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Hello friends, tofu or you bi was considered a precious food and it was mainly prepared at large events, since the process of preparing tofu is quite complicated and time consuming in our time Of course, you can already buy it has already become more affordable and ordinary food for tofu I use only soybeans I bought I made two types of Popov and yellow at once, there is not much difference. It does not affect the taste. I take the beans, clean them from stones and debris and rinse with running water, then I leave them to swell overnight or for at least 8-10 hours, there should be enough water to completely cover the soybeans so as it increases 3-4 times, I soaked it all night, then I rinse it lightly and put it on a sieve to remove the liquid, then I prepared clean water to easily drink the beans with a stationary blender, the water should completely cover the beans for a couple of centimeters approximately And then we punch very finely to extract more proteins, the ratio of Beans and water is 1: 5. That is, I soaked 800 g of dry Beans and water will take 4 liters per In general , I prepared such a dense calico bag, I specially sewed it, but you can also strain it with milk through thick gauze, anyway, in five it will be better tofu, it turns out more tender, I collect the bag pierced to a puree of the soybean figurative state and to make it more convenient to express, I divided it into two stages so how to express at a time not just stir it like this I try to squeeze out the milk as much as possible I collect it all In a separate bowl , soy milk looks like plain milk only more densely richer and so it turned out akara or cake to extract more milk from it, that is, protein for this I add already hot water, almost boiling water, rinse slightly, as if in this water, the cake, then squeeze the milk again, it is done only once and the water is hot from a total calculation, that is, 4 liters in this way I get more soy protein. Therefore, the final weight of tofu will be more in this the whole and the trick If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to start with a small proportion of soy . So I prod I ate and with the second part of the punched soybeans it turned out so much milk and cake once again we pass the milk through a sieve immediately prepared pot or a pan with a thick bottom, preferably and do not forget that soy milk sticks to the bottom as plain milk, then I bring the milk to a boil, first over high heat but at the same time, stirring constantly, boil the milk as usual at this time, while the milk boils, I prepare an acidic solution of water, salt and rice vinegar if there is no rice vinegar Replace with any apple cider vinegar, and so on as soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat and let it boil for 2-3 minutes, no more, be sure to let the milk boil in this way, remove the taste of soy, remove the fire completely and here you already need to correctly introduce the vinegar solution. and second, you don’t need to interfere much; I drive vinegar in a circular motion yami collecting as if in one lump This is the most important part of cooking tofu and there is no need to rush the milk will not curdle immediately, but add the vinegar solution in several stages within a few minutes if you see that the milk does not coagulate Turn on the fire and warm it up a little over low heat as the milk does not curl well at temperatures below 70°. such small pops have already formed But this is not yet ready, the whey should form more transparent with a yellowish greenish tint , but you can already see how quickly the oil begins to thicken and becomes denser like cottage cheese and one more nuance about vinegar, if there is not enough acetic acid, then it will also be poorly curdled with milk, but this does not mean that you can pour in as much as you like there , of course it will curl up, but the battle is also with sour rice vinegar. I can’t say the exact strength of vinegar at home somewhere more than 9%. I show How to make very tender tofu almost like a chest Who was in Korea probably tasted it is softer and more tender like mousse , so it turned out to be bean curd called chotybi protein completely separated from the whey turn off the fire and leave it under the lid for 20-30 minutes right away I don’t I take out tofu for shaping, any container with holes is suitable so that excess liquid flows out under pressure. The main thing is to extract the whey from the protein and make it denser. Tofu stood and now I drain the liquid with the help of a sieve. But this is not necessarily the process of making cakes , this is almost a finished product and you can eat it. immediately hot is called chotybi very tasty and soft what it turned out to be tender I spread the prepared container covered with gauze with a slotted spoon and put a deep bowl as it will flow out a lot of whey all this needs to be done while the soybean curd is hot leveling the tofu lightly cover with the ends of the gauze the liquid is drained off and now it is replenished if there is you have a a special container for making tofu is good, but I think in ordinary life not everyone has such a device prepared such a round flat shape in size to cover the tofu and put something heavy on top I try that you need to eat it hot made gravy I put a little garlic from soy paste and soy sauce and sprinkle it with just greens, it turns out very quickly and tasty that tofu is eaten as the first and hot dish, usually meat, vegetables and a lot of greens are added tofu stood under pressure for about 2 hours, this is enough for the curd to seize and flow out extracting all the liquid outward directly with the gauze tofu and turning it over on a flat dish , completely removing the gauze, it turned out like cheese is cut like clockwork does not crumble at all. as a result, I got 1 kg 269 g, almost 1 kg and 300 g, well, I’ll cook it right away from a couple of dishes of fresh tofu, but what I won’t use I’ll store in the refrigerator in a container filled with water completely so you can store tofu for a week every day you only need to change the water, what else to show how tofu looks like not only ready-made, but I fry them cooked I just like that without nothing, the tofu itself is tasteless and only the addition of spices and other other products give it a taste, but this is not at all true. For me, it still tastes, albeit not as bright and rich as seasoned, but still it is delicious if cooked correctly and of course with love and good mood bye-bye!
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Keywords: тофу, сыр тофу, тыби, чотыби, рецепт тофу, как приготовить тофу, тофу в домашних условиях, как приготовить тофу дома, как приготовить тыби дома, рецепт тыби, тыби рецепт, тыби в домашних условиях, тофу рецепт, тофу по корейски, рецепт тофу по корейски, заменитель мяса, рецепт для поста, соевый белок, соевое молоко, рецепт соевого молока, как приготовить соевое молоко, соевый сыр, соевая брынза, 두부, Великий пост, блюда из тофу
Id: 6N3kf0WAnck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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