¡EN ESTE LUGAR NUNCA SALE EL SOL! 😨 ¡La CIUDAD más al NORTE del mundo! Svalbard

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Here we have a completely normal street for vehicles but here there is a lane not for bicycles not for motorcycles but it is a lane only for snowmobiles No I do look like a bear guys from a distance it scared me a little but do you think it's a The bear looks like a polar bear in different parts of the city. You see signs like this one that warn you that it is a polar bear area and they cannot pass beyond it. Because there is a threat of being attacked by a bear pool just 100 km from the North Pole. It is located the northernmost city in the world, such a remote region in the world where there are more polar bears than humans, a city where all its inhabitants are prohibited from leaving the settlement without a rifle due to the high threat of being attacked by polar bears. and the most impressive of all, a city in the world where it is always night in this adventure I have brought you to know longer bayen located in the remote archipelago of the sbar islands, this is located in the glacial Arctic sea north of the European continent Leren in Norway is undoubtedly a city of extremes, here you experience the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun where during the summer months you can experience up to 24 hours of continuous light, meaning that it will always be daytime and in the winter right in the season where that we are in at this moment, the opposite occurs: 24 hours of complete urity between mid-November and the end of January, the residents of this city will not see a single ray of sun at any time of the day and this is what they call the night. polar but How does this happen? The polar night is caused by the inclination of the Earth's axis, which means that the sun does not reach a sufficient height to appear above the horizon, so direct light does not reach the regions closest to the poles. And in this case, the islands of Bvar are the northernmost city in the world. At this time, the sun never rises in Longer Bayen. In winter, the average temperature ranges from -13 gr to -2 gr cel, reaching feel even colder due to the thermal sensation, however, although it is always night for its approximately 2,500 inhabitants, life here happens normally, there are schools, universities, supermarkets, shops, hotels, restaurants and even a shopping center and all this daily life happens normally without the sun coming out. Having said that, come with me to discover this cold but very curious city. Let's see how life develops here where it's night all day long. Let's go. What's up , guys? Good morning or I don't know whether to say good night because right now it seems like it's nighttime. But the day is just beginning, it is only approximately 88:30 in the morning and look how completely dark the day is and right now my brain is trying to analyze what is happening, how can it be dark if it is 8 in the morning, we have decided to start the adventure here I don't know if you can see that sign that has a large photo of a polar bear and we start the adventure here because from this signage it warns you that polar bears cannot take even one more step if they do not take They use a rifle to defend themselves from the attacks of polar bears. That's why if you decide to go further, you have to do it with a local person who has a rifle to defend yourself from these threats. Oops, my mouth is very sleepy, guys, because we're about to get cold. a powerful minus 20 of thermal sensation Ugh freezing plus the wind that hits my face is freezing me worthy of Polar Bear Land so let's not say more Let's start today's adventure by getting to know the northernmost city in the world that as first curious fact I'll tell you there are more polar bears than humans So let's go Well guys it's the other way because I won't go any further I'm not going to make a polar bear come out and in fact in different parts of Balbar there are signs like this one that says you must be prepared to find polar bears anywhere in es balbar polar bear attacks can be fatal you must arm yourself correctly if you go outside the settlement So be careful with this before coming here I did a little research on these cases of polar bears and no I'm not lying to you I feel a little bit afraid because everything is dark it looks completely dark and and I don't know I feel like It's like they were stalking me But this polar bear sighting is quite rare, it's not like it happens every day, it's not even like it happens every month, in fact there have been cases where polar bears have entered and attacked people but it's not let it always pass but as a precaution in different parts of the city You see signs like this one that warn you that it is a polar bear area and beyond that they cannot pass Because there is a threat that a polar bear will attack them I come back and repeat, it is a percentage quite low but it always exists depending on the hotel you stay in or if you visit a museum, a tourist place, you will find a map like this here they show you all the tourist places you can visit and they also mark the safe area here I show you how You can see the map of the city and if you look closely around the city, they have marked in a dotted way the safe zone everything that is inside those lines because you can be there quietly, but the areas that are outside those lines are They are the ones that are most in danger as first impressions. In the few hours that we have been getting to know the city, I have almost noticed. Well, if not, throughout the city the pipes