£100 Cheap Car For Spares or Repair Win £££ or Fail ???

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to the channel and a new video thank you everybody that got involved on the transit build we will be back on that later this week guys you would have noticed in sunday's video we bought a skoda and we actually bought it scrap he said what is this chris a fabia two or something i'm sure that's what it was called and it's got quite an horrible rattle coming from the engine tell you what chris instead of me going on started straight up we're trying to demonstrate it so it does that do you mate it to me it sounds like cammy it sounds really cammy you think it's a tensioner we can see it's got a new header tank in it guys you probably get a gist of me straight away going under the bonnet we don't plan on scrapping this car it's far too good to scrap so we are going to get a little bit involved and if it's not the cam then i should think we're going to have a good look at repairing it pull the belt off yeah the the actual car itself why chris is just going to pull the belt off i am just going to walk around it i did do it briefly in sunday's video but you can see yeah it's got a few key marks around it but it's actually very very tidy there's no rock there's no dents not really any dinks in it a bit of a scuff on the back bumper it's had a tow bar on it spare wheels missing but he's very very tidy just needs a good clean and just again sorry guys i flicked that far sex there was a log book there with the people's details on it well let chris get that belt off and we'll have a listen see if it's there's a couple of tensioners down now you've got the alternator air con pump so taking the belt off would actually it's not going to tell you what one of them it is but it is going to tell you that it is one of them if that noise quietens down is it reasonably easy oh he's got it off already we might as well stay with a long valve so i'll stay rolling let you start it up again to me it did sound camp like like the cam quite when they get worn they do sound cammy vehicles but yeah out the way mate [Music] rip it up a bit higher yeah that's got it yeah that has got it so it's one of these danny you've got the auto let me just move that torch it keeps falling you've got the alternator let's have a listen [Music] if you can stay dead silent and spin that chris people be able to hear it yeah the bearing's worn out on that and there's one underneath it as well that's worn out down there there's another tensioner there yeah it's a bit noisy that one what we got in the back water pump yeah water pumps at it oh is it oh there's your job there you go guys that's the noise oh they're probably all three knee changing that's all there they let's order up the bit see how much they are for it we don't want to go crazy and spend loads of money on it like i said we bought it as a scrap car and it was scrap money we give for it so if it only needs a water pump which let's have a look chris oh the water pump's actually bolted on the back there so just bought this bolt into the block right let's ring up and get a price on all the bits off the phone to the motor factors and the bits was all very reasonably priced so we've ordered a water pump they haven't actually got it in at the moment two tensioners for it and a new v belt as well so they're gonna give me a call once that comes in this afternoon and we'll head around there and pick it up in the meantime chris is actually going to start the process of stripping all those tensioners and that water pump off and the reason why we kind of want to do that now there is a couple of water pumps listed for it so at least if i've got it in my hand when i go around there you can open it up in the box compare it while you're there and then there's there's no problem you know it's the right one for the car so fingers crossed they get that in soon and then we'll be able to put it back [Music] together [Music] do [Music] a little bit of work there chris done that he had to remove the engine mount and then it's just a bolt pretty much in the end of the pulleys isn't there and the water pump was four bolts i can see so he has put the engine mount back on so it's stable there for a moment here is the water pump first of all we listen to that that's absolutely toast that is sure is there any signs of it been leaking around the front well it looks like it's got um some of this uh water dye on it yeah we did notice it has got a new editing on it so as you have problems in the past definitely yeah and then the pulley itself as well there's two of these both a little bit a snack yeah they're knackered as the other one sounds the same so basically it's all of that stuff's failed the pulley the water pump both pulleys they'll start to go yeah that's what it's as well you normally when you squeeze it yeah you can see it's all cracked and brittle so it needed doing anyway and we're probably well what we know we're now doing this car this car's not getting scrapped is it so it is too good so we're going to be doing that and also we're going to be doing oil and filter because because of how bad that is i mean we don't know when it was last done the airfield was under i'll tell you what let's whip that air filter out and have a quick look at it and then we will see if it is overdue a service but i would think it is with all that christie just mentioned to me there guys slight change of plan i've got to pop around in a minute and get these bits i'm sure they'll be there by now and he just said let's not get ahead of ourselves and he's dead right oil filter air filter we don't want to spend i mean that's already going to be expensive a little bit of expense for a water pump the pulleys and the belt chris just said rob it's been off the road since january it was sat in their garden let's just get the mechanical side of it done there make sure it all runs nice of course we're going to give it a bit of a check over and actually take it for an mot before we go down the route of oil oil filter air filter etc so i'll head round and pick up them bits for it and in the meantime chris you're gonna actually crack on and give it a little bit of a spruce up inside i mean even taking it for an mot we wouldn't take a dirty car it needs over and out and cleaning just show it a bit of loving it actually looks like it's overdue like i said it's been sat since january in a garden so it's got quite dirty chris will crack on and do that i'll go around and get the bits [Music] i actually had to pop back to the yard and then pop back round here again there is two of these water pumps and it was for a different