£2000 First Car Challenge (Car + Insurance + Tax)

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6,000 pounds right looks good don't know I'm Alex I'm Jack I'm Ethan and today what we're going to be doing is buying the perfect first car for two thousand pounds where you have to get the car insurance and tax if we have any money left over we can use that to monitor no arts don't touch the dock sorry I'll throw your heartbeat right so get in the mind frame you're 21 years old right stuff's going on in your body stuffs dropping just like oh I'm on gumtree Ethan you're an auto trader let's hit it for Raju in there / here we come oh we're live what's our budget thousand you reckon max I think the insurance is probably gonna be about twelve hundred quid isn't it six hundred quid for a decent first car and you can probably knock it down a bit as well a 106 she's bought him it's in fondant so I grew up for it let's not go there one point one ski model only 23 left on the road apparently what does ski model major I think it means is white like snow all right here we go I know keep a fire on quid Enfield whoa what 21 year old wants to drive a rover 400 I think that we need to get into the mindset of being a 21 year old okay it better give me two minutes where are my scissors that's nice all right we've got the ripped jeans very fashionable I've got the bum bag they're 21 year olds we're at the moment and I don't know what 21 year olds usually have with them so I've gone for some very obviously everyone wears a flat cap and then no one wears a belt because 21 year olds clearly can't afford bills let's find a cash I'm impressed how about this is that all the work for us but when you buy that you have to declare all the months oh yeah of course having thought about ler I'm liking the look of these sallykaus and I know that a salika is cheaper to insure than a 1.6 Civic it can't be it is every ki that was gallon and is also cat day a sensible person would go out and get a Fiesta polo but we do want to mix up a little bit yeah I just think you're really mixing out you need like a prod you and nipper just some of you don't see something that's got a bit hmm jalisa quoi exactly yeah what did we say about Sachs those I said we said they're sick sick means good by the way I know what sick means you're 21 you should know are sick means no we say hang okay wait just cuz your occurs all right here you go getting it now no I don't have to do something Lydia's behind they coupe co-pays be looking at 1.6 is talita I just know from experience that they aren't loved Insurance Group pazzo 206 convertible my girlfriend's governor those well we'd look good in that six hundred and fifty quid Wow look at that it's a 1.9 but this is in there oh wow I mean that's been modified very tastefully Fiat coupe a 2-liter put it in the pile a week what I mean we got to do insurance this roll of it this one looks incredible so I've got something that I hadn't considered at all 2006 smart car one point one four four which means it's for four people I think it's worth it cool are you dropping mx-5s in we're doing with them XYZ she's mad I saw it there's a motto here 500 quid it's gone right ad head gasket needs finishing has that depleted that format so just want to be completely serious for a second honestly I'm wearing this cap driven to cure cap so there was a guy in America called Andrew who recently died of cancer we knew him he was a CT friend great guy and yeah now he's no longer with us but the driven to cure charity still lives on so yeah anyone who has time please have a look at the website and if you can donate a little bit of money anyway let's crack on so we come up with a little character piece very good for our 21 year old okay what's their name Pyle Matthews keep it simple we'll go with my birthday but as a 21 year old maybe they live in Bracknell what's their job Domino's Fair Domino's yeah I used to work at Domino's probably when I was about 21 well do they like vaping grime festivals basically just being scallywags yeah I'm gonna make a phone call hi there can I get I'm an insurance quite please for a Fiat coupe a without a black box three years ago six thousand pounds can we run another car yep what's six grand that's more than all the cars we've bought yeah yeah we'll go with prices with a box 2595 four so it's like I'm gonna go 1,600 may the 106 crates have loaded they're in I haven't seen them yet one one one eight one thousand one hundred but it's five hundred pounds so maybe 400 450 you get for it we might have like 300 quid to spend no we still got tax Oh okay why I have like 100 quid sir yeah I really thought that he'll make you pay would be doable I just know from experience that they are loved Insurance Group well dream world were you living it well no sex it is on ice so our short list of seven cars we can have one yeah apologies we we tried to find you a cool car and we didn't [Music] for the sake of trying to have more comparables I've just found a Volkswagen Polo 1.2 1475 oh no oh that's good our 106 is better than a polo do not mess this up this is possibly the only car on the planet right now but we can do this challenge with by the way my friend Jack has just given me your telephone number about your 106 that you've got for sale how's the gearbox engine clutch how much movement is there on the price are you available today all right leave it with me all them I'll give you a shout back and if we can make make it later then I'll give you a call back [Music] searching but we thought we'd go Wescoe Batman 5 I found one another 106 because neither edge I call it hot great sound exciting it has 28,000 miles away $28,000 for 1998 800 pounds the top of our budget God try to create someone yeah let's get food yeah let's do that I mean that doesn't look like a very handsome car was there I've got a little little thing I want to run by you Nathan found the car I think it's your turn from Mike Nicole I knew this was coming I think because time is of the essence here let's not lose a car well what do you guys think should he try it no the people have spoken hi there do you have a PI joke 106 what sale oh is it all good the engine good gearbox good I'm gonna be eligible I've got I've got a really strict budget at 600 pounds but I can come today actually come to straightaway and if I'm happier there I'll take it away from you in a couple of hours I can only do this I think my ultimate top line would be 700 if you could do that but that would really be