are above ground level and not only that, the houses and hotels are also built. Above the ground level is the land, we can call it a small space and then there is the construction, that is, a house, if it is a school, if it is a hotel, if it is a restaurant. And the reason why they build them like this is It is due to permafrost, for those who are wondering, what is permafrost, I summarize it, it is a layer of ice that is on the ground due to the low temperatures in this city. Well, this layer of ice never melts, approximately 60 7% of Long bayen is on a layer of ice that is why the pipes and constructions are made on the ground because due to the temperatures in winter this layer of ice grows it tends to rise a little and in summer it melts and the level of this layer of ice It drops a little that's why if you build directly on the ground it's going to slow down the construction because the ice level of this perma Frost that I told you is going up is going down So that answers the question why the pipes Why all the Houses are built above ground level is because of that, I don't know if you can see through the screen how hard the ground is, completely ice, permafrost, it is called the layer of ice that has been freezing for more than 2 years This thing that comes here surely carries more Because it seems that it never melts and now we have arrived at what seems to be the Central Plaza of the entire city, here is the supermarket, shops, the commercial center of the city and a lot of restaurants, that is why If you look here there is a large vehicle parking lot, it is normally fuller but it is already quite late vehicles over there vehicles over here more over here the Central Plaza of the town could not be missed and walking here in the center of the city we find what seems like being the shopping center of leren, it surprises me that even in the northernmost city in the world there is a shopping center, let's go in and see what we can find, come with us and let's give it a try. Well, we are here clothing stores, imagine that all the people in the city of come here to buy Sit down a souvenir in case you want to buy a souvenir some photograph of someone around here we have more clothing stores and the thing is that Well we are in winter almost all the stores that you are going to see here are related to that coats here we have pants for the snow we have snow shoes and eye that it has a second floor We're going to go see it look and in the middle of the shopping center there is a snowmobile yes in Latin America There are cars sometimes in the shopping centers in the middle part here in the northernmost city in the world there are snowmobiles a restaurant here we go here to the second level I was not going to stay curious to see what we could find here here we are going to see more clothing stores here we see that they sell fur You see Reno here and well around here it seems like everything is quiet here there are a few stores under maintenance around here we also have a sale of books Ah No, look, all the books are free so I imagine that one can come grab one freely and take one home free of charge here we also have some small rest areas to read there We have the bathrooms let's see what else is there here we also have a Yes look it's like a massage business to crack So you feel stressed you already know where to come and we have practically given the complete Tour in the longer bayen shopping center which we could also say the northernmost shopping center From all over the world, previously the main source of work in Leren was mining. And you can see that highlighted in different parts of the city, you can see the traces of what at one time was the largest income in this city, but with the passing of time time that has been changing. Nowadays, the majority of people in the city, being the northernmost city in the world, are dedicated to tourism, which is why in different parts of the city they are able to See hotels travel agencies. tourism luxury restaurants and gormet food and perhaps Highlight that in addition to tourism they are also dedicated to scientific research, which is why here also in Leran is the northernmost university in the world that I am going to show you in Briefly, something that I have noticed when I was in the restaurant, visiting some museums, walking around the city a little, you can see people of different nationalities, not only people who are from Norway. Approximately 2,300 people live on the islands. Well, it's not just over 61. km cu according to a 2019 census, in addition to Norwegians, there are nationalities from 50 different countries and reading a little on some of the signs that appear in different parts of the city says listen to me carefully, almost 2000 people are foreigners. That means that the margin of Norwegians would only be 500 and the other 2000 are people who come to live here since look as a curious fact, you do not need a visa to come here and if you come to work you can come to the islands of Bvar and work indefinitely, that is, when you You come, you decide When you want to go, this Chiago is made up of several islands, it is not just the city of Longer Bayen. It has a total of nine islands, of which three are the ones that are inhabited, Speed ​​Island, Bergen, Bear Island, and Hoopen, the town. larger would be longer bayen where we have been in this video with 2000 inhabitants but a little further north is not even found, there are approximately 30 inhabitants who live here permanently which makes it the place inhabited by civilians closest to the North Pole and around Of 500 people live in the