Ему 95 лет и он всё ещё на работе. Ford T 1925 года.

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*commercials* Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Today we’re having quite an unusual action because we now have a vehicle which in fact you can meet only at museums. If course, this is a Ford T. It was one of the most mainstream vehicles that had ever been produced at the beginning of the 20th century. There were millions. It’s the first car which had been producing for long and serious period of time. It’s made so to go to the assembly line. Sir Henry wanted it to be used by ordinary people. It wasn’t luxury anymore as it was before at the beginning, there were so much of fancy brands like Mercedes or Studebaker and other stuff which was quite costly luxury product. The beginning of the age in America is the beginning of the mass car production for the working class or plant workers. But! Those museums just have standing nonworking items. Do you imagine that the producing was finished in 1928, so this one should be at least 100 years old. Almost. This one is among the latest. It’s something about 1925-26. So, it should be 95 years old. The entire exclusivity of this vehicle is that the one still works until nowadays. It belongs to "LenFilm" studio and it takes part in the production, including today’s video. This is the rare case when the car is completely original and I can get in and drive it. I actually can get into and try to drive a car which is 95 years old. As you can see, it doesn’t have any number plates, and it’s unavailable for public roads usage. You'll see later that it’s not the law, but wisdom. Using it on public road is not likely to be safe. But anyway, as a historically valuable artifact, we can test it there, in the non-urban area, because there are no roads and no rules to break. Today we’re going to drive it a bit. But this definitely won’t be easy. And, you know, if I weren’t making a video about the GAZ-AA ("Polutorka"), I’ve already been shocked right now by all these things that I see now. As the GAZ-AA was made from the Ford truck called Ford A, it was called GAZ A, and then AA. We all can clearly see from where our domestic car industry had come from. So the Ford T is designed pretty similar. This is rooted in the same beginning of the age and that’s why most of the features are already known for me. I know that it doesn’t have brakes on the front. I’ve seen it already in GAZ-AA. If we open the hood, we can see the engine which reminds GAS-AA engine a lot. All general principles of building these vehicles are similar. Where did Henry Ford get those designs? From the horse-drawn transport. It still has some sort of a carriage look because something that could go almost as fast as a car, it was a carriage. After them there were self propelling carriages, in which the engine replaced horse. It’s nearly the same thing as the horse carriage, but it has the engine on the back. After them, pilot car models were started to be produced. Well, in fact, this is a car itself and it doesn’t differ too much with its pilot models. So here we can see a body like that, with the tent up above. As I remember, sails men call it bimini tent. This is kind of a tent with which you can go with some speed. Of course it can be folded and it gets a form of a boat. That was common those days. Also there was a roadster body. They differ by… Well, initially, roadster is a car that doesn’t have any doors. The only way to get into is jump. There was such a variation. All of it got actuated with the 22 hp engine. Brakes here – God save our souls. The acceleration is controlled by hand. "Forward" and "reverse" dimensions are chosen by the pedal, not the gear shifting. There are three pedals - Forward, Reverse, Brake. Accelerator is at the right hand. It’s a bit more complicated than Rolls-Royce which we got yesterday, and we had troubles in trying to get everything right. All these vehicles were running in the city in some great amounts. These wheels have wooden rims. And they have a stamp 30x3.5. It’s an American stamp that means 30’ of the whole wheel. Lada Niva has 28’ original wheels, if I’m not mistaken. My Wrangler has 35’. That’s from where the whole marking began. You ask me – what does it mean 33’ or 35’ wheels for off-road? That’s the entire height of the wheel. These are 30’. Imagine that? 3.5’ is its width. We can see that these wheels are pretty narrow. All parts are original, and it came right from the factory. All these parts can be bought nowadays. There also were 26’ wheels but this is definitely another story. As I’ve been said before – I really didn’t know it earlier – there wasn’t the door in the beginning. You could get into the car from the right side. Even the driver’s door is on the right. This one was made later, we could call in a facelift. There wasn’t such a thing those days, but we actually can call it so. The whole concept of human logic is quite difficult to apply on the engine configuration. It always was different. Still, this is a Ford T and it always was special. It’s all had been designed to be assembled on the line. I think you all know those jokes about Ford T which could be any color you want if you choose black. It was black just because of the black Japan polish which was fast-drying. Those times this was the only option to let it dry