engine so i've just double checked it and this time it is bang on we've got the v belt and the tensioners as well you'll see on that little bit of time lapse i just did chris got a bit carried away with cleaning that car up he's just sent me that when i went back so we're gonna head back now hopefully he's finished that we can get all this fitted because i have booked that car in for an [Music] mot [Music] i didn't want to show it too in depth because you have seen us strip these out before but look at the difference guys it did get carried away he's had the seats out scrubbed all the carpets give all the seats a nice clean over and as you can see all the door panels it just looks a completely different car inside now so we've got about an hour and a half before the mot i've just laid out all the bits chris is getting ready there we need to get the water pump get all them belts back on we know that that has solved the problem so we get that bled up and then hopefully get it over for an mot but as for a wash outside chris i'm thinking long as it passes the mot i'll actually take it down the car wash and get them to do it that way there's all the windows inside and out how much time we've got yeah see how much time we've got now we're getting on with it but for now let's get that new water pump fitted we're down to it chris has fitted the new water pump you can see the new belts on there new idler new tensioner and we're ready to fire it up we think well we we are the the other water pump so ready mate yeah it's a lot better yeah solved it we know that a couple of the tyres are quite low that one there looks okay and that one there looks okay but this side you can see that one is quite low so got our fingers crossed that they have got enough on them to get it mot because like i say he's got mot in probably 30 minutes and i'll need to get there chris is just going around checking everything over we've topped up the water as well so that may drop down a little bit due to the fact that the water pump's been off and the excess water that was in there and in the system may have all drained down in fact he had a try under it and there is a bit of water in that so all good mate no leaking let's get it over for an m.o.t i've just done it oh it's gone down again yeah yeah we'd top that up again i'll get going unbelievable guys actually you couldn't make it up it actually fouled the mot and me and chris checked all of the lights quickly before we left topped the washers up and it actually had a light bulb out and i said to him can you put one in it and he said he can't do it until the mot is finished so then put a light bulb in it and it has now passed its mot but not without its advisories the tyre is one close to the legal limit but i think we yeah did i mention that before we even left but the other thing is actually a coolant leak and he said to me i'll chuck it back on the ramp and i'll show you where it is and it's one of the pipes on the back of the engine and it looks like let me just turn this camera around it looks like the metal clip that goes random one of those little spring clips is actually eating into the pipe and it's no longer securing it but it does look like it's quite a long slack pipe so we should be able to remove that clip cut the pipe back slightly and then put a clip back on it but apart from that it's now got years mot and the more it's as soon as i started driving out the yard and it warmed up a little bit it did still sound a little bit tappy but it sounds perfect now so it's probably just overdue well overdue an oil change and a service so let's head back to the yard and give chris the good news [Music] a little bit of a surprise f chris when i got back he said it certainly didn't look like that before you left it just made sense to go around there for a tenner they've given it a proper wash they've cleaned all the door shuts and of course most importantly they've done all the glass so it does look really really nice and respectable now i think you would agree so we got that little tiny water leak which we're going to address no problem and i said to chris now it has passed an mot and we're quite happy we do want to service it so i've got a whip round we're going to do oil oil fill our airfield i'd go through it and check everything but the one thing i did notice when i was driving it the brakes are horrible guys when you hit the brakes the steering wheel shaking everywhere sorry i was doing an action there and shaking my phone everywhere but the steering wheel is really shaky and wobbly and we when i got back i told chris and we had to look at the pads and you can probably just about see that pad in there and it's really unevenly worn they look almost new and on the back end here it still looks new but on the front end it's actually half worn chris had a little feel with these discs and said that i've got quite a big ridge on them and it's just where people hit the brakes on off the brakes they get too hot they warp but that disc is pretty worn out so what we're actually going to do is a lovely car is we are going to go right through it and we're going to do discs and pads as well the only other thing i think i'm sure i meant maybe i mentioned it i can't remember if i did or not we got no spare wheel that's actually missing so we're going to replace that as well because you know you don't want to get a punch i go to the boot and there's no spare wheel in there so i'm just going to whip around and get them bits now because we'd really like to get this nipped in the bud and all completely finished in this video let's do it [Music] [Music] just walk through the gate then i can always and i said skoda fabia spare wheel when he said we've just had one coming rod 59 reg a state car i can see it behind there so fingers crossed that's got our spare wheel in it i don't actually think we need any other parts for the car got the discs and pads just pick them up service kit got that so fingers crossed we get a spare wheel out of this i look about the same size see how we get on it did have a spare wheel in the back of it guys so we got lucky there and it was just a tenner it is just a cheap steel but it's perfect for a spare exactly what you need it's better than not having one that's for sure chris you would have seen on that little piece of time lapse stripped all of the brake discs and pads off while was out and he's wound the pistons back as well so they're ready to receive their new pads and discs i've got one of the old discs here they're not the worst we've seen but they do have quite a nasty lip on them all the way around and like i said one of these is warped because