burbur capital, this is how it is completed The 2,500 human beings that inhabit it is balbar Although those 2,500 humans are nothing Compared to the 3,000 stones that surround all those lands, a rather curious fact but at the same time a little scary, imagine if Each bear decided to attack a human, what a fear, as a fact that I thought was important to mention is how the population is divided on the Balbar Islands, well look, there are only two main cities in the entire archipelago, one is Bar Bur, which is under control. Russian and ler bayen that is under Norwegian rule and look in this part of the world What the tricycles are like, they are totally adapted to the snow Well in that case they would not be tricycles They would be like snow sleds and we move forward a little further we find the post office here if you want to send a message, a letter, a package, I imagine that they solve all of this here, here on this street you will find, for example, look here we have the house of culture and inside there is a library, this would also be the city library for those who want to go read or find out about some information and look honestly. I am surprised that right now that we are walking along what would be the most main street since most of the businesses are located here, it is already 3 in the afternoon the night continues and it is not Almost no one sees and look around here, more toys for children are like adapted Nieves motorbikes that have been made like this in the form of a toy and I come back and we repeat with Sofi here they are not electric cars but they are like those Little motorbikes like toy snowmobiles but just like sleighs, here we find the Radison Blue hotel, which I have found in almost every corner of Norway and well, it couldn't be needed here in the northernmost city in the world and look at a toy snowmobile. snow instead of a car Well here Oh no here also another snowmobile while we have been walking here in the city I have noticed that there are vehicles but I have noticed that there are more snowmobiles than vehicles I don't know if it is my perception or what, but you can even see complete parking lots of these snowmobiles among another fact to highlight from here of longer bayen is that it only has 46 km of road, this entire road that you see here reaches a point where it ends and that is, look at a Curious fact, driving off the roads is strictly prohibited, that is to say, the moment the asphalt runs out you can no longer pass by car, but if you look at different points in the city we find snowmobiles and those can pass. So how alternative, snowmobiles are used in winter and boats in summer to go beyond the area that covers the 46 km of road Well guys, it's time to eat something after a great adventure getting to know longer Bayen, we've come to what we It seems to be one of the most popular restaurants in the area, it's called that's what you hear, that's what it's called and look, yesterday we stopped by to visit it because it's right in front of our stalls, we ordered a spicy burger and a two-double burger. meats But today we did decide to try something really local here, we ordered a rich and delicious whale meat because of the presentation because it doesn't look like much, it even looks gourmet but look. They tell me here that it is a style called linstrom for Those who know about cooking should know what it will be and Sofi ordered reindeer meat here. So we decided to try something more local and more from the area because it was to live the experience to the 100. Wait, I'm going to try the whale meat here now. live guys So you can see that here we don't mess around with things come here a little cut piece wish me luck guys good luck mm It's good maybe the only difference I notice between beef or beef is that whale meat is more or less of this color, a fairly red color and that is the cooking well done sof maybe there he gave it a taste opinions of the whale meat that is a 10 no there and the one from Reno is also a 10 passed notice that I feel Maybe because of the way they cook it, some people may think that it tastes bad, and also because of the sauce they put in it, the reindeer sauce came with a wine sauce and yours came with the whale sauce as well. with a mushroom sauce, they accompany it here as with onion with potatoes, quite delicious with mushrooms. This is the craziest thing I have ever tried and, being in the northernmost city in the world, I couldn't miss it . Here we are also going through a incredible place for me this one that you see here is the university of bvar which as a curious fact also guys the northernmost university in the world has approximately 300 students who are also dedicated to studying scientific research alongside this university is the Bvar Museum which is closed at this time in which we have come, if you are watching this video and plan to come here, I will tell you that it will be open from February 1 and look at more snowmobiles here, we could say that In Es Balbar there are no traditional motorcycles that we all know, but here what reigns are the Ufa snowmobiles. How crazy and you see that I play it and the alarm sounds next destination for those who want to know the history of Balbar de Longer Bayen I feel that It is ideal that you visit the museum of the expedition to the North Pole since this is almost a mandatory visit to understand the entire history of this place. Now we are going to go in and see what we can find. Be careful, they open it only until 5 in the afternoon so that when Come, don't come late and miss out on visiting it. Let's go for lovers of history