¿Existe una PLAYA ROSADA en Costa Rica?

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we're a global power, man, only in Costa Rica do we have craters in the middle of the street and believe me, this viewpoint is really extreme because if I go one way I'm dead and if I go the other way, the same thing this can't be possible... it can't be possible what are the chances that the passing family poops on my car right now we are stepping on pink beach I can tell you good morning, afternoon, or evening, I hope you're doing great friends, today I'll give you a heads up that we'll most likely get lost because we're going to look for a place I'm not even sure exists I don't know if it's real that we have that in Costa Rica but we're going to look for a pink sand beach it's called Pink Beach in Nozara in the post I saw, it looked like a pink paradise but I don't know if it was because of photoshop I don't know if it was edited I usually don't trust those types of posts but in Costa Rica, anything can happen so let's see if we can find it and something I was told that I feel obligated to share is that sadly the road from Nicoya to Nozara is terrible they told me that if it used to take an hour now it will take two and a half so let's see if it's true we'll find many cool things on the way and we'll explore Nozara in general which is one of the most beautiful areas of Costa Rica up to this point, I can tell you the road is great what we call a really good paved road but I was told that there are several kilometers of this paved road and then we get to the scary part but this road is pretty wild too because it turns out that the "dead" or I don't know how they call them in your countries some places call them "sleeping policemen" or speed bumps they're like cement bars that cross the street to make you slow down for all the people watching from other countries here in Costa Rica we call them "the dead" they're not painted, they're the color of the road so by the time you notice them, you've already run over them but I'm realizing they're more effective this way because after you've hit the first two you don't go faster than 20 km/h to avoid hitting the third one guys, now the road here is getting scary look at the craters coming out of the ground let's see what we find further ahead because we're just getting to the bad road this is really a very sad reality because this is one of the most touristic places in Costa Rica the government should take care of this entrance as soon as you arrive, they should provide a driver for your car so you arrive comfortably there goes a "terrifying Jimny" in fact, I was thinking of getting a car like that it looks like an all-terrain it's literally 4x4 but it seems to work for everything right now we're 24 kilometers away the GPS indicates we're in a sedan, it's a low car so we're going to time it we'll start a timer to see how long it takes to cover those remaining 24 kilometers we've been driving for about 30-40 minutes from Nicoya to here and now we've started the timer to see how long it takes this is going to get tough look at these holes look how deep the tire sinks I don't know if you can appreciate it but it's exaggerated how can this be and the whole road is like this the camera doesn't capture how deep it sinks but if I drive fast over it I'd literally lose a tire look just now a truck scratched me one of those that go around selling that are sales agents of companies and it went recklessly through all the potholes poor company, all that they will have to fix on that truck and that reminded me of something I want to tell you about me that you don't know now that I remembered and it's that a long time ago at the beginning of the pandemic approximately I had a job for a short time but I had a job as a sales agent here in the Guanacaste area so I was traveling around the province every week I would stay in Liberia, in Nosara, in Santa Cruz, in Nicoya and that's why I know a bit around here what I just found, this can't be if I fall in there, I'll come out in China! for those who have never been around here or for all the folks watching us abroad I'm going to make a small introductory video on how to drive on these types of streets in Costa Rica because unfortunately, there are streets like this in several places in the country so pay close attention you are very calm driving in places where there are tree shadows it's harder because the tree shadows cover the holes so you don't know if it's a shadow or a hole so this requires advanced skills you go at a normal speed at least to get a little faster to the destination your 30 kilometers per hour you have to go with eagle eyes attentive because at any moment we have to make a very abrupt maneuver for example, here comes a family-sized hole we move here, we move there and we continue calmly you can't lose control of the vehicle so you have to go neither too fast nor too slow to not get desperate hole over there now we keep advancing calmly because apparently the street got fixed from one moment to another, the street here is nice. but that is a trap gentlemen that is so that you trust and when you realize BAM! you find one of these craters and you have to reduce the speed to one kilometer per hour and pass calmly and unfortunately, that's how we are going to keep finding the street all the way so I hope that these brief but very important driving