between stages of assembly. In this way the vehicle could be produced quickly and the assembly line was always working. Otherwise, a car could stick in the painting line. So if you see a Ford T which has another color – be sure there was a custom painting or maybe it is the earliest items. Moving further. Of course, the top of mind here has to be an easy usability. There’s one leaf spring on the front and no coil springs on wheels. There’s also one leaf spring on the back. It makes the car cheap and easy for producing. But there’s a legend which tells us that other brand already had more equipped vehicles and they weren’t too expensive. But people were buying exactly these ones. There’s a dashboard. The only gauge in the cabin is amp gauge and nothing more. There’s a temperature indicator which… It’s a coolant indicator, to be correct, which is installed here. The scale here indicates what the temperature is in the radiator. The actual radiator is here and it doesn’t have any false grille. In fact, this is the actual design which we can see for today’s vehicles. This is it. This is the radiator. That’s how it looked, in fact. Here is the proud sign "Ford. Made in USA". They wanted to make America great again! Okay. There’s another gauge that is hidden there, it’s the fuel level. It looks like an arrow. At this moment our dashboard is finished. But still, we could control them because the thermometer has a little hole on the back. When the mercury rises significantly, you can see the something red blinking and you should return home or slow down and brake to stop. All of this was made because there wasn’t anything else. Another design will cost extremely expensively and that was unacceptable in the car of huge production for the working class. The most interesting feature is underhood. I'll tell you now. I won’t need to tell you anything about the engine. The most wonderful thing is that the fan belt is a belt. It’s made of fabric. Another fact is that you should buy the starter separately. Wonderful, isn’t it? Imagine how you could buy an entry-level of BMW 318 with steel rims, and there wasn’t even a starter. At the entry-level you could have a cranking handle. The electrical thing there is extra money. This was made for making it cheaper... This is all our time-honored marketing. They tried to reduce the price to make Ford T one of the cheapest. Of course, it was painful. Of course, if we remove the wheels, it could be even the cheapest. But still it was selling good and then starters were sold very well as an option. The carburetor itself is installed under the intake manifold. This is about the same level with the oil pan. It’s some sort of surface type, so there won’t be a chance to start after the car stands untouched. What could you do in that case? Get the spark plug out and put gasoline in, screw the plug back and start the engine. This was the only way to bring the gas into the intake. Otherwise, the gasoline will stay in the carburetor and it won’t care about your troubles with starting. When we removed the engine… Okay? The engine and the gearbox have a crankcase and that’s why it’s not so easy to remove separately. Oh, it means that it removes only in assembly and the "marriage" happens… Well, it’s better to be called a "divorce". That’s right. It’s not so wanted, of course. We took of the front part and tried to pull it out, but it didn’t work out. And? Henry Ford at this moment was rolling over in his grave because we were cursing him so much. A-huh. Time has passed, we did it. It turns out that if we want to remove the engine we should take the body off. It’s screwed with 6 bolts. Remove the body from the frame? Right, from the frame. Land Rover, I knew you were right. That’s it! They were learning from the best. They were the first! Right, you’re right. This is where the devil begins. I wish I could turn back in time… It’s also necessary to service the gearbox with this covers. And you can adjust it only with that small window. A-huh. So, what do you think, judging by your experience, is the mileage of that car without any service? I’s quite difficult to say because this one is sort of movie property, so it’s quite a different story. It’s a bit tough for that car. Start and stop, and start, and stop. Right, that’s right. "First positions!" And some bullheads could take to the wheel. Yes. The traveled distance is significantly shortened from time to time. They were saying that it can go about 500 km before you need to pull the break band. So it’s about once in a week… But, okay, it’s not likely to go 100 km in a day those times. I suppose this car was made for farmers and they had quite long traveled distance. On dirty roads, by the way. I think they were checking it once in two weeks. But, by the way, if they were going on stable speed… Well? On a full sped. There should be no problem. Is it because of the even load? Right. So it was always connected and stable. Right. A-huh. So it’s best on the long distance travelling. That’s right. I mean… At the same time other brand already have more reliable vehicles, am I right? You’re quite right. Studebaker, for example, was making extremely fail-safe vehicles. And they also were one of the most progressive because… Well, Studebaker was pretty costly, I think. It was a proved brand even those times. Still, they were producing different