and museums, this place cannot be left out. The list of visits enalbar this museum tells you the stories of the expeditions to the northern town mainly with airships but it also tells you about the trips that were made with other means of transportation such as skis, dog sleds and also by bar. The museum is divided into two floors and this exhibits old documents newspapers documents as well as original photographs and films from the expeditions historical artifacts letters and many other things. It took us approximately 2 hours to tour the entire museum and the entrance price is 150 Norwegian crowns, which would be approximately between 14 to 15 Look, this construction machine is very small but curious. I don't know what it has but it has something different. It's like one of those machines that have excavator shovels but in miniature to give you an example of the size it has. Sofi is going to go and catch up with the machine, see, Sofi. It's not that she's that big, she's 1.50 but 1.55, not 1.55, but I found it curious because I had never seen a construction machine this small, among others. One of the things that I found curious is that look here we have a completely normal street for vehicles but here there is a lane not for bicycles not for motorcycles but it is a lane only for snowmobiles I don't know if you can see through the camera the tracks that several snowmobiles have passed through here so this would be the lane for snowmobiles and here would be the lane for vehicles I better get out of the way I 'm not going to make a snowmobile come at maximum speed and pass me lifting Let's go and I think that now we are officially being defeated by the cold, the thermal sensation I feel is even stronger because with Sofi the wind is hitting us, the wind is hitting us directly in the face, Sofia has her hair there almost like in the entire face but Ugh let's go look for a place to feel like when Sponge took the pizza order with Squidward they go like this yes the wind is quite strong let's go look for a little bit of movement if it moves you So yes It weighs a little, it's going to move like this from one side to the other. Let's go for a hot coffee, a chocolate, whatever it is, but hot, we have to look for a little shelter because it's too cold . Look, we found this nice place called Husky Coffee. I read some I looked on the internet and it's one of the best-known places here in the Neer Bayen because well I understand that there are hosky dogs, let's see if it's true ad I came in mononos because it's cold like that, I honestly can't stand it Oh no, it's so warm here Oh, don't you Aunt's mouth was asleep and well r you too Sofi it looks like you've spent like a month on the beach I really want to see I look like I'm tanned like Donald Trump Ah I look very red like my nose and my back like that of the mus like Donald Trump well And like every business here they have to put their boots on their Well, whether it's their boots or also their pikes I think they were called this one I don't remember the name Exactly but these spikes I don't know if you remember they were the ones shoes that I told you that they have here as a kind of nails to avoid slipping here I feel that they have worked well because the ground is quite frozen So they have to leave them here before entering and then we go for that coffee today yes we are already here We recovered from that quite cold weather with a hot chocolate here we ordered a Sofi hot chocolate there we also ordered a hot Chai tea and here a biscuit cake the price in total 160 crowns wheels but you know guys we are in Norway and here everything It's expensive because it was just unnecessary Because if we continue out there for more minutes we'll freeze, look how the main attraction of this place is that in the entire store, in the entire restaurant, in the entire cafeteria, they are probing, three two little huskies are roaming around, they don't I have counted exactly but for dog lovers, especially hoskies, I feel that this place would be good. Look here, I think I have one behind me, there, my friend. How nice and look. For cat lovers, I unfortunately have a bad one. news Sofi is cat lover but I tell you that here in Bál it is prohibited Cats in fact since 1900 92 it has been prohibited to bring cats to this archipelago so that the feline population does not alter the ecosystem of the islands in all Bbar according to the last census there are only five cats and look how lucky we were walking through the town and a beautiful orora B is shown here in the background. I don't know if you can see it just behind the mountains, even though there is a lot of light pollution, it can be seen perfectly in this video. We are going to pay so much attention to the auroras because in fact we already have a video completely just about that if you want to see it. I will be leaving them at the end of this video or else here below in the description you will be seeing the link so that you can see it and since we are talking about hotels I am going to show you the hotel in which we stayed, it is called hotel sparbar de bow, it is located in the heart of longer bayet right in front of the main square that I just told you. show where the supermarket is, restaurants, the shopping center. So look, I'm going to show it to you quickly so that you know what the hotels are like here in the northernmost city in the world. Let's take a hotel in this quite remote area. As first impressions, one might think that they are quite simple but there is not even a radison hotel here where we stay first when entering you have to take off your shoes