when i was breaking the whole the steering wheel was going like that wobbling so we got nice new ones here and it was inexpensive i mean it's lucky we have been able to spend a few pounds on this car but that's purely down to the fact that we did only give that 100 pound for it i was going to save the price till the numbers but you'll see it in the title so chris how are we looking for finishing this and crunching the numbers today we get done won't we we're going to crack on and actually get this finished and then we can crunch the numbers and this want to be a wrap let's get on [Music] that's the discs and pads all done both sides chris is going to stay out here in the sun getting a tan i'm not sure he's doing much he's just out of getting a tan no he's chris is going to change the oil and filter again doesn't take two of us i'm gonna be inside editing this video i'm getting uploaded and uh crunching the numbers so we're pretty much nearly there with it now and guys drop it in the comments section down below what do you think was that worth doing i definitely think it was and chris does as well it really has turned out to be a nice little car i just bought it outside to do a nice thumbnail of it and thought we'd have a little look around it now it is complete we haven't gotta do we have got one more little job to do on it but we get into that right at the end when i crunch the numbers in a minute but new discs new pads and would you believe that engine is actually now running it's so quiet now it's had a service and it's got them new that new belt that new water pump on it i think it's got a couple of water marks on it where i did have it washed and then drove it home but apart from that this is a very clean presentable car and i know now it's gonna drive a hundred percent with those front brakes fixed there's nothing worse than warp discs i was trying to hide the back of my truck there guys but i know you're all going to notice the fiesta's on the back of it it is finally off to paint so no point me trying to hide it what a lovely little car let's go inside and crunch the numbers nice little video there all in one day only one video on it which was pretty much i think the last time we managed to do a video like this was on the honda hrv next week or the rest of this week's going to be very very busy and we got quite long on next week as well so we got some some bits coming up but of course now it is time for everybody's favorite bit like i said let me know if you think it was worth it guys i think after this you would agree it definitely is so we give a hundred pound for that we put 40 pound in my truck me and chris went off and got it the water pump plus idlers 140 pound quite expensive but it was a cheap car so you've got to spend the money the belt itself was 20 pound again that's probably reasonable for one of them mot was 40 plus i haven't written down here i forgot it was five pound for that headlight bulb fuel for the car it was almost empty so i stopped and put 10 pound in it the car wash we only got him to do the outside so that was another 10 pound brake discs and pads 58 quid that was cheap for them they all obviously they're not volkswagen they're what all the motor factors sell the aftermarket service kit 39 pound that car only holds 3.6 liters of oil or 3.8 i can't remember exactly but it wasn't a lot so we got just a one gallon can uh the wheel from ken auto salvage the spare wheel was ten pound and the last bit we haven't actually done chris is out there now doing the oil and filter i wanted to get it done and we don't need to recall that you've all seen this do that before and like the van you can't really show it the air conditioning in that car does not work now you hear the compressor cut in or i think you can hear it cut him when you turn it on so with aircon really the three main things that it could be is your air conditioning rad which is your condenser the compressor which is bolted on the front of the engine and it's driven by the belt and also the gas so it's not going to be all free but i've looked on ebay an air condenser is just shy of 50 pound and air compressor is just shy of 50 pound and you know that we pay 50 pound to have a car gassed up cars don't normally lose their gas there normally is an issue so and 9 times out of 10 it is actually the condenser because your condenser is located in front of your actual water radiator and that's why for those of you guys i appreciate quite a lot of people already know so please don't be offended but for those of you guys that don't know all the grills in the front of your car the air blows through there it goes through the air comrade the condenser and then into your water rad so what we've done is if everything was wrong with it it'd be 150 if it's one thing it's going to be 50. so what we actually did was allowed 100 so and we allowed 100 because if you take the air com if it's got gas in it that's got to be taken out and reclaimed then you've you gotta have it put back in so whatever it is to repair it's gonna be 50 pound and then it's going to be 50 pounds put the gas back in it so we've put down 100 pound for that because this time of year that does want doing in the winter you can get away of it this time of year it's a big no i'm driving my little van at the moment and i'm paying for it when i went and got those transit bits i'm not going to waffle on too much but when i went to get those transit bits the other day i got stuck at the dart for across him for 40 minutes by both windows down and it was scorching hot air con is a must so that is going to be the end of the little video the video what i will say i should have put it on there price what we're going to ask for the car we was just having a little chat about it and a look it was very cheap total price 567. we just see one on there done 150 000 and it's on for 17.95 so 14.95 maybe does that sound about right guys let me know in the comment section down below i'm gonna chuck the trade plates in it i may even tax it and i am gonna do a couple of hundred miles in it and then once i've done that we'll put it up for sale so if you haven't already please consider subscribing turn on the notification bell check out the that's enough waffle t-shirt the link is in the description and we'll see you later in a week for the next one
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 154,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skoda, Fabia, VRS, Fail, Win, Cheap, bargain, MOT, scrap, Challenge, #salvagerebuildsuk, estate
Id: xemu8h3JFnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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