recommendations on Costa Rican crater streets have been useful remember that for more tips you can follow me on my Instagram but very important point very important point to tell you that these lessons do not apply if you have a 2022 4x4 Pick Up you don't need them agencies, what are you waiting for to sponsor this humble channel? here would be your brand wreaking havoc on this road I don't know if it happens to you but it happens to me that when I am in a place like this that you have to go at 5 kilometers per hour for a long time, I get desperate I no longer know whether to sit, to lie down to stick to the steering wheel I no longer know what to do in fact, so much so that I'm going to start eating to see if I do something different the good thing is that I'm going to eat a tanella that we bought in Nicoya those who saw the previous video will know what I am talking about but without lying to you this is the best bread I have tasted in my whole life oh my god, what a delicious thing nor will that prevent me from continuing to eat we arrived friends! finally we arrived in Nozara and I am coming across something very striking and it is that Nozara is paved here is pavement so you ask "and Nozara what? has street?" yes, it has paved street but they don't tell you that it takes an hour through holes to get here we arrived in Nozara safe and sound and without losing any wheel which is the most important it turns out that when we got here I started asking the locals how to get to Playa Rosada which is what we are looking for and they told me that to get to Playa Rosada you have to go with the low tide it's the only way to access if for things of life we get there with the medium high tide and then it rises you can't get out we have to stay there until it goes down so it turns out that we just arrived at noon and the tide is at its highest point we will have to wait a few hours until it goes down to start the hike because you have to walk to get there so of course while we wait for the ideal time to go look for that Playa Rosada we are going to explore another place in Nozara for example at this moment we are in a viewpoint that I didn't know between Playa Guiones and Playa Pelada we are going up the edge of a mountain and this place is beautiful and don't think, this viewpoint is really extreme because if I go to one side I die, and if I go to the other too maybe on camera it doesn't appreciate but this place is very high tell me in the comments if you are the ones who dare to walk around here or if you would be scared to walk around this place this one we have here is Playa Pelada as you can see it is small there you have a companion releasing chakras and connecting with the sea and this one we have on the other side is Playa Guiones it is very long and is special for surfing in fact, here was the first time that I got on a surfboard if you haven't seen that video I'll leave it here for you to go see but this place is beautiful friends, no kidding around, a mistake here, a slip, could easily cost you your life because it's quite steep, the path is very narrow and it's really high what's on the sides is basically a free fall so if you come around here be extremely cautious and of course in a place like this you can't miss the chance to fly to Rapelón guys, now the time for the hike is nearing I was told it's a relatively long hike, kinda tricky and we also have to find the starting point because I have no clue where it is we have to ask for an abandoned hotel I was told so we're going to look for it but first first things first we need to recharge our energy we can't just go like this so we're going to look for the best burger in Nosara I searched the internet and they recommended a place rated as the best burgers in the area so we're going to see if it's true by the way, if you've never visited Nosara I take this opportunity to tell you roughly how it is there's a main street like this one here that goes through all Nosara and there are entrances like this around this street leading to the beach and also filled with shops on the sides guys, let me tell you the story only these misfortunes happen to me turns out I had been searching for 40 minutes, 40 minutes... for the place where they sell those burgers and just now someone told me it doesn't exist anymore, that place is not there... but they sent me to another one, to a cart that currently makes the best ones here in Nosara but I got there and the brother told me he hasn't opened yet opens in about an hour or so and since we lost so much time we have to be at the place which I don’t know where it is to start the hike to pink beach so I’m going to have to eat the bread I bought in Nicoya I don’t know if for some reason you thought it was a lie but it wasn’t it's what there is you see, around all these areas almost all of Costa Rica but mainly these areas it’s very common to see monkeys everywhere here goes a family in front of me while I have lunch this can't be possible... it can't be possible! what are the odds that the family passing by poops on my car? what are the odds that the passing monkeys come and poop on my car? what are the odds friends? what did I do to them? they pooped all over it for god's sake... I was having lunch peacefully watching the monkey family and they repay me with this thank god this place over here is going to lend me a hose and give me a little water to wash it