they leave them there like on small shelves here all the people leave them because it is a hotel in which you cannot use the shoes inside the Hotel. Then they have to leave them in these ones that you see here and then they go to the reception to check in and then they are going to locate which room they are going to stay in. Look at the very beautiful, quite elegant hallways and here we have it the room, when you are here they give you these little shoes so you can put them on and walk like this, they are like some slippers so that the Andes in the hotel, over here, look, let's go with the Tour quickly, a little mirror over here, over here, they put you like some cups some glasses to drink water they give you a coffee maker a small trash can here Here we have what is the ideal bed for two people here good thing is that the room itself is not so big but it has the essential thing is a television here a chair at the In the background , the heating here and another chair here in the back, also here, they put a small table for you so you can put your things and here in the back we have the bathroom, the toilet, the shower here, and if we turn around here we have a mirror. with the sink for the girls, Ojito also has a dryer So today it is time to rest I will see it shortly Let me rest for a few hours Oh and I will see it in another time and then one of the questions that many will surely have How You reach the northernmost city in the world at least. We took a flight from the city of Tromso that lasted approximately an hour and a half and then we landed without any problem, there was no turbulence, there was no type of wind snowfall. No rain at all despite how remote this city is also as first impressions at the airport many people took photos I thought that few people were going to come to this city but it turns out that it is a fairly large tourist spot here in Norway many people taking photos here taking photos there already inside the airport completely full Here I leave you a little bit of what we recorded there so let's go But what if you look officially we have landed healthy and with almost no turbulence Super calm In fact I thought that because Being further north was going to be more of a trip, a more eventful trip, but it turns out that there are even more people coming than other destinations in Norway. Yes, because the plane was super full and it was a big one. Right now we are just waiting for our suitcase to come out and We see that it is completely full as first impressions what a piece of god there is at the entrance A decorative ornament there that gives you the entrance back right now we just wait for the suitcase and leave let's go another really important question is how does one transfer from the Airport to the center of balbar well look When you leave the airport you will meet two three buses that will be outside. Oh well, what you have to do is ask the person on the bus if he is going to the hotel that you have reserved. In our case we ask him If you were going to the bowel bar hotel and they said yes, then you have to ask the bus people if they are going to your hotel and if they say no, they are going to the next bus and ask them and when you find the bus that takes you to your hotel they only get on and the price to take them to the hotel is approximately 10 11 d here I will be leaving you the exact information and don't worry they leave them right in front of the hotel and now that we are in the room I will take the opportunity to show you How do people dress in these very low temperatures that even reach -20 -25 in the worst situations of thermal sensation. Look the trick here is to dress in layers right now what you see here would be the first layer that is thermal clothing these Legends that Come here, they are thermal, you can see it very tight, but that's the joke: you tighten up a little so that the heat stays on your skin, and then we're going to use the next layer, and here we have the second layer. I use a joger. You can wear some pants that are a little warmer and on top we use a thicker sweater, I use I don't know if you can see what the fabric is like, but warm and well, that's how the second layer would look. But let's go with the third one. This would be the most important since this is the one that does not allow the cold to penetrate directly into the body. In my case I am wearing pants that they call windbreakers, which makes the fabric waterproof and inside it has like a little sponge that makes it Also the wind does not pass to your body either and when the wind passes let's say to your legs it makes you quite cold in that area but pants like these and a permeable windbreaker will not allow the wind to pass. From this area we then have the scarf I'm the one who puts on the scarf first, there are people who put it on later, it's a matter of each person, there are people who put it on one way or another, I personally put it on like that, guys, it's not like that's the way to put on the scarf. scarf, that's how I put it on and here we have the last thing. Look, this is a jacket but inside it is already covered with feathers. This is going to be the last barrier that is going to keep you warm. Basic, we already have the neck covered, the torso. legs and on the head a hat that is quite thick. There are jackets like these that already come with a hat like that, so that's enough. But I don't like them so much, I prefer to wear a hat like This is it, I look like this, a little inflated with several layers but The thing is that this last Barrera is the last jacket has feathers that make you feel as if you were