classes of cars: Studebaker Four, Studebaker Six, Studebaker Eight – by the number of cylinders. It would be great if our country took those as basis instead of Ford A, if we remember GAZ-A. I would like to notice that the entire production culture in Soviet Union made it tough to build such serious projects. So all this mechanism can be fixed with some old wrenches? Well, sort of it. But every day… It has some quirks. There are some places which are uncomfortable to reach. This thing, on the whole, is not so reliable. But still, it was quite suitable for long distance travelling. But how it manages with the city traffic? There were so many photos with awful accidents, folded in half… Yes, you’re right! There were plenty of them. That was the beginning. And by the way, other brand already had convenient pedal boxes, not like in that one. Convenient pedals were invented and started to be produced much earlier. So this is some sort of Ford’s T quirk. It is. Firstly, they invented the gearbox. Then they had a purpose. Their dealers were giving driving licenses. Oh, really? We could buy driving license at the same day when we were buying a car? Yes. I know that some people still practicing it. In half of an hour. Okay? There was a half-hour instruction on the backyard. Half-hour? They were teaching what to press and how to drive. Okay? And the rules were primitive and the owner got the driver license. There were licenses only for the Ford T. Oh, they were special! There was a joke those times: "are you really a driver? Or just T?" For Ford T. I see. So as a tourist I could come to the country and go to the dealership, buy a car and driving license and then ride on Route 66. You could sell it to another dealership. That’s a trade-in! Trade-in is Henry’s invention too. The dealership’s network was quite spread and they had all needed parts and instruments. And you could repair you car. He made money not only by selling cars. Just like nowadays. Whatever goes around comes around. That’s quite right. You told us a wonderful story. Thank you so much! You’re welcome. Thanks. All right, keep working. Yep. What else is interesting here, on the front? We see an oil pot which has its own purpose. I was sure that it’s a funnel when we first opened the hood. I thought that it’s made for the better filling the mechanism with oil. But then I knew that in first, you can't easily find the oil fill, and the second is, the pot is made to lubricate everything in this car! By modern standards, this engine runs on M-8 oil due to the fact that there are babbit bearings. Only elder people can understand that. I’ve seen babbit bearings in Opel Kadett and it was of the middle of 30es, there was such a thing. As I remember, there’s also GAZ M-20 Pobeda… I don’t remember exactly whether they were or not. I can be mistaken right now. Well, at least I can remember that I’ve seen babbits bearings like these. They wear out quickly from any liquid oil. They just become washed out. That’s why it needs something heavier. Then, you took the oil pot and lubricate the steering, all universal joints everywhere you could – on the shaft, on spiders – almost each one has its own lubricating plug. You can unscrew it just like that, and then you take it and fill right through that. It’s whether gland seal or it should be lubricated in that car. You can see the second lubricating plug here, you may see it can be unscrewed. Damn, I should screw it back, it should be kept as original. There’s also a lubricating plug on the steering. The drive shaft and all joints there should be lubricated. The entire thing is so amazing. And you must do it each time when it rains or each 100-200 km. Here we come to mention owners of GAZ-24, GAZ 21 Volga because they should do exactly the same thing. The difference is, they already had grease fittings, grease guns and of course the lubricate was grease. This one was filled with the same oil which was in the engine and the gearbox. All service fluids were determined to be all the same, because they had to be used in the entire car by the bucket load. Of course it was flowing out by bucket loads because of gland seals. Al the stuff was really old and fragile, and it never lived long. As we were said also, Ford T never was a reliable car. This was a child of first, engineering and second, marketing, or quite the opposite. There are still argues about what was the primary: money or engineering. Okay, gentlemen, time to see how small the cabin is. Remember that the sides step wide and our wheels are almost outside of the base of the car. If we remove the wheels, it would be great to have open wheels. Look, there are two men sitting. And I’d say those people are pretty skinny. What if there were two heavy men, there wasn’t any deal? Is there any info about the sizes of those times? Somehow they had to fit in, you know. So they had to fit. Well, if life forces you, you need to manage it, I think. They probably thought the same way. Now, we have some protocol which we should follow before we start the car. The accelerator is on the right hand there, as I said before. It means that you should drive and you grab the steering wheel like that, and you’re dilly-dallying this thing. Under the left hand you have a lever of ignition angle control. So the ignition distributor connected with it by rod, as I showed you. The pedal