Илия Топурия vs Александр Волкановски | Полный бой

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[Applause] [Applause] ready fight all right UFC featherweight Championship on the line Challenger ilot Toria is in red banovski in the black and gold be fitting a champion [Applause] so Toria spoke all week about finishing this in the first round I don't know if he really believes that or just trying to sell the fight right nice inside leg kick from volkanovski [Applause] early watch The Stance switches of banovski because a lot of subtle little things that he does he'll kick he'll switch stances throw a lead right hook [Applause] oh early right hand lands for Toria yeah he looks [Applause] sharp lot of kicks off the lead leg by banovski right away a lot of kicks [Applause] nothing but kicks pretty much l l toor is looking to explode cutting the cage off backing him up and he's so calm as well volkanovski's Camp is always so good at preparing him for different styles so that's why I'm very interested ooh very strong low kick almost Challenger almost Flo [Applause] in the boxing heavy style of el Toria and there's another strong cap kick by Toria that's why I'm interested to see what what strategy they devise you see the redness already two kicks from from Toria connected with the jab there as well Toria is backing him up good shot selection early from the Challenger holding the center oh volovski might be having a problem already with that low kick 100% yeah you're seeing some awkwardness in the movement stung him with that right hand as well and now he switched stances which is probably indicative look at the the welth on that leg already the cap kick is almost as important as the jab if not more important now it's so crazy toodia believes he has both the speed and power Advantage kick heavy attack continues for the champ he seems to have Vault biting in every one of his faints every one of his movements there's a nice low kick for vul Coach Dean Thomas two minutes to go on the round what do he have yeah vul has to be careful as he's as he's backing out he's raising his head every time if Toria throws an overhand that could be the lights out for him so he's got to be careful as he backs out oh oh big right hand from toor toor Big right hand and Toria has Sensational knockout power and accuracy that ji Herbert knockout my goodness and that of course up 10 PBS at lightweight and listen regardless of whether or not it was a higher weight class against the pound number one in the world it does you know leave some skeletons in the closet the next time you fight talking about the is M defe of but when it comes to high level experience there is no comparison no comparison bosi has made the adjustments there's another beautiful inside look he's punishing him now yeah he's getting revenge paying him back it was a great start for Toria but V settle in the score now last opponent for toia EMT didn't throw any kicks you're going to see a lot of that from banovski and that was something bulk acknowledged in our fighter meeting there's another one banovski landed a good left hand and said something to him I got you there pointing down to the cough as well there's a nice entry but good Knees by both yeah I counted three of them Toria starting to wear it a little bit upstairs as well nice head movement from Toria another kick both men had their moments in round one so around you ready you ready competitive first five minutes banovski landed five more significant strikes banovski he's just so calm all the time never lets his emotions get out of hand see if he goes back to the kicking he's just so dynamic in the way he switches stances and change his attacks he doesn't give you a chance to pattern him and he doesn't go back in the straight line either you see there toor attacking him he goes back and then starts to Circle which is absolutely crucial because if he went straight back into defense he's going to stand there and eat a combination from Toria volkanovski In Perpetual Motion Southpaw to Orthodox seamlessly there Yos is chipping away with the jobs toot is loading up looking for The Knockout blows I do agree with Dino he the way he pulls back he's pulling back straight oh that's a good right hand left hook might be hurt follows up again rips to the body first Clint situation they break quickly nice knee by banovski Tori is such a good boxer and the way he mixes the combinations up to the body into the head are [Applause] beautiful you see the early bodily investment by banovski toor his success to the head banovski is trying to po be the Matador to The Matador it might serve him well to go forward try and put Toria on the back foot volovski doing a better job not biting on faints here in round two theor is kind of just cing up the cage stalking him Bowski jabing and moving chipping away with the low kicks that lead hand is fast tooya is timing that kick of volkanovski to land the right hand right after WS beautiful low kick by torya big welt on the calf of the champion nice jab by volkanovski there's another one [Music] that's a nice nice combination and good movement as well he's not standing right in front of him he's moving off the center line cutting angles in all these exchanges he watch vult pull back he's always moving at an [Applause] angle couple good Jabs by the champion yeah he's got to be careful though that he doesn't leave his chin there to be counted L did a couple of nice jobs then got counted off Toria toor getting touched a lot by vulk here in round two [Applause] yeah he's starting to wear it on his nose's another ja snapped it off beautifully [Applause] there oh shot smok up that'll do an and my goodness to the featherweight champion of the world he said he was going to stumble and crumble him oh my goodness that power wow he's still down he's still out cold wow unbelievable my goodness the shocking result in Anaheim to many ilot toor not declaring the winner by knockout still undefeated and no UFC Undisputed featherweight champion of the world Ilia a Meador theoria [Applause] a champion
Channel: UFC Eurasia
Views: 729,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufc, топурия, волкановски, бой, полный бой, нокаут
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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