a paborreal as if you were a berza from the cold and finally look at the gloves you can use the ones that best suit you. I have two models here that I wanted to show you. Personally, I feel that these ones that are like wool are warmer, but there are also these others. I don't know if you can see the material they are made of. I don't know if you can see the material that your fingers have. This one allows you to use the phone while you have it. the gloves because Look, the cold enters a lot through the hands so you have to protect yourself a lot, don't do what I do, in some situations I take off the gloves but it's mostly to maneuver the camera Because sometimes I have a hard time with the gloves But this is They are used to be able to use the phone without having to take off your gloves and for those who don't have anything, it is a little more difficult but be careful with that and look at the bottom of my shoes, I wear about three socks to go out in the snow It is advisable to use shoes that have something like a high boot. I use these that also have, I don't know if you can see here that they have something like a taunt. This type of shoe is used to walk in the snow without slipping and as I mentioned, 60% of them Longar Bayen territory is completely lined with ice So these shoes are essential and Well guys This is the ideal outfit to go out in temperatures Quite cold, I clarify, I use three layers because it is quite cold, it all depends on the level of tolerance that one has for the cold. If you are not that cold, you can use one less layer and even if it gets colder, you can use one more layer, so good. What do you think of the typical outfit here in sub-zero temperatures? Let's continue as one of the most common activities here in Es Balbar and also one of the most popular is to hire a tour to see some points of interest in the city. We decided to hire one and in this It takes you to visit different parts of the city such as the old coal mines and the seed bank at the end of the world, which I'm going to show you. Ugh, it's getting cold. Look at part of the tour. I think today we will water it by not bringing it. Gloves yesterday Yesterday it wasn't so cold but today we made the mistake of not wearing them because we were a little overconfident, but look, in the Tour they take you to curious places, even now we made a small stop because I want to show you this part that you see On the screen it would be like a field where they feed the huskies, which are quite common in this area. That is like a feeding field but different. The guide told me that they do not usually feed the huskies with chicken or any type of meat because that It attracts polar bears. So they get them used to eating seeds, so all of this that you see here would be the hosky's feeding field. I don't know if you can see those small containers there. They feed them and we also saw a hosky there that got in. So that thing understand that it also works as his house What happened I look at you cold to give you an idea from T side to give you an idea the beach here is not a normal beach it is a beach of pure blocks of ice and for those who wonder how dark It is here that a ray of light really comes out because the greatest amount of sun that you are going to see is that small remnant of light in the sky, from there you are not going to see more right now we were a little lucky that a cloud cleared it up But this is the most light that you can find here in n balbar , look at something that I was going to tell you about these tours that are highly recommended for those who want to know more about the city and more about the history of s bvar and that is that if they look recommendable, don't forget your gloves Because the cold is incredible, one of the most touristic spots that people want to visit here is the World Seed Bank of Bvar. And if there were some world event where the existence of humanity would be endangered, this place would serve as a normal bank, only that not of money but of seeds here a portion of each seed in the world is kept, let's say a couple so we can say that here are all the seeds of the world kept in this vault that they call the seed vault or the vault of the end of the world in case at some point something like this happens, it becomes extinct in seed plants, well, you can already have a shelter here with this, but right now it seems that We have reached a point where the tour minibus cannot continue moving. So you have to walk to the vault in case you want to take a photo or video as a souvenir because it is about 2 TR minutes walking So be careful with that so guys here behind my back we have the vault at the end of the world, it's crazy if you take a look around here Look at the beautiful design, it looks ideal to solve a world catastrophe but unfortunately you cannot enter it, it is like a vault that is half buried in the mountain one cannot enter but you can only see it from afar and well, taking advantage of the historical and epic moment in the channel guys Visiting the Bvar seed vault, here I leave the photo as a souvenir But if the cold is taking over us now, I think that now I have a good coffee because there is a lot of wind so I think that is what makes it feel Badly, it does make the cold feel more due to the thermal sensation and taking advantage of the fact that we are in a little care, I almost fell. Taking advantage of the fact that we are almost finishing the Tour, I tell you that the only way to get to know places like this, like the Bvar seed vault, is this tour. that we have been giving, getting to know different viewpoints and