under the left foot is for moving forward, if we press the leftmost pedal. The middle pedal under the left foot is for reverse. The one under the right foot is brake. They’re all have a letter sign. So reading skills in America were as hard as driving those times, I think. There’s also a parking brake. It’s under the left knee. That’s why there wasn’t any door. It was just too inconvenient to get into the car through the parking brake lever. Perhaps there wasn’t any option to move it somewhere else. But other brands seem like solved the problem. Thing is, it’s connected to the neutral. The parking brake, you mean? Yep. And when you pull it, the neutral is on? Right. And when you pull the lever to the "forward" position, gear shifts? Yes. If you press "forward"… Ok, forward… When the parking brake is pulled, nothing happens? After that… when it’s pulled. Yes, now. No, nothing will happen. And how can I change the second gear? 2 gear shifts when the lever is fully released. Just as with the 1st gear. And release the left pedal. Here we go, we started to run. Do I have to release the left pedal? Yes, fully. No, I mean… it’s… Oh, I should bring it up here? It will do it itself, when you… Attention here, please. Oh, it has two positions. Right? You’re at the vertical, now look at the pedal. Yes, yes! Now I get it. So if you release now, it will go away. Nikita, did you remember? Right, nobody did, so I think we'll stay on the 1st gear. You can do that. Oh, really can? A great plan! I like it when I don’t need to run fast. Will there be 50 km/h on first gear that we can develop? No, it won’t. No way? The engine will go… I love it! We don’t appreciate it, unfortunately. Not today, right? Let it live a bit longer. Okay! Now we put the parking brake in the upper position. Straight vertically, to be exact. Yes, that’s right. You can also start the car when the parking brake is completely pressed out and it stays in neutral. A-huh, okay, but I’d like to… How is it better for the car? No difference. No difference, good. We’re going to the 1st gear and release the parking brake. Turn the key now… We’re not going to the 1st gear yet. First, we should start in neutral. So to go to the 1st gear, I should press the pedal first. I’m sorry, my logic works in other way, I’m just doing it like that. As the transmission now is going to be on the 1st gear, it actually isn’t yet, because the pedal is not pressed. It’s in neutral. Right! Then the clutch fork will go… It’s really complicated, I’m serious. …and put the roller to… Sir Henry, wherever you’re now! Thank you so much for this gorgeous scheme. We’re all so happy right now. So, the key has these positions: two "left" positions and two "right". There’s only one by each. Oh, it means that… A-huh! There’s a thing under the key which is responsible for headlights. It really is. Okay. Now we should turn the key… To the left. To the left is… It’s a "battery" mode. Right there, to the "battery" mode. And after that we can try to press the… starter pedal… with the left heel. Or with the right heel, as you wish. So the ignition angle lever should be at this mark, as you showed me. Something about that. And the accelerator is… I think I’d watch the situation. Just a bit. Now it looks pretty simple to me! Everyone can drive it, just make a small search in Google. We set the ignition angle, and we also set the carburetor needle angle. Yes! May a just always say "yes" after you? You’re welcome. It usually means that I want to follow, but actually I don’t. Oh! And we started moving because of what? Okay, I pressed the brake. Brakes are under the right foot, forward – under the left. We just need to warm up a little. Actually it’s okay now, we can go. I can rev it up like this. As you see, the reaction is a bit slow, but we don’t need to rev up so hard. I can set it even on idling, right? Right. And it will run on idle! The engine was already overhauled, am I right? It was, you’re right. Wonderful. We shouldn’t change the ignition angle anymore, right? It’s set as it was when we started the engine. We can set the pre-ignition now. There is 92 gasoline with additives. And now we accelerate a bit. Wow! Here comes the reaction to the accelerator. Amazing! Now we'll need to press "forward" pedal, or what is it? A pedal of what? How is it called? It’s a crank pedal for transmission control. A crank-pedal. Awesome! And keep revs up to avoid cutting the engine. At the same time we’re running on the road. Okay. Till the end. Till the end to make it not slip. And accelerate. We’re going downhill. I can release the acceleration a bit. And the car can brake with the engine. It’s amazing! If I release the pedal, it will begin to accelerate. Then I press it and it slows down. You always have to drive with the pressed pedal. Except that we’re at the second gear, right? We’re at the 1st gear which is also called a low speed. This is a low speed. And we always should keep the pedal pressed, and I need to press it quite strongly. Hold the pedal to the floor. I won’t say it’s easy. This way, my leg will fall asleep soon. Rev it up, rev it up! We'll do it. Look how it manages, huh! Now we can turn to the left. It’s so amazing. Now I can release the accelerator… So I need to… I’m sorry, I better tell myself what to do. It’s okay, I understand. Everything’s not so obvious. The left foot should always