stretching it change that was also look he's impressed as well very much them down 700 family-run business they're probably gonna cut our business to you okay well done well bother the scarring it's delicate well we've got a couple of options now thanks to Ethan's superb hacking skills one-and-done is their first take first-timers probably yeah it's so much for me so yeah we have two cars the one that Ethan found as very low mileage and it seems like legit as well 29,000 miles yeah and the most major thing on MOT photos of that has been like tire tread yeah by that it's nothing but the white one at some point not the last MIT MIT before that the guy on the phone did say he had done a lot of work but one most things was like excessive oil leaks and a whole number of mechanical issues that ones it's also a lot cooler this so the one that we should go for is the one that we think is going to be the most reliable that's what is anyway supposed to be a first car start arsenic it's going to be good but there is one that we actually prefer but we have to be a little bit sensible so yeah should we just jump in the car and see where it takes us I still really don't know which one is the best one to go for the green one is the sensible one it's it's newer etc etc but the white one is cooler but it's got more issues potentially a bit more retro months I know but the mrt history was a little bit suspect what a pickle we're in we are in a bit of a pickle a bit of a dial em was you know what we need to cool the car we do what do we need to call it tile of course it though it is it's called Kyle map ever just say Kyle so when we rock up to see this 106 do we just say we're here to see callback yeah Mobe space to go right there yeah I'm sorry Hart's wife it really is yeah when it comes to cars always follow you I don't think we'll ever go wrong yeah taking a look we'll go see this one first you've smashed oh yes waving it reverse reverse reverse oh that looks good here she is honest he isn't it yes Kyle Kyle math users name it's a 106 Jack so what we want is what the heart wanted we've got some cool little steelies yeah there are three stars they slid right over here oh look on the inside it's not really much to discuss it's there it's just it's just nice little hole it's seven o'clock we have two all right Leo come that should we go to Glastonbury so write a net Shekhar's raspy pretty that's what you want anyway we've got a man waiting in the wings the owner Ben so you've done a whole bunch of work this car quickly talk me through so I've done I bought the car very cheap off of a friend of mine and when I got the breaks did not work the exhaust was blowing very heavily the tires were basically plastic and it was almost unbelievable yeah I put a lot of time and love and labor get it back to where we are so I feel like it's quite nice we're buying a first car from someone who's 15 no it's good it's good to see that you've done all the work as well and it's possum MOT so it's got year MOT on it she'll go for a quick drive around yes all right then we just go for a quick quick cone just test the hammer and return i exhausted popping oh good popping a bad sounds decent already feel like I'm in a race car I always think that any car was one year MOT no matter what it is is worth 500 quid yeah if we can get something this nice and economical retro cool like this cheap Terron cheap to fix right so he wants how much how much she said what 450 450 I think he's done this before as well oh yeah you might struggle with getting him down he's worth a go yeah I'm gonna go 400 I've already bartered you down to 450 over the phone when you take 450 now what happens now if you do this distance now you aglow we're gonna drive 450 it is there you go I'll pay you in installments of one pound every month so now that coil Matthews is now officially ours I need to tax it think for six months it should be no more than 50 quid Oh 88 pounds so the total we've spent is one thousand six hundred and fifty six pounds and eighty eight pence Wow so we've come in way under budget imagine how many vaping sticks one could buy how many crime songs you could yeah and ripped jeans although I approved you don't need to buy them you just ripped them yourself well done us so we go home and hope that we don't right now so it's the next day and we're gonna take the 106 and do some suitable modifications like a 21 year old word and then I think after that we'll go and get some lunch yeah some healthy lunch yeah of course you're healthy 21 year old London yeah [Music] so young people really trying to keep their insurance down there limited a fair amount about what mods they can do right supposedly all thing like stickers subtle that's sexy I can't give me a review of this 106 Ethan just 23 years on can you believe POJO are still doing doing well 23 years old can you believe what you can get 450 pounds steering wheel wheels seats seat belts so guys what do you think of the pros and cons of Kyle Matthews I'm gonna start pro like fun cheap disposable con like fun surprisingly spacious very good it's a lack of safety features Jack it's just a 90s car so it's just gonna win every time yeah so no cuts no cons now pure love so we're going to go to get mods jackie-boy the only place you can in the UK [Music] car insurance tax cost us 1656 ATA modifications we spend 113 pounds 36 pence for a grand total we're two thousand pound budget one thousand seven hundred and seventy pounds twenty four pounds that's pretty good going so that leaves us over two hundred pounds for fuel lunch lunch probably alcohol because we're 21 we want to get battered shall we get water bikes we've got a lot of work to do [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go all mods done let's go and eat where any self-respecting 21 year old would yes yes yes that good job we've done well hmm he looks good he does and I feel 21 again I'll set more handsome it's been 30 years since you've been 21 anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the video see you next time music [Music] you see the trippy unfitted
Channel: Car Throttle
Views: 2,431,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: £2000 first car challenge, first car challenge, car challenge, first car, peugeot 106, toyota celica, hyundai coupe, fiat coupe, volkswagen polo, budget car, insurance, tax, alex kersten, car throttle, carthrottle
Id: uCrxtw4zNvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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