historical places in the city You can only do them by hiring a tour. If you come as tourists, you cannot leave the safe zone. We are going to call it that because, well, they are always being stalked. They are always with the possibility of being attacked by a bear. That is, it is quite minimal, but it is always there. The possibilities of it happening, that is, it could be that if out of nowhere a bear comes from the mountain and attacks me. So tourists can only go out to see these places through some operating mob through a tour because only They have the possibility of going out . of the safe zone as well as I mentioned at the beginning that only the locals who have a rifle can defend themselves and only then can the tourists leave the center of longer B come on look as part of the tour we arrived at what previously used to be one of the mines by At the very least, this one is no longer in operation. I'll tell you about all the ones that existed. None of them are in operation. Only one, the one you see here today, is just a museum. Right now when we come, it's closed. So we're not going to be able to visit it, but here we still are. On one side we find the wagons that were used for coal, the minerals that are currently nothing more than a decoration, today they no longer have minerals, they no longer have coal. They have now filled them with snow. Here I also show you the city church, which also Here to enter the church, as in most places in this city, you have to take off your shoes, but here there are several signs that tell you not to wear your shoes, please. You can also leave your coats in one section and your shoes in another and In fact, guys, I have never seen a church with a polar bear inside. Also, the centerpieces are made of fur. But I think it is made of seal . different pebbles while you are praying, each one goes by color and each pebble depending on the color means either a request or something you are thanking God for, yes, for example, I don't know if you can see here on this piece of paper what this pebble says. If I grab it, I have it and I put it in this little bottle, it's like a prayer board, it means that I'm thanking God for the love. Now if you grab this yellow one, for example, you come here, you also put it in this little bottle and well, It means that they are Thanking God for the light and the sun no I do look like a bear guys from a distance it scared me a little but do you think a bear looks like a polar bear look at it carefully I mean we recently saw a How They said it's called a caribu a caribu but we don't know is that or is it I tell you it seems like it but I mean it's not very far to be able to differentiate it or not It can't be good I think it's a caribu boy false alarm false alarm it's a bear not very thin legs thin legs Oh no, from what we are saved from, my God, in fact, guys, they were caribou So if you see them, don't be scared thinking that they are polar bears Because I did get scared I'll leave the information here because yes The truth is that if you don't see well and you forgot your glasses, you're going to be confused with a polar bear, what could that be? Central America El Salvador ah Caribbean yeah but call the rind Deer It's the same as Caribbean Oh another of the great questions that many people have when visiting it is balbar to learn about the northernmost city in the entire world What is the cost of living here How much does it cost to rent an average apartment, to give you an idea What are the average PR apartments like around here here behind me we have an apartment complex to find out the answer we interviewed a person who has been living here for more than 40 years and he says that he came to live with his parents in the Bvar archipelago since he was 4 years old. So we managed to interview him and here I leave it for you what he told us, let's give him How ising here Listen that You were living here many years Great the country is I don't know how to say but We have only Summer and Wi the po night so I mean I mean you don't get bored or Because Always Dark for meal no problem at all no problem no problem at all Dark season no problem Summer season with Sun All the day All the night no problem but I grew up with this Oh Yes years old First time coming up here so Yeah yeah so you you got Used To That I get Used To that but I have to say in my bedroom I have to have it totally Dark Yeah yeah and and the cost of Life here is it expensive or what you mean I mean eh for example How much it cost Uh to rent an apartment or to rent House It's expensive these prices like oslo we haven't Enough Uh apartment for people who want to live up here um if you get a Job Maybe the the the Company you get the job of having an apartment but If not you have to figure out to find apartment yourself and that is expensive I have a small apartment I will Tell you also later today a small apartment 45 Square meters Pay over 10,000 Norwegian That's 1000 Euro each month I was Reading that many foreign people come here so it is difficult for people to get an apartment it can be Because I mean It's not a big country It's just a small so Apartments and or rooms are very low I don't know how to say it but the thing is that an average income here What would It Be i earn good Money but Let me Say You have between 25 and 30,000 norwegian That's mean 2 and Half 3000 Euro each month do you think It's Enough for living That's Enough for living But then You have to pay apartment 10,000 yeah the Food is expensive up to Travel up and Well here we have a typical apartment complex around here we have some there In the