be on the floor. Left foot to the floor, it’s real. Until it becomes insensitive. Yes, yes. Then I must release it. My left foot is already tired and I release the pedal and we go to neutral. What a shock! Now we need to… and here we go. Turn to the left. Okay, let’s say I don’t have to go further, and I release the left pedal, release the acceleration, and I press the brake with my right foot. Now I want to go backward. I don’t change the position of that lever, because it’s a parking brake and neutral. It stays as it is. All I must do is press another pedal in the middle. There’s R on it, which means Reverse. Now I press the Reverse and rev up the engine. And that’s how we’re moving backward. And again, I should hold the pedal permanently. It’s not so obvious, by the way. The Reverse pedal always should be active. Wow, it’s weaving from side to side. Now release the reverse, and go to neutral. Press the crank pedal again. Forward – downhill, luckily, and rev it up. You ought to rev it down a bit. Okay, I see. So these are its regular revs, which I ought to keep, is that right? Yes. Listen, it seems easier when you start to follow the drive. It’s very unusual. There are different pedals for going backward and forward, can you imagine? Okay, the brake is under my right foot, I’m pressing it right now. Wonderful. I think we'll go downhill on idle. Everything will be okay with it. Well, that is fast! Here we rev it up and push "forward" pedal. Okay. I’m not ready for 50 km/h speed, to be honest. Maybe there are people who want to speed it up so… The maximum speed which sir Henry Ford declared was 80 km/h. How did you get? I think it was about 60 km/h, as I tried, or 50 km/h. Well, it’s… We just need a perfect and smooth surface. Now let’s release the throttle. Okay, I did it, and pushed the brake. That’s it! You also told me that I must not push the crank pedal or reverse pedal with brake. Yes, I did. Is it because that it would go to pieces? It is. The first drum will rotate in one direction, and the second – to the opposite, and then brake bands will fall off the small thin copper rivets. So in any case you first release the left foot. Sure thing. And if I’m doing something wrong, like, I push the brake first, and then only release the left foot, what’s the chance that everything will wreck? Something may already happen. But if you miss with the brake and push… …Reverse? Yes, reverse. Yes, and? A hilarious thing will happen. It will go backwards as fast as it was going forward and you won’t be able to control the steering anymore. …And this is luck if nothing would be cut off because of the kick. Well, it will just be thrown somewhere back. Nothing will be cut. It’s a… It’s a terrifying thing. You probably don’t know yet that this is called a winter drift. Young blood calls it so. You can see their videos on Internet. The most important that it won’t change the speed... I understand, it’s like – whoosh! And kick in one moment. ...it will remain the same as it was before. Will the crankshaft and input shaft and output shaft withstand these loads? Yes, they will. All the mechanism should withstand it, but nobody know where will it bring you. As you could fell already, it has a tremendous steering kickback. I did! It reacts on each tiny pot on the road. It doesn’t have any Akkerman angle or wheel alignment. All of it just… It still has a wheel alignment. Well, it’s some sort of primitive… This is the entire control unit, see. It has a small spring which pretends to damp something. A-huh. But it damps nothing. May I drive it a bit more? Just a little bit… Sorry? Just a little bit. Okay, let’s go. I'll go less than the last time, over there, then I'll turn around and go back. Okay. Is it okay to climb that hill for that vehicle? Let’s see. Okay, let’s try though. I’m really excited. So, I need to release… I’m holding the brake now, I can’t push the "forward". You’re right, you cannot do it now. So if I… Okay, let’s say I’m on the hill, and I can’t push brake and forward pedals together. How should I start to drive it on the hill? It’s quite similar to modern cars. First, you can release the parking brake. Okay, this I’m allowed to do. Yes, you are. But when I pull the parking brake out, the neutral will be on… When you’re at the bridge… ..Okay? With the light slope and manual transmission you don’t use the parking brake. It depends. Almost every car has some time of inertia force which gives you time to release the brake and do what you need. But still, I can’t hold two pedals… It means I can’t start with a pressed brake pedal. It’s no good. I can’t start at the brake, and when I pull the parking, my neutral goes "on". And parking brake. We won’t be starting at the hill today, I got it. That’s my solution. I want to press the pedal so much, you know, because there always was throttle. It’s tough. You'll get used to it. It’s still tough. You need to play with throttle and it’s a hand throttle – I’m not used to it. Brake with the right foot. I’m afraid to miss with pedals because something terrible may happen. Of course there are no rear-view mirrors and I can’t see anything. Brake. Good! Did we? No, we didn’t, need some more. That’s it, now release. Now push the forward pedal, increase the acceleration a bit. Here it is. Now release the throttle. Now more throttle. Come on, Ford, you have 22 