ÍF Akur vs BF Boginn - Longbow Mixed Team Gold Final

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Clinton yeah watch this one as well men is men okay right let's focuses Longbow mixteen Lumber mixing so let me go okay so I think it's the same apologies I got it wrong we've got 20 seconds and oh I've got to get this going Bangles nine twelve meters nine good start now this chap actually makes Bose himself he's a bow maker and that's what he can do it okay and we've got team akker versus Team of Bogan all right so now we know where we are so that's teamaka this is team Bogan 17 points for the first two arrows nice yellow glove and fletchings love it oh five remember these bows are actually quite hard to shoot no sights straight off the hand yellow glove being pulled back I like the fact they're shoes in the same way sure what have you got scores wives eight back to team Bogan sorry t-maca nice six bugging was ball and I could wash field yeah it's like a agricultural field all right now draws we got one of the two lumbo makers absolutely and that's a big boom he is in the north of Iceland I've already been covering that have you I have actually been covering that but you haven't been listening yeah yeah that's way sour yeah yeah that's a seven Sam's not the word I'm just a bad loser I'm nine the good nine where are we on score I can stop drinking your beer and what were we doing 33 29 I'll tell you what this is this is good skills uh as you can see the targets are shorter on this one we have 12 meters instead of the 18 meters um it's 12 meters yeah they bring the target forward 12. what's George doing Alice is accumulative I don't know I have no idea we need someone to give us I don't know let's let's shall we sing a song for to getting some help no how about no I'm not in a song definitely there is something wrong with this course yeah let's ignore the scores come on let's Let it go Let it go okay all right still flying Bogan four and we've got the F4 again oh no idea they could have just screwed up the score really tilting the bow I've only seen that in Game of Thrones um it feels like Game of Thrones at the moment right so anyway team Bogan have got a joint score or something back to the archery back to akka good line for macca very good knife from akka Mrs Sanchez has left the commentary Booth to go and find out what the scores are so that gives me more time stab him in the back and back over to Apple no all 10 10. right Tim Bogan again just shoot that second round not 100 sure what's going on with score but just eyeballing this Bogan need to do something let's get back last Arrow from Bogan so they're going to fix the scores and I'm going to try to hide them so no one can nice boom ten that is a good shooting man it is very good shooting yeah we're back to akka so akka can do in response will we get any tense from them oh that's a good response now seriously the fact is that you really really would not want to be standing in front of any of these archers oh nice I mean to be honest she needs who needs a standing army and you've got a bunch of people with wooden arrows like that okay so we got the first set the two first two points were for AKA for allness all right for the next 10 minutes the Bogan score draws for today are we getting more stats thank you very much are you sure we've got one we've got one and we have a shy lady who's come into the commentary box and now she's going thank you all right right okay that was a one concentrate George you want to say hello on the meek you want to say hello everyone was looking at you man eight come on say something we've been talking about purpose what what can you say about peppers that's yours guys akka eight I love the way he pulls the arrows literally this is like watching Game of Thrones right I don't know what it's called I I don't know he showed me he's yesterday and a chainsaw you know it does yeah okay all right basically a mic not a mick and it's it's a pine not a pie he does he doesn't make it with a biking I'm not Viking no one wears a pie on their back juice oh yeah anyway right back to where am I Bogan is it team Bogan it is yes and here we go aiming oh boom that's a good boom that one and then let's let's get back to if the let's get back to teamboggan okay so how many points we got here for winning is it the five do we have any sets wow nine good shot yeah do you think you'd sneeze a lot if you pull those feathers onto your nose they are Raven feathers the ones yeah the ones that you see in his arrows they are super super soft which one of you wants the warmer coffee thanks oh eight two eights eight and a nine priorities so you're saying you're saying that you're
Channel: Archery TV Iceland
Views: 19,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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