background we have another one and as always we can see the curious parking lot of vehicles and here on the right we have the complete snowmobile parking lot already full of snowmobiles of all sizes of all styles of all designs of all brands really Curious, we have entered the Tonger Bayen supermarket, look, first impressions, it looks quite large, quite complete, I think it is even quite large for the number of residents it has, which is 2,500, it has all the essentials, but here we have the cereal section. Yes, we are going to Pay a little attention to the prices because being so remote, I imagine that the prices must be more expensive, for example, this one is 31 crowns with 90 and I would say that this is the cereal, perhaps the most typical cereal of all, a Corn Flakes that It has a cost of 43 crowns with 90 here doing the survey with Sofi since it has the same prices as almost all of Norway. They do not vary either because it is far away or because it is in the Pole, much could be little because I really do not remember exactly the price of the other things but but I think it was similar yes it doesn't vary much but I come and I repeat quite big this supermarket has almost 20 aisles of things that you can buy it seems really huge to me I repeat for the shoppers I feel that it is very big but at the same time I think it's excellent because they have a wide variety of things that you can choose from. Look, I found it curious that these mango juices cost 34 crowns and 90. They come here to have their Snapchat scanned. At least I noticed that here in Norway they use quite a lot. This social network in El Salvador may not be used much anymore, but be careful. Here, here is the entire yogurt and milk section, all of this would be the dairy section, up to here, the seed section like peanuts, and over here is the gummy section, all of this come here it is complete mm one grabs the bag here and I think that from there only the weights it is not necessary that the whole bag be the same but different from just one and there is a bag I don't know if you can see this bag that comes Here you grab it and then you can fill all the gummies you want, the same here even though we are in the northernmost city in the world, there is also the possibility that you can self-service. You have to be honest in putting everything in if you only put it in. here you your products here in this machine you pass it here and at the end here it gave you a total price of 97 crowns with 20 you give it here where it says pay and then you just put the card and that's it I feel like it was quite interesting fast and efficient Another fact that will surely impress you in the city of Longer Bayen, it is forbidden to be born and die, that is why I have brought you to the cemetery of the city that we have back there and you will be wondering Uncle Frank How so it is forbidden to die and it is forbidden to be born This is due to the permafrost which was what I told you was the layer of ice on the ground that never melts because it causes any virus to be preserved Regardless of the years that pass, when a person here in the city is likely to die, they are transferred to the continental part of the country and if they suddenly die here, the only option is to cremate them and put them in this cemetery that you see here, and this measure is in itself. It was taken by the fear that there was during the Spanish fever that affected a lot of Miners and there was a fear that by burying people here the virus would be preserved and it would not disappear, that is why since 1950 they have not buried people again. No one in the Longy Bayen cemetery, Uncle Fran, but you also said that it is forbidden to be born. How, then, I tell you that this is because when women give birth, there is always a small risk of losing their lives during pregnancies. That is why Before giving birth, all the women in the city are sent to the mainland of Norway approximately two or three weeks before giving birth to have the baby outside Longer Bayen. That seemed really curious to me that in the city most In the north of the world you can neither be born nor die But well guys, here we finish what could be one of the most epic videos on the entire channel getting to know the northernmost city in the entire world. Tell me here in the comments what you thought. It has been the most impressive thing that you have seen in this video so well this would be the last video of the tour that we were doing here in Norway for the people who have not seen the previous videos and want to see them here they will be getting a playlist or if not I'll be leaving it at the end so you can watch the entire series and not miss this whole journey that was really incredible. In addition to getting to know this incredible Nordic country I say goodbye guys don't forget to leave your like subscribe If you are new to the channel And as I always say, see you next time
Channel: Tío Frank
Views: 19,729
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Keywords: Svalbard, Svalbard Noruega, Noruega, longyearbyen, longyearbyen Svalbard, longyearbyen City Norway, Ciudad más al norte del mundo, Ciudad siempre es de noche, Ciudades curiosas del mundo, Video de Svalbard, Video de longyearbyen, longyearbyen Hotel, longyearbyen Tour, Svalbard Hotel, North Pole, Ramilla de aventura, Dana Lucia, Gabriel Herrera, Óscar Alejandro, Luisito Comunica, Araya Vlogs, Kaplex, Cecilia Blomdahl, Cecilia Blomdahl Svalbard, Deschavetados, Gordo Soyacity
Id: RwK2iLOCnX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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