khudi clan traveled with large reindeer herds along that nedarma (a way, a road). In Soviet time reindeer herds of the Nenets were renamed into brigades, and each one has its order number. The nomadic camp of the Khudi clan has been named brigade No. 4 since then. The great-grandfather of the present reindeer herders was the first foreman. The brigade fulfilled the plan and was in high favor. Mainly relatives work in reindeer-herding brigades, even entire dynasties. There are no fewer than 5-6 choums (nomadic home) in the reindeer nomadic camp. There is a round-the-clock duty within the summer season – by two people each. In the past years a reindeer herder on duty moved along the tundra without hurrying, he was sitting in a reindeer sleigh , observing the reindeer herd. Reindeer are restoring their power after the loss and ice slick of the latest years. And reindeer herders have to go afoot after the herd through bushes and swamps for the whole day round. A herder on duty is dressed in “a goose” (outerwear made of broadcloth and having a hood). He has a lasso-rope and binoculars. And his loyal friend and helper – a Laika dog – is always near him. The tundra dwellers have fulfilled seasonal travels with their herds to change locations for the whole year. The reindeer are in move all the time. And it is possible to stay at one and the same place only for 2-4 days. If to stop for longer time, the reindeer will move far away, searching for food and saving from gnats and mosquitoes. And it will be impossible to gather them together again. The brigade, preparing for travelling “kaslaniye”, organizes narty (nomadic sleighs) into an argish (a caravan). They contain everything necessary: personal things, food products, nyuks (covers made of grownup reindeer hides ) and long poles. No fewer than 4 reindeer bulls are harnessed to the first sleigh in summer. Each next has two reindeer. There are 2 argish-caravans per one choum and a family. The richer is a host, the bigger is an argish. Unlike other seasons of the year, summer travelling is slow and over short distances, 4-6 km. The nomads meet numerous rivers, brooks, swamps on their way. But crossings over a river with steep and clay banks, over motor-roads and railroad lines are the most difficult. When children are on vacation, their parents try to teach them all nuances of nomadic life. They are the main helpers for parents. Boys check fishing nets, watch reindeer. Girls do needlework. Summer is the time of vacation. Ones have a rest on warm lands, others don’t mind playing football or volleyball in the native nomadic camp in spite of itchy swarms of mosquitoes. They don’t notice day fatigue and mosquito squeak in the heat of the sports battle. Raisa Yaptik gave birth to and grew up 9 children. The older ones are grownup and live independently. The younger ones spend the summer with their parents. Of course, she would be able to sew a yagushka (a woman’s fur coat) in several days. But Raisa cannot refuse her daughter to try to be a needlewoman. And she is happy for her. You see, this part can match here. I collected reindeer hides for several years. My older daughters prepared the hides last summer. And now we are sewing of these hides. I’d like my daughter to show the snow-white yagushka at the contest on the Reindeer Herder’s Day. We are the Yaptik family. My husband is Otto Yaptik. I have been living in this location for the whole my life. I was born and grew up here. Then I went to school. I got married after school. And I gave birth to 9 children. My husband has been working as a reindeer herder here. Summer heat as the time of mosquitoes and gadflies is very hard time for reindeer. The reindeer-herding brigades arrive in the final point of the route – the coast of the Kara Sea “itya ngabtinya”– in the first ten days of August “pilyu iry”. The people and the animals will be able to stay here for some time to have a rest. And later they will be able to continue their way again. The reindeer herders have not managed to reach summer pastures for three years because of the loss and diseases of the reindeer. Representatives of the Yaptik family are the descendants of reindeer herders. They lost the bigger part of their reindeer herd during the latest years. They have been able to travel with the brigade only since this year. (Otto Yaptik, a reindeer herder, brigade number 4) Pastures have been restored for three years that we had not been here. It is pleasant. Is the sea air necessary for reindeer? Yes. In addition to the sea air, they need mushrooms. I see, when reindeer start eating mushrooms their state of health becomes better. Otto Yaptik is a father of a large family. He doesn’t hide happiness that his children managed to arrive for vacation in the tundra, to spend the time with their parents. What waits for the descendants of those, who came here many thousands years ago, to the land, which became native for them? When you watch from afar as reindeer run, sleigh runners slide, it seems for you that it will always be like that. Today it is possible to see with own eyes huge reindeer herds, argish-caravans, nomadic camps of reindeer herders, fishermen and hunters, who lead the lifestyle kept since the oldest times. Elder reindeer herders are sure that reindeer will graze on vast expanses of Yamal for many more centuries. Smoke from bonfires will fly above choums (nomadic home). And a cup of hot aromatic tea will wait for each guest. Journalist, Scriptwriter – Tagna Romanova Directed by – Viktor Zhukov Camera Operator – Vladimir Zelinsky Film Directors – Denis Didenko, Yevgeniy Tikhonov Sound Director – Alexander Spiridonov Editor – Natalia Reshetnikova Editor-in-Chief – Tatiana Uzunova Regional State-owned TV and Radio Company “Yamal-Region” 2020
Channel: Ямал Медиа
Views: 5,029,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ямал, Полярные истории, Первый Арктический, телеканал, Ямал-Регион, Россия, ЯНАО, документальное кино, документальный фильм, оленеводы, ненцы, каслание, Олени, тундра, род Худи, кмнс, русский, хантыйский, ненецкий, путь, недарма, дорога, каслают, путь семьи, худи, лето в тундре, факты, чум, дети тундры, жизнь оленеводов, коренные народы, кочевники, поехавший ямал, олень, экология, дети севера, оленевод, крайний север, счастливые люди, qorxulu kinolar 2019, феликс лучший друг семьи, дикая природа
Id: kUpx3ENbPOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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