hp! Yeah, it’s interesting. It really makes me wonder. So now we dump the throttle pedal. Press the brake… Right, don’t forget the brake. I know, some people push it and the engine revs go up and as I see it’s not good for it. It’s weird. Okay. We set it here. Now this is parking brake. It’s a wild toy. The parking brake… It’s so unusual. Indeed. Thank you so much! You’re welcome. liked it so much. Thank you. It’s like… I’d like to say that it’s unreal to drive it in the city. No, it’s definitely not It won’t be real and no matter who drives it. There could be so many accidents. Plus, I think these brakes are quite weak, and when can stop the vehicle on that surface... But in the city… I think it was sir Henry who said that brakes are made for cowards. After all, sir Henry decided to install these brakes here. Perhaps… But he was pretty funny man. Did you notice that the car has some vibration? It wasn’t too significant. Right. But still, you can feel it. I think it comes from under the seat. Exactly! That what owners were claiming for... Okay... Its body vibrates... I see. And sir Henry replied in newspapers that a light vibration in the driver’s seat has a good effect on the prostate. That was his joke! So those jokes about playing asses came from Henry too. It was he who made monsters of us. We’re all making vulgar jokes because of him. It’s an amazing car, I loved it. Oh, really, I forgot I can’t get out of there like that. eally, my legs are quite thin and if I want to get out… It’s definitely not convenient. I should do this. And you haven’t pulled the brake properly yet. Otherwise, you wouldn’t… Of course, this lever should stick out more. Like that. And the angle gets on my way. And it was impossible to make the door longer because… …because of the stiffness. I agree, it’s about a body stiffness. I strike it from my shopping list! But a still like it very much. Luckily, you keep it. As the car is 95 years old, we can’t drive it for too long, because if we use it for too long, nobody will be able to use it after us. This vehicle can’t ride forever and a day. And I remind you that it has filming in its schedule because it’s a working item. The old man is 95 years and nobody is going to retire him. He’s better stay as an item of Pension Found, to be honest. Because of these things our pensionable age is increasing, because this old fellow is still working hard in his 95 years old and soon it will get his… what number? I think it will be 21st movie. 21st? Almost a blackjack, pardon me, is going to come. It’s really amazing. More of that, as we can’t have a full and long test-drive of that car, we’re saying that anybody can have a look on it in the main building of the LenFilm. They have an exhibition area and a cinema museum that you may visit and look at this car. I’ve touched it. I don’t guarantee that you will be allowed to touch it too, but at least, you may watch it. As I understand, this is not the only one item. It should be the whole park. More of that, if you’d like to know more about the car from people which are taking care of it and keeping it safe and healthy, there’s a special channel on YouTube to watch. And, who knows… Maybe there will be a review on it? They say it will, so as we said it loud, it sooner or later will appear. A mind-blowing car which is outstanding from the logic of a usual car fan, but still, lives in it for 95 years already. If we count from the start of release, - it was 1908 year – the total is… I forgot the calculator… Well, more than 100 years! Let’s say it so, right? It’s 112 years, isn’t it? Good, there were 112 years after the first release of the first Ford T models. This is so amazing, guys. I liked it so much, honestly. I’ve been driving it for short time, and it was wonderful. It’s being kept in perfect condition, in my opinion. When you’re looking at retro-cars, you most likely find anything you can pick on a defect. This one doesn’t have cheap and bad tuning, and it doesn’t have rust. Gasoline is leaking only out of one place, and it’s a place where it should leak initially. Everything’s okay with it. Amazing car, amazingly well-kept. Thank you so much in the first instance, because it wouldn’t have worked without you. You bought it, you repair it, you’re going to ride other people on it. Well, this is actually very cool, guys. This is a story about a car and moreover the man who keeps it alive and wend his way through life with it. Thank you so much for watching the video. It was such an opportunity! Thanks to LenFilm, again, for placing us the car and giving me the opportunity to drive a living Ford T in a living space and life. Usually it’s possible only for actors or celebrities. It’s the one of a limited access, right? Not each actor even can touch it. I am a bad hand in movies, so thank you so much for letting me drive it. Thank you all so much for watching. I remind you again about the links in my description to the channel, and car, and LenFilm Museum. All details in the description too. Bye! May I take one more try? May I! Now… Will it? And now… Let’s get going!
Channel: AcademeG
Views: 2,919,653
Rating: 4.9205847 out of 5
Keywords: AcademeG, Академег, Академик, Тест, драйв, обзор, Test, drive, auto, авто, Костя, заруцкий
Id: Lr_aZ20W4k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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