off because it dries and there's nothing to do now we are going to fall behind for what we had to do and we started washing on the beach in fact look at what I’m saying, this just fell and it’s already stuck imagine with this sun leaving it there here they saw that the case was so serious that they even lent me a cloth and all like new friends I still can’t believe that when we were ready to leave just in time some monkeys made us start washing the car for god's sake but well everything happens for a reason, let everything flow let nothing influence we count to 3 and off we go... the thing is like this turns out you can leave the car on the beach or somewhere else from where you can start walking but it’s dangerous because the car would be very alone so here’s the tip I left the car near a 5-a-side soccer field around here next to Café Estrellitas which by the way is a highly recommended café simply for being so friendly. they lent me the hose, a bucket, the cloth and they even ended up letting me park the car there in the private parking so a kiss for café estrellitas well, you can park the car around there where there’s a flow of people so it’s well taken care of and then you have to come to the beach if I'm not mistaken this one here is Garza beach and walk to the right walk northwards upwards to look for pink beach importantly we already put on our snake-killing shoes because we were told that here you have to walk through reefs and also it's only possible when the tide is going down otherwise I believe it’s inaccessible or it's very difficult to get there so we'll see if we get the light... the sun is setting more because we left later than we had planned I’m going to tell you right away I don’t know if this beach is really pink I told you from the beginning I don’t know what we're going to come across, I try to keep my expectations low... But let’s see what surprises us... It seems it indeed is almost impossible to come with high tide because it reaches all the way up here, and luckily we wore sneakers because look where we are walking we would never have come here in sandals, we wouldn't have made it halfway and now at this moment, we are stepping on Pink Beach I have to tell you I feel kind of ripped off and I'll tell you why in a bit... turns out that researching about this beach I found that about 10 or 12 years ago it was much pinker but after an earthquake, which I assume was the Nicoya earthquake it’s like the earth rose up and the sediment that made the sand pink doesn't affect it the same way anymore I have to tell you there are little spots where it looks pinkish but I practically notice it because I came with the idea of looking for pink sand if I come to this place and nobody tells me it's a pink beach, I probably wouldn't even realize it has a different color so that's why we feel kind of ripped off maybe the post we saw, the picture I found on the internet, was an old picture also, I have to tell you it's a paradise... we are currently in the high season in Costa Rica, Nosara is bursting! I couldn't find lodging! there was no lodging here and look at this place, we are almost almost alone! There was only a couple over there snorkeling, because the water looks clean, looks blue, looks amazing from the air I’ll leave a scene here for you to see so that part saves it, because when the tide is high, this probably is a paradise, the water reaches all the way up there the sand is white, it's super fine, there are sticks, the forest, and when the tide rises remember that from here it's practically impossible to get out so if you come to camp or something around here that I saw some tents, you'll have the whole beach to yourselves so friends, this is what we found here at Pink Beach as I told you from the beginning, honestly, I didn't know what we were going to find, I had no expectations and from today we are going to name this beach "Little Pink Beach" to give marketing a chance and also because there are little spots that look a touch pinker tell me in the comments what you think for example here I don’t know if it’s my brain wanting to find the pink color to feel like we didn’t come in vain but I see a little pinkish, I don’t even know if the camera will appreciate it the same way as my eyes do but there are parts where it looks a little pink and finally with this beautiful sunset that God the creator of absolutely everything is gifting us here in Little Pink Beach, today's trip ends I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did that it saved you a trip with a lot of expectations or rather showed you a place that now you want to come to know don’t forget to subscribe, share this video if you liked it, and see you in the next video! Pura Vida!
Channel: Araya Vlogs
Views: 331,791
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Keywords: playa rosada, playa rosada costa rica, costa rica, araya, araya vlogs, que hacer en costa rica, los mejores lugares de costa rica, nosara, nosara costa rica, costa rica 4k, guanacaste costa rica, existe una playa rosada, lugares raros de costa rica, las mejores playas de costa rica, mejores playas del mundo, playas de costa rica, mejores playas de guanacaste, costa rican beaches, what to do in costa rica, the best of costa rica, pink beach, beach pink
Id: -n1MooXFUcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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